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Aaptoryctes, 96, 96f
aardvarks, 10t, 35, 198, 211–212, 285
aardwolf, 35
Abderitidae, 74t
Abdounodus, 217–218
abducent nerve, 24
Absarokius, 188–189
Abuqatrania, 194
accessory nasal organ, 26
accessory nerve, 26
acetabulum, 33, 36f
Achaenodon, 290–291, 296
Acidomomys, 176, 177
Acotherulum, 298f
acoustic meatus, internal, 25–26
Acreodi, 274–275
Acritoparamys, 319, 321–322
Acrobates, 175
acromion process, 32, 32f
Acropithecus, 232
Adapidae, 166t, 182, 185–186
Adapidium, 113
Adapiformes, 179
Adapinae, 182
Adapis, 168f, 180, 184f, 185–186
Adapis parisiensis, 182
Adapisorex, 145
Adapisoricidae, 140t, 145
Adapisoriculidae, 140t, 144, 144f, 197, 338, 342
Adapisoriculus, 144
adapoid primate, Plate 6
Adapoidea, 166, 166t, 167f, 168f, 172f–173f, 178–179,
179–186, 181f–184f, 191, 192, 339, 343,
Plate 6
Adapoides, 186
adaptations, skeletal, 34–40, 39f
Adelobasileus, 9t, 49t, 50–51, 51f
Adianthidae, 213t, 227f, 233, 235, 235f
Adiantoides, 235, 235f
Adunator, 145–146, 342
Aegialodon, 67f, 69–70, 78f
Aegialodontia, 9t, 49t, 69–70
Aegialodontidae, 49t, 51f
Aegyptopithecus, 194, 196–197, 196f
Aeluroidea, 126
Aenigmadelphys, 77
Aetiocetidae, 273t, 284
Aetiocetus, 284
Aframonius, 185
Afredentata, 203
Africa, 52, 56, 58, 62, 64, 65, 79, 80
adapids, 186
adapisoriculids, 144
adapoids, 185
altungulates, 345
Anagalida, 346
anomaluromorphs, 347
anthracotheres, 293
Africa (continued)
anthropoids, 192, 195f, 196
and Arabian Peninsula, faunal exchange
between, 340
archaic ungulates, 344
Archonta, 343
Artiodactyla, 346
carnivorans, 342
chiropterans, 159, 161
cimolestids, 96
Early Cenozoic mammal record for, 336–337
elephant shrews, 311, 312
embrithopods, 265
equids, 247
erinaceomorphs, 146
euprimates, 179
hedgehogs, 147
hyaenodontids, 123
hyopsodontids, 222
hyracoids, 257, 260
lorisoids, 186
mammalian dispersal to/from, 20
mioclaenid, 219
notharctids, 183
omomyids, 188
paleogeography, 18, 19f
pangolins, 204
pantolestids, 100
plesiadapiforms, 178
primates, 166, 169
proboscideans, 260, 263
rhinocerotoids, 255
tayassuids, 296
tribosphenic mammals, 68
tribotheres, 70
ungulates, 211
xenarthrans, 198
Afrodon, 144, 144f
Afrosoricida, 143
Afrotarsius, 166t, 192
Afrotheria, 8, 12f, 139f, 143, 199, 211–212, 212f,
223–225, 242, 311, 312, 336, 342–344, 346
Ageina, 159
Ages. See also land-mammal ages
standard, 10, 11, 13f, 14f, 15
Agnotocastor, 328
Agoutidae, 307t
agoutis, 318
Agriochoeridae, 286f, 289t, 300
Agriochoerus, 299f, 300
Ailuravinae, 321
Ailuravus, 320f, 321, 324f, 326
Ailuridae, 120f
Aksyiromys, 330
Alabama, 337
Alag Tsab (Mongolia), 132
Alagomyidae, 307t, 308f, 317, 319, 321, 347
Alagomys, 319–320, 321f
Alberta, Canada, 108, 164, 337
Albertatherium, 79f
Albertogaudrya, 236
Albian Age, 13f, 74, 76, 89
Alcidedorbignya, 110f, 114–115, 115f
Aleutian area, 18
Algeria, 192, 259, 260, 262, 312
Algeripithecus, 192, 195f
alisphenoid, 24, 25f, 57, 73, 81, 84, 85
archaeocete, 281f
elephant shrew, 311
leptictidan, 142f
lipotyphlan, 143
sirenian, 269f
Allodontidae, 57f, 58
Allomyidae, 307t, 326
Allotheria, 9t, 49t, 51
Allqokirus, 85
ALMA. See Asian Land Mammal Ages
Alocodontulum, 36f, 207
Alostera, 89f, 213, 214
Alouatta, 197
Alphadelphia, 73, 75f, 78
Alphadon, 77–78, 78f, 79f
Altanius, 166t, 167f, 179, 180f, 339
alternating carpus. See carpus, alternating
Altiatlasius, 166t, 167f, 170f, 178, 179, 180f, 192,
336, 343
altricial young, 61, 73, 92
Altungulata, 10t, 22, 213t, 224–225, 241–270,
242t, 344, 345
alveoli ( jaw), 27
Alveugena, 105, 107f, 109, 110f
Amaramnis, 101
amastoidy, 291, 293, 297
artiodactyl, 285, 289
Cetacea, 276
Ambloctoninae, 122
Ambloctonus, 122
Amblypoda, 114, 240
Ambondro, 51f, 67, 67f, 68
Ambulocetidae, 272f, 273t, 278–285
Ambulocetus, 280–282, 282f, 284, Plate 8.1
ambush predation, 282
Ameghino, Florentino, 202, 230, 232, 237
ameloblasts, 319
Amelotabes, 206, 207, 208f
Ameridelphia, 9t, 73–74, 74t, 75f, 79–86
Amilnedwardsia, 213t, 234
Amphechinus, 147
amphibious mammals, 236, 262, 269, 280, 282,
Amphicynodon, 135, 136f
Amphicyonidae, 120f, 121t, 126, 135–136, 136f,
137f, 342
Amphidontidae, 49t, 64
Amphidozotherium, 150, 150f
Amphilemuridae, 140t, 145, 146
Amphilestes, 62
Amphilestidae, 49t, 61–63
Amphimerycidae, 286f, 289t, 300, 303, 346
Amphimeryx, 303
Amphiperatherium, 80f, 81
Amphipithecidae, 166t, 193
Amphipithecinae, 185
Amphipithecus, 185, 193, 193f
Amphirhagatherium, 292
Amphitheriida, 9t, 49t
Amphitheriidae, 49t, 64
Amphitherium, 51f, 64–65, 65f
Amynodontidae, 242t, 255
Anacodon, 36f, 216, 220
