Fine Art

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Classis: Insecta
Cladus: Dicondylia
Subclassis: Pterygota
Cladus: Metapterygota
Infraclassis: Neoptera
Cladus: Eumetabola
Cladus: Endopterygota
Superordo: Panorpida
Cladus: Amphiesmenoptera
Ordo: Lepidoptera
Subordo: Glossata
Cladus: Coelolepida
Cladus: Myoglossata
Cladus: Neolepidoptera
Infraordo: Heteroneura
Cladus: Eulepidoptera
Cladus: Ditrysia
Cladus: Apoditrysia
Cladus: Obtectomera
Cladus: Macroheterocera
Superfamilia: Geometroidea

Familia: Geometridae
Subfamilia: Larentiinae
Tribus: Xanthorhoini
Genus: Xanthorhoe
Species (273): X. ablechra – X. abrasaria – X. abraxina – X. abyssinica – X. acutangulata – X. aemyla – X. agelasta – X. albiapicata – X. albodivisaria – X. alexandraria – X. alluaudi – X. alta – X. altaica – X. alticola – X. alticolata – X. altispex – X. altitudinum – X. amaura – X. amblychroa – X. anaspila – X. angularia – X. annotinata – X. ansorgei – X. aphanta – X. aphelias – X. apollosaria – X. argenteolineata – X. argentina – X. argocyma – X. argodesma – X. aridaria – X. asiatica – X. barnsi – X. belgarum – X. bifulvata – X. bigeminata – X. biriviata – X. borbonicata – X. borealis – X. brachytoma – X. braunsi – X. brevidens – X. brujata – X. bryopis – X. cadra – X. callirrhoda – X. callisthenes – X. calycopis – X. camelias – X. campbellensis – X. castanea – X. cataphracta – X. cedrinodes – X. centroneura – X. cerasina – X. chiloena – X. chionogramma – X. chlorocapna – X. cinnabari – X. citroena – X. clandestina – X. clarata – X. clarkeata – X. coeruleata – X. collumelloides – X. columella – X. conchata – X. conchulata – X. consors – X. corcularia – X. cuneosignata – X. curcumata – X. curcumoides – X. cyane – X. cybele – X. cyllene – X. cymozeucta – X. declarata – X. defensaria – X. deflorata – X. dentilinea – X. dentipostmediana – X. designata – X. discataria – X. disjunctaria – X. dissimilis – X. dissociata – X. divisata – X. dodata – X. edmondsii – X. elusa – X. emendata – X. emmelopis – X. epia – X. eugraphata – X. euthytoma – X. everetti – X. excelsissima – X. exorista – X. ferrugata – X. fidonaria – X. finitima – X. fissiferula – X. fluctuata – X. formosicola – X. frigida – X. frivola – X. fulvinotata – X. fumipennis – X. gata – X. gigantis – X. glaciata – X. greeni – X. griseiviridis – X. gynandrata – X. hampsoni – X. hedyphaes – X. heliacaria – X. helias – X. heliopharia – X. herbicolor – X. heteromorpha – X. holophaea – X. homalocyma – X. hortensiaria – X. hummeli – X. hyperctenista – X. hyperythra – X. hyphagna – X. icterica – X. ida – X. iduata – X. imperviata – X. inaequata – X. inconsiderata – X. incudina – X. incursata – X. insperata – X. interpositaria – X. interrufata – X. iolanthe – X. kamtshatica – X. labradorensis – X. lacustrata – X. latigrisea – X. latissima – X. loxocyma – X. lucasaria – X. lucidata – X. lucirivata – X. ludifica – X. luminosa – X. magnata – X. magnificata – X. majorata – X. malgassa – X. maoriaria – X. mecoterma – X. mediofascia – X. melissaria – X. mesilauensis – X. metoporina – X. mimica – X. mnesichola – X. modestaria – X. molata – X. monastica – X. montanata – X. morosa – X. munitata – X. napassa – X. nebulosa – X. nephelias – X. nephodes – X. nubilosa – X. nyassa – X. obarata – X. occulta – X. oculata – X. offensaria – X. olbia – X. oligepeles – X. olympusa – X. opertaria – X. ordinaria – X. orophylloides – X. oxyptera – X. packardata – X. pallida – X. panassa – X. pantoea – X. paramushira – X. pentodonta – X. percrassata – X. peribleta – X. periphaea – X. persimilis – X. perviridis – X. phiara – X. phyxelia – X. picticolor – X. plumbea – X. plutonia – X. polimela – X. politula – X. poseata – X. postpositaria – X. praepositaria – X. pratti – X. praxilla – X. procilla – X. procne – X. prymnaea – X. pseudognathos – X. purpureofascia – X. pyrrhobaphes – X. quadrifasiata – X. ramaria – X. reclivisata – X. rectantemediana – X. rectifasciaria – X. repentinata – X. rhodacris – X. rhodoides – X. rosearia – X. ruandana – X. rufivenata – X. rupicola – X. sajanaria – X. saturata – X. scarificata – X. semenovi – X. semilactescens – X. semisignata – X. simplicata – X. sodaliata – X. sordidata – X. spadicearia – X. spaldingaria – X. spatuluncus – X. stinaria – X. stricta – X. strumosata – X. stupida – X. subductata – X. subflava – X. subidaria – X. sublesta – X. submaculata – X. subobscurata – X. succerasina – X. tamsi – X. tauaria – X. tianschanica – X. transcissa – X. transjugata – X. transpositaria – X. tricolorata – X. trientata – X. tristis – X. trusa – X. tuta – X. ulingensis – X. umbrosa – X. vacillans – X. vacuaria – X. vana – X. venipunctata – X. veraria – X. vicissata – X. vidanoi – X. vinosa – X. vulgaris – X. wellsi – X. wiltshirei – X. xerodes – X. zenasaria

