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Cladus: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Magnoliophyta
Classis: Magnoliopsida
Ordo: Proteales
Familia: Platanaceae
Genus: Platanus
Species: P. chiapensis - †P. condonii - †P. exaspera - P. gentryi - P. × hispanica - P. kerrii - P. mexicana - P. oaxacana - P. occidentalis - P. orientalis - P. racemosa - P. rzedowskii - P. wrightii


Platanus Linnaeus


* Meyer Herbert W. & Manchester Steven R. (1997) "The Oligocene Bridge Creek flora of the John Day Formation, Oregon." University of California Publications in the Geological Sciences 141: 1-195

Vernacular name
Deutsch: Platanen
English: Plane tree, Sycamore (US)
日本語: スズカケノキ属
Türkçe: Çınar

Plants Images

Biology Encyclopedia

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