Anagale, 139f, 309, 309f, 346
Anagalida, 4, 9t, 22, 113, 114, 216, 306–334, 307t,
308f, 339, 346–347
primitive Asian, 307–310
Anagalidae, 9t, 306, 307t, 308f, 309, 309f,
Bayesian, 7
maximum likelihood, 7
supertree, 7
total evidence, 7
anapophysis, 30, 31
Anaptomorphinae, 188–189, 191
Anasazia, 171
Ancalecetus, 284
Anchilestes, 113
Anchilophidae, 242t
Anchilophus, 248, 249
Anchistodelphys, 77, 78f
Anchomomys, 180, 183f, 185
Ancylopoda, 242t, 244, 245–246, 246f, 255–257,
Andinodelphys, 75f, 85
Andrewsarchus, 212f, 217, 219f, 274, 275, 286f
Anemorhysis, 189
Angelocabrerus, 85, 86f
angiosperms, 21, 340
angular (bone), 25f, 42f, 45f, 47f
Anhui Province (China), 339
Anisolambda, 234, 235f
Anisolambdidae, 233
Anisolambdinae, 234–235
Ankalagon, 274, 275
Ankylodon, 145f
Anomaluridae, 307t, 331–332, 332f
Anomaluroidea, 307t
Anomaluromorpha, 307t, 308f, 331–332, 347
Anoplotheriidae, 289t, 297–298, 298f
Anoplotherioidea, 289t, 297–298, 346
Anoplotherium, 297–298
Antarctica, 20, 83, 236, 341. See also La Meseta
carnivorans, 126
Early Cenozoic mammal record for, 336–337
glaciation, 20
gondwanatheres, 70–71
marsupials, 83, 87
paleogeography, 18–20, 19f
polydolopoids, 83
xenarthrans, 202, 343
anteater(s), 9t, 35, 198, 200–204, 343, Plate 7.1.
See also Vermilingua
scaly. See Pholidota
ant-eating. See myrmecophagy
antebrachium, dermopteran, 163
antecrochet, 227–228, 231
antelope, 10t, 285
antemolar teeth, 26–27
anterior lacerate foramen, 24
anteroconid, 316
Anthracobune, 261
Anthracobunidae, 8f, 242t, 243, 261–262, 261f,
262f, 265, 339, 345
Anthracobunodon, 292–293, 292f, Plate 8.4
anthracotheres. See Anthracotheriidae
Anthracotheriidae, 273, 274, 286f, 289t, 293–294,
336, 338–340, 345–346
Anthracotherioidea, 289t, 291, 293, 294
Anthropoidea, 166, 166t, 167f, 179, 185, 186,
191–192, 192–197, 339, 340, 343
earliest North African, 192
early Asian, 192–194
Fayum, 194–197
anticlinal vertebra, 31
Antidorcas, 260
Antilocapridae, 289t
Antilohyrax, 260
antlers, 285, 303
Apataelurus, 122, 123f
Apatemyidae, 10t, 95t, 103–105, 138, Plate 3.1,
Plate 3.2
Apatemys, 104, 104f, Plate 3.2
Apatotheria, 10t, 22, 94, 95t, 103–105, 104f, 341
apes, 10t, 36, 166
apheliscines, 222, 344, 346
Apheliscus, 222–223, 312, 312f
Aphronorus, 100f, 101
Apidium, 195f, 196
Aplodontidae, 307t, 317, 320, 326
Aplodontoidea, 307t, 322, 322f, 326, 347
apomorphic, definition of, 6
appendicular skeleton, definition of, 30
Apternodontidae, 140t, 147, 151–153, 342
Apternodus, 152–153, 152f, 153f
Aptian Age, 13f, 89
aquatic adaptations, 39f, 40, 101, 271, 275, 276,
279, 283, 284, 346
Aquilan Age, 77
cercamoniines, 185
notharctids, 183
Arabian Peninsula, and Africa, faunal exchange
between, 340
Arapahovius, 188
arboreal mammals, 37f, 58, 60, 65, 74, 79, 81, 85,
86, 89, 100, 101, 121, 126, 131, 163, 164,
166–167, 169–171, 177, 179, 180, 183,
186, 188, 191, 192, 194, 196–197, 201,
204, 215, 216, 327, 339–341
skeletal adaptations, 32f, 37f, 39, 39f
400 Index
Archaeoceti, 272f, 273t, 275, 278–284, 278f, 279f,
281f, 282f, 336, 339, 345–346, Plate 8.1,
Plate 8.2
Archaeohyracidae, 213t, 228f, 233
Archaeohyrax, 230
Archaeolambda, 117
archaeolambdids, 339
Archaeomeryx, 303, 305f
Archaeonycteridae, 158t
Archaeonycteris, 159–161, 160f, Plate 5.2
Archaeopithecidae, 213t, 228f, 231–232
Archaeopithecus, 230, 232
Archaeopteropus, 158t, 162
Archaeoryctes, 97
Archaeotherium, 295–296, 295f
Archimetatheria, 78
Archonta, 10t, 22, 156–197, 157f, 158t. See also
bat(s); Dermoptera; Primates; tree
Paleocene-Eocene, synopsis, 343
archosaurs, 2, 44
Arcius, 176
Arctic Canada. See Ellesmere Island
Arcticanodon, 209
Arctictis, 32f, 33f, 36f, 101
Arctocyon, 215, 216, 216f
Arctocyonia, 113, 215, 238, 337, 338
Arctocyonidae, 113, 114, 120, 212f, 213t, 214,
214f, 215–217, 216f–218f, 240, 245f, 272f,
275, 286f, 287, 288f, 341, 344–346, Plate 6,
Plate 7.2
Arctodontomys, 178
Arctoidea, 120f, 121t, 126, 133, 135, 136f, 342
Arctostylopida, 10t, 213t, 225–226, 225f
Arctostylopidae, 18, 22, 225–226, 229–230, 337,
339, 344–345
Arctostylops, 226
Ardynictis, 97, 98f
Ardynomys, 323, 325f
Arenahippus, 247
Arfia, 125
Argentina, 16, 64, 65, 68, 69, 71, 84, 86, 199, 201,
222, 230, 234, 236, 269, 336, 340. See also
Arginbaatar, 57f, 58
Arginbaataridae, 57f
Arguimuridae, 49t, 66
Arguimus, 65f, 66
Arguitheriidae, 49t, 66
Arguitherium, 66
Argyrolagidae, 9t, 74t, 75f
Argyrolagoidea, 74t, 81–84, 341
Arkansas, 337
armadillos, 9t, 35, 40, 71, 198, 200, 201, 343. See
also Dasypodidae
Arminiheringia, 85, 86f
Armintomyidae, 307t, 329f
Armintomys, 330, 331, 347
Arshantan ALMA, 14f, 17