[source: Catalogue of Life: 2013 Annual Checklist

Check (9): X. bulbulata – X. dudkoi – X. lophogramma – X. orophyla – X. semifissata – X. muscicapata – X. okhotinaria – X. spatuluncis – X. uralensis

Xanthorhoe Hübner, 1825

Type species: Geometra montanata Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 by subsequent designation by Warren, 1893

Ochyria Hübner, 1825


Beljaev, E.A. & S.V. Vasilenko 2002: An annotated checklist of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from the Kamchatka Peninsula and adjacent islands. Entomologica Fennica 13 (4): 195–235. Abstract: [1].
Choi, S.-W., 2002: Taxonomic review of the Korean Xanthorhoini (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Insecta Koreana 19 (3/4): 213–231.
Herbulot, C. 2002. Huit nouveauv Geometridae d'Amerique du sud, d'Afrique Centrale et Oriëntale et d'Asie du Sud-Est (Lepidoptera). Lambillionea 102(4): 451–458 Reference page.
Karisch, T. 2016. Eine neue Xanthorhoe-Art vom Kivu (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae). Lambillionea 116(1): 77–79. Reference page.
Vasilenko, V.S. 2009: Xanthorhoe dudkoi sp. n., a new species of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from the high mountains of southeastern Altai. Entomological review, 89(1): 120–122. DOI: 10.1134/S0013873809010187
Viidalepp, J. 2011: A morphological review of tribes in Larentiinae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Zootaxa, 3136: 1–44. Preview

Xanthorhoe is a genus of moths of the family Geometridae described by Jacob Hübner in 1825.
Selected species