Arsinoea, 194
Arsinoitheres. See Arsinoitheriidae
Arsinoitheriidae, 22, 211–212, 242t, 265, 336
Arsinoitherium, 237, 262, 265–266, 266f, 267f
external carotid, 128–129
internal carotid, 24, 26, 79, 96, 128–129, 134,
169, 171, 174–176, 178, 180, 188, 194
stapedial, 303, 328
vertebral, 30, 301
articular (bone), 42f, 44, 45f–47f, 52
Artiocetus, 273, 283, 283f
Artiodactyla, 7, 8, 10t, 11f, 12, 22, 36, 178,
211–212, 212f, 213t, 214–217, 222, 241,
260, 262, 271–274, 272f, 285–305, 286f,
289t, 298f, 337–339, 344, 345–346,
Plate 6, Plate 8.3, Plate 8.4
Asfaltomylos, 68
Asia, 52, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 74, 79, 80, 271, 342
adapids, 186
amphipithecids, 193
Anagalida, 306, 309, 346
anthracotheres, 293
anthropoids, 192–194, 193f
apternodontids, 152
archaic ungulates, 344–345
arctocyonids, 216
arctostylopids, 225, 225f, 226
Artiodactyla, 346
artiodactyls, 288
brontotheres, 250, 252
carpolestids, 172
chalicotheres, 257
chiropterans, 159, 161, 162
cimolestans, 341
cimolestids, 96
coryphodontids, 118
dermopterans, 163
didymoconids, 97
embrithopods, 265
entelodonts, 295
equids, 247, 248
Erinaceidae, 342
erinaceids, 146
euprimates, 178, 179
and Europe, faunal exchange between, 338
eutherians, 89, 90, 90f, 92
feliforms, 132
Glires, 313
hedgehogs, 147
helohyids, 290
heterosoricines, 153–154
hyaenodontids, 123, 125
hyopsodontids, 222
hyracoids, 257
lagomorphs, 314, 347
leptomerycids, 303
mammals, 338–340
mesonychians, 274, 275
metatherians, 340–341
miacoids, 130
micropternodontids, 150
mimotonids, 315
and North America, faunal exchange between,
337, 339, 340
notharctids, 183
nyctitheres, 149
omomyids, 188, 190
oxyaenids, 122
palaeanodonts, 207
palaeotheres, 248
pangolins, 204
pantodonts, 114, 117, 118
pantolestids, 100
paroxyclaenids, 101
periptychids, 219
phenacodontids, 223
pholidotan, 205
plesiosoricids, 153
primates, 166, 169, 188
proboscideans, 260
rhinocerotoids, 255
rodents, 319, 321, 324f, 326, 328
Scandentia, 343
Sciuravidae, 347
shrews, 154
sivaladapids, 186
soricomorphs, 148
suids, 297
tillodonts, 110, 113, 118
trogosines, 113
uintatheres, 238
ursids, 135
xenarthrans, 198
zhelestids, 213
Asiabradypus, 202
Asiadelphia, 9t, 72, 74t, 76, 340
Asian Land Mammal Ages, 11, 14f, 17
Asiatherium, 72, 75f, 76, 77f
Asiavorator, 132, 133f
Asiomomys, 190
Asioplesiadapis, 172, 339
Asioryctes, 90, 92f, 95
Asioryctitheria, 9t, 11f, 89f, 90, 95, 140
Asiostylops, 226
Asmithwoodwardia, 221, 227f, 233–234, 234f
Aspanlestes, 213, 213f, 214
Astigale, 215
astragalar canal, 45
astragalar foramen, 53
astragalus (pl. astragali), 30f, 33, 34, 37f, 38f, 75f,
308, 312
adapoid, 168f
alagomyid, 320
anoplothere, 298
archaeocete, 273, 283f
archontan, 159f
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 283f, 285, 287f
astrapothere, 233f, 236
Bunophorus, 38f, 283f
Chriacus, 38f, 218f
cimolestid, 98f
condylarth, 223f
Dasypus, 38f
Deccanolestes, 159f
didolodontid, 233f
double-pulley (trochleated), 273, 285, 290
euprimate, 168f
eutherian, 90, 92
glyptodont, 202
hyaenodontid, 126
hyopsodontid, 223, 223f
hypertragulid, 303
hyracoid, 260
Hyracotherium, 38f, 246f
ischyromyid, 325f
litoptern, 233f, 234
Manis, 38f
mesonychian, 274, 277f, 283f
miacid, 131, 131f
mimotonid, 315
notoungulate, 228, 233f
omomyid, 168f
oreodont, 300
oxyaenid, 121
Palaeanodon, 38f
palaeoryctid, 97
pangolin, 204
pecoran, 303
periptychid, 220
perissodactyl, 244, 246f
phenacodontid, 224
Phenacodus, 38f, 246f
pholidotan, 205
plesiadapiform, 168f
proboscidean, 260
Procerberus, 98f
Protungulatum, 98f
pseudictopid, 310
rodent, 325f
uintathere, 240
ungulate, 98f, 211
viverravid, 131, 131f
xenarthran, 201
Astraponotus, 235
astrapotheres. See Astrapotheria
Astrapotheria, 10t, 22, 213t, 215, 226, 235–236,
236f, 337, 344
Astrapotheriidae, 213t, 233f, 236
Astrapotherium, 235, 236
atlas (vertebra C1), 30, 30f, 31f, 53, 270
auditory bulla, 24, 73, 85, 96, 121, 203, 309
adapoid, 180
amphicyonid, 135
anthropoid, 194
apternodont, 152
archaeocete, 280
canid, 134
caniform, 133
carnivoran, 128–129, 129f, 132
Index 401
auditory bulla (continued)
cetacean, 277
chiropteran, 158
creodont, 121
cylindrodontid, 323
dermopteran, 163
didymoconid, 97
elephant shrew, 311
Ernanodon, 210
euprimate, 179
feliform, 132
lagomorph, 313
leptictidan, 140, 141
lipotyphlan, 143
marsupial, 73, 81, 85
microsyopid, 178
nimravid, 133
notoungulate, 228
omomyid, 188
oromerycid, 301
palaeoryctid, 96
paromomyid, 176
peccary, 297
pentacodontid, 101
phenacodontid, 223
plagiomenid, 164
plesiadapid, 171
protoceratid, 302
rodent, 321
sciuravid, 322
squirrel, 328
talpid, 154–155
ungulate, 211
xiphodont, 301
auditory region (of basicranium), 24
auditory (eustachian) tube, 26, 259
Aumelasia, 290, Plate 8.3
Auroratherium, 207
Ausktribosphenida, 9t, 49t
Ausktribosphenidae, 51f
Ausktribosphenos, 67–68, 67f
Australia, 4, 68, 341
carnivorans, 126
chiropterans, 159, 343
Early Cenozoic mammal record for, 336–337
mammalian dispersal to, 20
marsupials, 9t, 72–74, 79, 85–87, 86f, 341
monotremes, 68–69
paleogeography, 18, 19f
Tingamarra, 86f, 87, 225
Australidelphia, 9t, 73, 74, 74t, 75f, 78, 85, 86–87
Australonycteris, 158t, 159
Australosphenida, 9t, 49t, 67–69, 67f, 70
Austria, 338
Austrotriconodontidae, 49t, 61, 62
Autoceta, 273t, 275
Avenius, 178
Avitotherium, 89f, 213, 214
Axel Heiberg Island, 164, 337
axial skeleton, definition of, 30
axis (vertebra C2), 30, 30f, 31f
morganucodont, 53
pantolestan, 101
tritylodontid, 45
aye-aye, 341. See also Daubentonia
Azibiidae, 169, 178
Azibius, 178
Azygonyx, 111–113
Bachitheriidae, 289t, 304
Bachitherium, 304
baculum, 33
badgers, 9t, 40, 144
Bahinia, 193, 193f
Baioconodon, 212f, 214, 216–217
Baja California, 337
Balaenidae, 273t, 284–285
balaenids, 278
Balaenoptera, 1
Balaenopteridae, 273t, 278, 284–285
balance, organs of, 24, 26
baleen, 35, 276–277, 279f, 284, 285
baleen whales. See Mysticeti
Balochistan, 186
Baluchitherium, 248f, 255
bandicoots, 9t
Banyuesminthus, 330
Barrancan subage, 17
Bartonian Stage/Age, 13f, 14f, 20, 338
Barunlestes, 90–92, 307
Barylambda, 116, 116f–118f, 117
Barylambdidae, 95t, 110f, 116, 116f–118f
barytheres. See Barytheriidae
Barytheriidae, 8f, 242t, 260–261, 265
Barytherium, 261f, 265
Basalina, 110
base-pairs, 7
basicranium, 24–26. See also auditory region (of
basicranium); foramen/foramina
air sinuses, archaeocete, 284
archaeocete, 280
carnivoran, 119, 127, 129
creodont, 119
dichobunid, 289
fossil whale, 273
paromomyid, 176
plagiomenid, 164
plesiadapiform, 178
protoceratid, 302
Basilosauridae, 272f, 273t, 278–285, 282f, 284,
Basilosaurinae, 272f, 284
Basilosaurus, 282f, 284
basioccipital, 24, 25f
basisphenoid, 24, 25f
anagalid, 310f
lipotyphlan, 143
bat(s), 6, 22, 159–162, 175, 343, Plate 5.1–Plate 5.4.
See also Chiroptera
dentition, 35, 157–159, 160f
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339
of Australia, 337
of North America, 337
of Southern Hemisphere, 336–337
molossid, 162
natalid, 162
nectivorous, 36
niche partitioning by, 161, 162f
phylogeny and classification, 8, 10t
primitive, 160f
skeletal adaptations, 39
vespertilionid, 162
Bathonian Age, 56
Bathyergidae, 334, 347
Bathyopsis, 238, 239
Batodon, 89f, 140t, 148, 149f, 342
Batodonoides, 29f, 149, 149f
Bayan Ulan (Mongolia), 339
Bayesian analysis, 7
bear-dogs. See Amphicyonidae
bears, 35, 39. See also Ursidae
beavers, 9t, 40, 101, 318, 320, 328
Belgium, 338. See also Dormaal
Bemalambda, 114, 115f, 118f
Bemalambdidae, 95t, 110f, 114–115, 115f, 339
Benaius, 110, 113
Bering land bridge, 18, 19f
Beringia, 18, 342. See also Bering land bridge
Berruvius, 170f, 178
Betulaceae, 21
bicipital tuberosity, 33
Bighorn Basin (Wyoming), 16, 59, 189, 191f, 222,
Plate 3.3, Plate 6
bilophodonty/bilophodont dentition, 36, 69, 107,
237–238, 241, 242, 253, 254, 262–266,
270, 291, 297, 322
binturong, 101
biochronology, of Early Cenozoic, 8, 10–12, 13f,
14f, 15–17
biochrons, 16
bipedalism, 142, 142f, 257
Bishops, 68
Bisonalveus, 101
blowhole, cetacean, 276
blubber, 276
Bobolestes, 148
bolide impact, 4–5, 21, 340
Bolivia, 202, 227f, 336. See also Tiupampa
Bolodon, 57f
Bonapartheriidae, 74t, 83
Bonapartherium, 83
bone(s), 41–42
articular ends, 23
growth, 23
of skull, 24. See also skull; specific bone
Boreastylops, 229
Boreoeutheria, 8
Boreosphenida, 9t, 49t, 51f, 67f, 68, 69–70
Borhyaenidae, 9t, 74, 74t, 85
Borhyaenoidea, 75f, 78–79, 84–86, 86f
borophagines, 135
Bothriodon, 293, 294f
Bothriostylops, 226
Bouxwiller (France), 338
Bovidae, 289t
Bovoidea, 289t
Brachianodon, 206
brachium, dermopteran, 163
brachydonty/brachydont dentition, 27, 29f, 35,
36, 71, 83, 92, 231, 234, 289, 294, 297,
300, 301, 322, 325
Brachyhyops, 295–296, 295f
Bradypodidae, 199t
Bradypus, 202
brain, 41, 49. See also encephalization quotient
anthropoid, 194, 197
archaeocete, 279
carnivoran, 121, 129
Coryphodon, 118
creodont, 121
euprimate, 179
mesonychian, 275
miacoid, 129
multituberculate, 61
notoungulate, 229
braincase, 24, 49
bemalambdid, 114
carnivoran, 129
entelodont, 295
euprimate, 167
monotreme, 57
multituberculate, 57
peccary, 297
Bransatoglis, 329
Brasilitherium, 46
Brasilodon, 46
Brazil, 221, 236, 336