Xanthorhoe ablechra D. S. Fletcher, 1958
Xanthorhoe abrasaria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1856)
Xanthorhoe abyssinica Herbulot, 1983
Xanthorhoe albodivisaria (Aurivillius, 1910)
Xanthorhoe algidata (Möschler, 1874) (syn: Xanthorhoe dodata Cassino and Swett 1920)
Xanthorhoe alluaudi (Prout, 1932)
Xanthorhoe alta Debauche, 1937
Xanthorhoe alticola (Aurivillius, 1925)
Xanthorhoe alticolata Barnes & McDunnough, 1916
Xanthorhoe altispex (L. B. Prout, 1921)
Xanthorhoe anaspila Meyrick, 1891
Xanthorhoe annotinata (Zetterstedt, 1839)
Xanthorhoe ansorgei (Warren, 1899)
Xanthorhoe argenteolineata (Aurivillius, 1910)
Xanthorhoe baffinensis (Mcdunnough)
Xanthorhoe barnsi (L. B. Prout, 1921)
Xanthorhoe belgarum Herbulot, 1981
Xanthorhoe biriviata (Borkhausen, 1794)
Xanthorhoe borbonicata (Guenée, 1858)
Xanthorhoe brachytoma Prout, 1933
Xanthorhoe braunsi Janse, 1933
Xanthorhoe bulbulata Guenée, 1868
Xanthorhoe cadra (Debauche, 1937)
Xanthorhoe callirrhoda D. S. Fletcher, 1958
Xanthorhoe calycopsis Prout, 1933
Xanthorhoe columelloides Barnes & McDunnough, 1913
Xanthorhoe conchata Warren, 1898
Xanthorhoe conchulata (L. B. Prout, 1921)
Xanthorhoe consors (Prout, 1935)
Xanthorhoe cuneosignata Debauche, 1937
Xanthorhoe curcumata (Moore, 1888)
Xanthorhoe cybele Prout, 1931
Xanthorhoe decoloraria (Esper, 1806)
Xanthorhoe defensaria (Guenée in Boisduval & Guenée, 1858)
Xanthorhoe designata (Hufnagel, 1767)
Xanthorhoe dissociata (Walker, 1863)
Xanthorhoe eugraphata (de Joannis, 1915)
Xanthorhoe euthytoma Prout, 1926
Xanthorhoe excelsissima Herbulot, 1977
Xanthorhoe exorista Prout, 1922
Xanthorhoe ferrugata (Clerck, 1759)
Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Xanthorhoe fossaria Taylor, 1906
Xanthorhoe frigida Howes, 1946
Xanthorhoe heliopharia (C. Swinhoe, 1904)
Xanthorhoe heteromorpha (Hampson, 1909)
Xanthorhoe holophaea (Hampson, 1899)
Xanthorhoe iduata (Guenée)
Xanthorhoe incudina Herbulot, 1981
Xanthorhoe incursata (Hübner, 1813)
Xanthorhoe labradorensis (Packard)
Xanthorhoe lacustrata (Guenée)
Xanthorhoe latigrisea (Warren, 1897)
Xanthorhoe latissima L. B. Prout, 1921
Xanthorhoe lophogramma Meyrick, 1897
Xanthorhoe magnata Herbulot, 1957
Xanthorhoe malgassa Herbulot, 1954
Xanthorhoe macdunnoughi Swett, 1918
Xanthorhoe mediofascia (Wileman, 1915)
Xanthorhoe melissaria (Guenée, 1858)
Xanthorhoe mimica Janse, 1933
Xanthorhoe mirabilata (Grote, 1883)
Xanthorhoe molata Felder, 1875
Xanthorhoe montanata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Xanthorhoe morosa Prout, 1933
Xanthorhoe munitata (Hübner)
Xanthorhoe oculata D. S. Fletcher, 1958
Xanthorhoe orophyla (Meyrick, 1883)
Xanthorhoe oxybiata Millière,1872
Xanthorhoe peripleta (Brandt, 1941)
Xanthorhoe phiara (L. B. Prout, 1921)
Xanthorhoe phyxelia Prout, 1933
Xanthorhoe pontiaria Taylor, 1906
Xanthorhoe poseata (Geyer, 1837)
Xanthorhoe procne (Fawcett, 1916)
Xanthorhoe pseudognathus Herbulot, 1981
Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata (Clerck, 1759)
Xanthorhoe ramaria (Swett and Casino)
Xanthorhoe rhodoides (Brandt, 1941)
Xanthorhoe ruandana (Debauche, 1938)
Xanthorhoe rudnicki Karisch & Hoppe, 2011
Xanthorhoe rufivenata D. S. Fletcher, 1958
Xanthorhoe saturata (Guenée, 1857)
Xanthorhoe scarificata Prout, 1932
Xanthorhoe semifissata Walker, 1862
Xanthorhoe spadicearia (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Xanthorhoe spatuluncis Wiltshire, 1982
Xanthorhoe sublesta (Prout, 1932)
Xanthorhoe submaculata (Warren, 1902)
Xanthorhoe taiwana (Wileman, 1914)
Xanthorhoe tamsi D. S. Fletcher, 1963
Xanthorhoe transcissa (Warren, 1902)
Xanthorhoe transjugata Prout, 1923
Xanthorhoe trientata (Warren, 1901)
Xanthorhoe tuta Herbulot, 1981
Xanthorhoe vacillans Herbulot, 1954
Xanthorhoe vana (Prout, 1926)
Xanthorhoe vidanoi Parenzan & Hausmann, 1994
Xanthorhoe wellsi (Prout, 1928)
Xanthorhoe wiltshirei (Brandt, 1941)

External links
"Xanthorhoe Hübner, 1825". Fauna Europaea. Retrieved May 15, 2019.
De Prins, J. & De Prins, W. (2017). "Xanthorhoe Hübner, 1825". Afromoths. Retrieved March 24, 2018.

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