xenarthrans, 201
Bridger Formation, 321
Bridgerian NALMA, 14f, 111, 112f, 122, 125, 126,
129, 152, 178, 206, 207, 223, 252, 326
Bridgerian/Uintan boundary, 14f, 16
Brontops, 251, 252f
Brontotheriidae, 242t, 244–246, 248f, 249f, 250,
250f, 251–252, 251f, 252f, 257, 339, 345
Brontotheriinae, 250
Brontotherioidea, 242t, 246f
Brontotherium, 235, 251f
browsing mammals, 116, 244, 247, 250, 255, 256,
260, 300, 301, 303
Bryanpattersonia, 230, 233f
buccal, definition of, 27
Bug Creek (Montana), 214
Buginbaatar, 57f
Bugti Hills (Balochistan), 186
Bugtilemur, 186–187, 187f
Bulganbaatar, 58
Bulgaria, 338
402 Index
Bumbanian ALMA, 14f, 244, 257, 333, 339, 347
bumblebee bat, 1, 153
bunodonty/bunodont dentition, 28, 29f, 35–36,
69, 79, 83, 105, 135, 144–146, 155, 158,
164, 167, 171, 174, 176, 183–185, 192,
194, 196, 211, 214, 215, 217, 220, 222,
223, 225, 235–237, 250, 259, 260, 264,
286, 288–291, 292f, 293, 296, 297, 310,
311, 311f, 346
Bunohyrax, 259f, 260
bunolophodonty, 233, 252, 260, 262, 264, 291, 326
Bunomeryx, 286f, 289
Bunophorus, 38f, 283f, 289
bunoselenodonty/bunoselenodont dentition,
29f, 83, 250, 260, 288, 292–294, 297, 300,
Burma. See Myanmar
Bustylus, 144, 144f
Butler, Percy, 145
Butselia, 153
Buxolestes, 101, 102f
Cadurcodon, 255
Caenolambda, 116f
Caenolestes, 81
Caenolestidae, 74, 74t, 81, 81f
Caenolestoidea, 75f, 83–84
Caenopithecus, 185
Cainotheriidae, 286f, 289t, 297, 298f, 299, 346
Cainotherium, 305f
Calcaires de Rona (Romania), 338
calcaneal canal, mimotonid, 315
calcaneal tuber, eutherian, 90
calcaneofibular articulation, pseudictopid, 310
calcaneus, 30f, 33, 34, 37f, 75f
archaeocete, 273, 283f
archontan, 159f
artiodactyl, 283f, 287f
astrapothere, 233f, 236
cimolestid, 98f
Deccanolestes, 159f
didolodontid, 233f
eosimiid, 193
fossil whale, 273
hyopsodontid, 223
ischyromyid, 325f
lipotyphlan, 143
litoptern, 233f
mesonychian, 277f, 283f
miacid, 131, 131f
miacoid, 130
mimotonid, 315
notoungulate, 233f
palaeoryctid, 97
periptychid, 220
perissodactyl, 244, 245f, 246f
Procerberus, 98f
Protungulatum, 98f
pseudictopid, 310
ungulate, 98f
calcar, chiropteran, 157
California, 337
Callistoe, 85, 86f
Camelidae, 10t, 12f, 272f, 285, 286–287, 286f, 289t,
301, 302
Cameloidea, 289t
camels. See Camelidae
Campanian Age, 13f, 77, 90, 92
Campanorcidae, 213t, 231
Early Cenozoic mammal record for, 337
Saxonella, 173
cane rats, 334
canid(s). See Canidae
Canidae, 120f, 121t, 126, 131, 133, 134–135,
Caniformia, 127, 133–137, 342
classification, 120f, 121t, 126
origin, 131, 134, 135f
caniforms, 131. See also Caniformia
canine teeth, 25f, 26, 27, 85
adapoid, 182
anagalid, 309
anaptomorphine, 188
anoplothere, 298
anthracothere, 294
anthropoid, 192, 194
apternodont, 152
arctocyonid, 216
artiodactyl, 286
cebochoerid, 291
choeropotamid, 292
condylarth, 215
conoryctid, 105–106
coryphodontid, 116f, 118
creodont, 120
dichobunid, 288–289
didymoconid, 97
Dinocerata, 239
entelodont, 295
eosimiid, 193
Ernanodon, 210
eupantothere, 64
euprimate, 168
helohyid, 290
hyopsodontid, 222
lipotyphlan, 144
mesonychian, 274
nimravid, 133
omomyid, 188
oreodont, 300
oxyaenid, 122
palaeanodont, 206
pantodont, 114, 117
pantolambdodontid, 117
peccary, 297
phenacodontid, 223
plagiaulacoid, 58
plesiosoricid, 153
primate, 186
procumbent, 182
pseudictopid, 310
Purgatoriidae, 171
ruminant, 302
Sinoconodon, 53, 53f
strepsirrhine, 187
stylinodontid, 107
suid, 297
symmetrodont, 63
taeniodont, 105, 109
venomous mammals, 101
xenarthran, 200
Canis, 32f, 33f, 101, 144
cannonbone, 285, 297
leptomerycid, 303
peccary, 297
Cantius, 172–173, 172f–173f, 180, 182–185, 182f,
Plate 6
capitate, 33
captorhinomorphs, 44
capybaras, 9t, 40, 320f
Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE), 12, 16, 19
Cardiolophus, 243f, 245f, 246, 246f, 253
Caribbean, 338
altungulates, 345
carnassial notch, 85, 128
carnassials, 28, 35, 85, 119–120, 122f, 126,
127–128, 130, 134, 342
amphicyonid, 135
creodont, 120
hyaenodontid, 126
ursid, 135
Carnian Age, 13f, 50
Carnilestes, 150, 151f
Carnivora, 11f, 12f, 22, 94, 120, 126–137, 156, 199,
337–338, 341–342. See also carnivores
age of divergence, 5t
auditory structures, 128–129, 129f
classification and phylogeny, 9t, 119, 120f, 121t,
126, 139f, 272f, 286f
crown-group, 120f, 127, 342
dental formula, 127
dentition, 119, 122f, 127, 129, 130f
diet, 35, 126
origin, 96, 129
Carnivoramorpha, 127
carnivoran(s), 337, 341. See also Carnivora
crown, 342
Early Cenozoic, of North America, 337–338
feliform, 338
musteloid, 338
stem, 342
carnivores, 8, 9t, 35, 39, 84, 119–120, 129, 274.
See also Carnivora
dentition, 78, 85
Carodnia, 237, 238, 238f, 240
Carodniidae, 213t
Caroloameghinia, 83f
Caroloameghiniidae, 79, 83
Caroloameghinioidea, 74t, 81–84
Carolodarwinia, 230
Carolopaulacoutoia, 81f, 83–84
Carolozittelia, 237
carotid artery
external, 128–129
internal, 24, 26, 79, 96, 128–129, 134
carotid canal, 26
carpals, 40
hyracoid, 258
perissodactyl, 244
Carpocristes, 172, 339
Carpodaptes, 172
Carpolestes, 172, 173, 174f, 176f, Plate 4.3
Carpolestidae, 18, 166t, 169, 170, 170f, 172–173,
Carpomegadon, 172
carpus, 30f, 33, 35f, 111, 129
alternating, 223, 225
archaeocete, 284
carnivoran, 129
creodont, 121
dermopteran, 163
hypertragulid, 303
hyracoid, 259
leptomerycid, 303
metatherian, 73
miacoid, 130
Numidotherium, 263
paromomyid, 176
phenacodontid, 223, 224
serial, 223, 225, 260, 263
tillodont, 111
cartilage, 23
Casamayoran SALMA, 14f, 17, 20, 83, 85, 201,
202, 221, 227, 228, 229f, 230–233,
Castor, 101
Castoridae, 307t, 317, 320, 322, 322f, 326, 328
Castorocauda, 56
Castoroidea, 307t, 328, 347
cat(s), 126. See also Felidae
auditory structures, 129f
classification, 9t
saber-toothed, 6, 122
Catarrhini, 7, 166t, 167f, 194
Catopithecus, 194, 195f
Catopsbaatar, 57f
cattle, 10t, 285
caudal vertebrae, 29–30, 30f, 31, 31f
archaeocete, 284
arctocyonid, 218f
cetacean, 276
xenarthran, 201
Caviomorpha, 307t, 316, 334, 347
cavum epiptericum, 43, 45, 50
Cebochoeridae, 286f, 288, 289t, 291, 293, 297,
Cebochoerus, 291, 298f
Ceboidea, 166t
Cecilionycteris, 161
Index 403
cecum, lipotyphlan, 143
Cedrocherus, 146, 147f
cedromurines, 327–328
cementum, 27, 261
Cenomanian Age, 13f, 78, 148
Cenozoic Era, geochronology and
biochronology, 8, 10–12, 13f, 14f, 15–17
Centetodon, 146, 148–149, 149f
Central America
paleogeography, 18, 19f
xenarthrans, 203
centrale (bone), 33, 224, 225
hyracoid, 259
Numidotherium, 263
centrocrista, 28, 28f
Cephalogale, 135, 342
Ceratomorpha, 242t, 244, 245, 246f, 252–255,
Cercamoniinae, 183–185
Cercamonius, 184
Cercopithecoidea, 166t
cerebrum, 41
Cernay (France), 15
Cernaysian Age, 15
cervical nerves, suiform, 293
cervical vertebrae, 30, 30f–31f
of aquatic mammals, 40
cetacean, 276
embrithopod, 266
of fossorial mammals, 40
fused, 40, 60, 207, 276
manatee, 30
palaeanodont, 207
palaeothere, 249
of saltatorial mammals, 40
sloth, 30, 201
suiform, 293
taeniolabidoid, 60
Cervidae, 289t
Cervoidea, 289t
Cetacea, 5, 7, 8, 12f, 22, 211–212, 212f, 213t, 215,
241, 271, 273t, 275–285, 286f, 291, 339,
344–346. See also Archaeoceti; Mysticeti;
classification and phylogeny, 10t, 11f, 211–212,
212f, 213t, 272f, 273–274, 273t, 286f
Cetartiodactyla, 12f, 274, 344, 346
age of divergence, 5t
classification, 139f, 272f
Cete, 215, 271–285, 345–346
classification and phylogeny, 10t, 213t, 272f,
273t, 286f
Cetotheriidae, 273t, 284–285
Ceutholestes, 150, 150f
Chadrolagus, 314
Chadronian NALMA, 15, 17, 59, 135, 136, 140,
155, 164, 204, 207, 251, 252, 255, 293,
301, 302, 314, 323, 327
Chadronian/Orellan boundary, 14f, 15
Chalicomomys, 174
Chalicothere(s), 246. See also Ancylopoda;
Chalicotheriidae, 10t, 242t, 244–245, 249f, 255,
Chalicotherium, 257
Chambilestes, 146
Chambilestidae, 140t, 145
Chambius, 311–312, 311f
Chapattimyidae, 307t, 332, 334
Chapattimys, 332
character polarity. See polarity
cheek teeth, 26, 36, 44, 45, 87. See also molars
adapid, 185
adapoid, 183
alagomyid, 319
anagalid, 309
anaptomorphine, 189
anthropoid, 196
archaeocete, 278, 279, 284
arctostylopid, 225
artiodactyl, 286, 287
astrapothere, 235
camel, 302
cimolestid, 95
cingulate, 201f
cylindrodont, 325
elephant shrew, 311
fossil whale, 273
geolabidid, 149
gliran, 313
Hadroconium, 55
ischyromyid, 321
lagomorph, 313
mesonychian, 274
mimotonid, 315
notharctid, 183
notoungulate, 227, 228f
ochotonid, 314
oreodont, 300
pantodont, 114, 117
pentacodontid, 101
periptychid, 220
phenacodontid, 223
pseudictopid, 310
Pseudoglyptodon, 202
rodent, 316
squirrel, 328
taeniodont, 108
talpid, 154–155
tethythere, 242
theridomyid, 326
tillodont, 110
trogosine, 111
xenarthran, 200
Cheirogaleidae, 166t
Cheirogaleus, 188
chevron bones, 31
chevrotains, 285. See also Tragulidae
chewing. See also mastication
haramiyid, 51, 52
lagomorphs, 314
multituberculate, 56
muscles, 26
orthal, 51, 52, 56, 128
palinal, 51, 52, 56, 71
propalinal, 56, 316, 318
in rodents, 56, 316
Chile, 84, 86
China, 51, 55, 56, 63, 64, 70, 339, 340, Plate 4.4
adapids, 186
Anagalida, 346
anagalids, 309
anthropoids, 192
apternodontids, 152
carpolestids, 172, 173
chalicotheres, 257
chiropterans, 161
didymoconids, 97
embrithopods, 266
entelodonts, 295
eosimiids, 193
erinaceids, 147
Ernanodon, 209
euprimates, 179
eutherians, 90f
heterosoricines, 153–154
metatherians, 340–341
miacoids, 130
palaeanodonts, 205, 207
pantodonts, 114
plesiosoricids, 153
Scandentia, 343
Simplicidentata, 315, 316f
sivaladapids, 186
suids, 297
tarsiids, 191–192
tayassuids, 296
tillodonts, 113, 114
triisodontines, 217
tupaiids, 197
chinchillas, 9t
Chiromyoides, 172
Chiroptera, 11f, 12f, 119, 156, 157–162, 163, 343
age of divergence, 5t
classification, 10t, 139f, 157, 157f, 158t
Chlamyphorus, 207
choanae, 26
Choeropotamidae, 288, 289t, 291–293, 292f, 294
Choeropotamus, 291–293
Choloepus, 38f, 202
Chonecetus, 284
Chriacus, 34f, 36f–38f, 215, 216, 218f, 245f, 287,
Plate 6, Plate 7.2
Chronolestes, 166t, 170f, 173, 339
chronostratigraphy, units for, 10, 13f, 14f
Chrysochloridae, 8, 12f, 139f, 140t, 143, 148, 152,
212, 212f, 311
Chrysochloromorpha, 143
Chulpas, Peru, 83
Chulsanbaatar, 57f
Chungchienia, 113
CIE. See Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE)
Cimolesta, 22, 94–118, 99, 107f, 113, 199, 214,
336, 337, 341, 344
classification, 10t, 94, 95t, 140, 199t
Cimolestes, 95–97, 95f, 108, 110f, 120, 129, 130f,
Cimolestidae, 89f, 94–95, 95t, 109, 113, 114, 129,
Cimolodonta, 49t, 57f, 58
Cimolomyidae, 57f
Cingulata, 199t, 200–202, 201f, 343
cingulid/cingulum (pl. cingula), 28, 28f, 67f, 68,
99, 109, 152, 171, 185–187, 193, 194, 220,
222, 238, 291, 311, 319, 321, 322, 328
civet(s), 9t, 39, 126, 132
definition, 6
“modern,” of extant orders, 4
cladograms, definition of, 7
Claenodon, 111, 215, 216
Clark, W. E. Le Gros, 197
Clarkforkian NALMA, 12, 14f, 59, 104, 113, 116,
117, 122, 130, 159, 160, 172, 177, 206,
223, 226, 319, 321, 338, 339
Clarkforkian/Wasatchian boundary, 12, 14f
classification, 7–8, 9t–10t, 22
clavicle, 32, 40, 65
dichobunid, 290
fossil whale, 273
lagomorph, 314
perissodactyl, 244
pholidotan, 204
talpid, 155
claws, 33, 39, 40, 65, 215
ancylopod, 256
arctocyonid, 216
chalicothere, 257
chiropteran, 157, 159, 161
dermopteran, 163
erinaceomorph, 146
grooming, adapoid, 181
hyopsodontid, 222
hyracoid, 258
ischyromyid, 321
nimravid, 133
oreodont, 300
pantodont, 116–117
paroxyclaenid, 101
retractile, 132–133
stylinodontid, 107
taeniodont, 106
tillodont, 111
xenarthran, 201
Climacoceratidae, 289t
climate, Paleocene-Eocene, 20–21
climbing, skeletal adaptations for, 39, 216, 341.
See also arboreal mammals; scansorial
coatimundi, 136, 216
404 Index
cochlea, 24, 43, 50, 60, 79
chiropteran, 158, 161
eutherian, 89, 90
eutriconodont, 61
monotreme, 68
multituberculate, 57
Sinoconodon, 53
symmetrodont, 64
Vincelestes, 66
cochlear canal, 24
Cocomyidae, 307t, 332
Cocomys, 332–333, 333f
Colbertia, 230, 233f
colobus monkeys, 36
Colombia, 237, 238
Colombitheriidae, 213t, 237
Colombitherium, 236–237, 237f
Colorado, 55, 59, 71, 116
colugo(s), 10t, 162–164, 260
Comanchea, 70
Comoro Islands, 186
Conacodon, 220
condylarth(s). See Condylarthra
Condylarthra, 2, 7, 10t, 17, 22, 61, 109–110, 113,
114, 214, 215–240, 245f, 246f, 287, 311,
311f, 312, 337, 344–345
classification, 211–212, 212f, 213t, 215
dental formula, 215
Early Cenozoic
of Europe, 338
of North America, 337–338
of Southern Hemisphere, 336
Coniacian Age, 13f, 90
conies, 257
Conoryctes, 105–106, 108f
Conoryctidae, 105, 109, 110f
continental drift, 8, 18–20, 19f
conules, 77, 78f, 96, 105, 110, 114, 120, 148, 149,
164, 171, 172, 196, 214, 215, 217, 250,
289, 295, 298, 299, 303, 311, 319, 321,
322, 325
definition, 28, 28f
convergence, 6, 34, 43
coracoid, 32, 32f, 53, 63, 68
coronoid (process), 25f, 47f, 56, 58, 64
artiodactyl, 295, 298
lagomorph, 314
mesonychian, 277f
proboscidean, 263
soricomorph, 148
coronoid crest, 25f
Coryphodon, 115f, 116–118, 116f, 315, 337–339,
341, Plate 3.3
Coryphodontidae, 95t, 110f, 114, 117–118
cotylar fossa, 260
coyote, 101, 134–135, 144
cranial nerves, 24–26
I. See olfactory nerve
II. See optic nerve
III. See oculomotor nerve
IV. See trochlear nerve
V. See trigeminal nerve
VI. See abducent nerve
VII. See facial nerve
VIII. See vestibulocochlear nerve
IX. See glossopharyngeal nerve
X. See vagus nerve
XI. See accessory nerve
XII. See hypoglossal nerve
multituberculate, 58
Craseonycteridae, 158t
Craseonycteris, 1, 153. See also bumblebee bat
Craseops, 178
Creodonta, 6, 12, 22, 94, 99, 119–126, 341–342
classification and relationships, 9t, 11f, 119,
120f, 121t
dental formula, 120
dentition, 35, 119, 120, 122f
Early Cenozoic, of North America, 337
origin, 96
Creotarsidae, 140t, 145
crest(s) (tooth), 27
Cretaceous Period, 13f
bolide impact, 4–5
fossil record quality, 5
mammalian diversification, 3f, 4, 335
mammalian geochronology and
biochronology, 13f, 14f
mammals, 50f
mass extinctions, 2
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. See K/T boundary
Cretasorex, 154
cribriform plate (ethmoid bone), 24, 61
Cricetidae, 307t, 330–331, 338, 339
cristid obliqua, 28, 28f, 73f, 78f, 171, 186, 196, 225,
238, 239f, 321, 326
Crivadiatherium, 266
crochet, 227, 228f, 231
Crocidurinae, 153
crocodilians, 18, 19
crown, of tooth, 27
crown-group taxon, 8, 8f, 43
Crown-Therian radiation, timing of, 3–5
crural index
anthropoid, 196
ischyromyid, 322
Crusafontia, 64
Cryptadapis, 185–186
Cryptoryctes, 150–151
Ctenacodon, 57f
Ctenodactylidae, 307t, 332
Ctenodactyloidea, 307t, 308f, 317, 318, 325f,
332–334, 332f, 333f, 339, 347
cuboid, 30f, 33, 37f, 75f
artiodactyl, 285
astrapothere, 236
dichobunid, 290
hyopsodontid, 223
mesonychian, 274, 277f
oreodont, 299
oxyaenid, 121
protoceratid, 301
amphimerycid, 303
artiodactyl, 285, 287f
ruminant, 302
Cuisitherium, 292, 292f, 299
cuneiforms, 30f, 33, 35f, 37f
palaeanodont, 208f
cursorial mammals, 6, 37f, 121, 125, 126, 131,
134–135, 211, 219, 223, 226, 233, 233f,
234, 244, 247, 253, 255, 257, 258f, 260,
273, 274, 280, 281, 283, 285, 289, 290,
292, 293, 302, 303, 310, 312, 314, 315,
bipedal, 142, 142f
skeletal adaptations, 6, 32f, 39f, 40, 308
cusp(s), of teeth, 64, 83, 96, 99, 101, 104, 144,
152, 164, 170–172, 174, 185, 188, 216,
217, 219, 220, 223, 224, 273–275, 278,
280, 289–292, 297. See also stylar cusps
alagomyid, 319
docodont, 55
eutricodont, 54
eutriconodont, 62
hypoconulid-entoconid, 76–77
Kuehneotherium, 54
marsupial, 72
monotreme, 69
morganucodont, 55
multituberculate, 56
nomenclature for, 27–28, 28f
plagiaulacoid, 58
symmetrodont, 54, 63
therian, 54
triconodont, 61
Woutersia, 54
cuspules, 78
Cuvierimops, 162
Cyclopedidae, 199t
Cylindrodon, 323, 326, 327f
Cylindrodontidae, 307t, 308f, 322f, 323–326, 325f,
327f, 332, 332f, 347
Cymbalophus, 253
Cynocephalidae, 163
Cynocephalus, 38f, 163, 163f, 164, 174f, 176–177,
Cynodictis, 135
cynodonts, 23, 26, 42–46, 42f, 43f, 44–46, 44f–47f,
52, 53
Cynoidea, 121t, 133
Cynomys, 222
Cyriacotheriidae, 95t, 110f, 116, 117
Cyriacotherium, 115f, 117
Dacrytheriidae, 289t, 297, 298f, 299
Dacrytherium, 298f, 299
Dactylopsila, 104–105, 106f
dagger symbol (†), 22
Danian Stage/Age, 13f, 14f, 338
Danjiangia, 257
Dano-Montian Age, 15
Daouitherium, 8f, 261f, 262f, 263
Daphoenictis, 135
Daphoenus, 135, 136f, 137f
Darbonetus, 149
dassies, 257. See also Hyracoidea
Dasypodidae, 199t, 200f, 201–202, 201f, 343
Dasypodoidea, 199t
Dasypus, 32f, 38f
Dasyuromorphia, 9t, 74t, 75f
dating methods, 10
Daubentonia, 104, 106f, 313, 341
Daubentoniidae, 166t
Daulestes, 89f, 90, 91f, 92f
dawn horse(s), Plate 6. See also Hyracotherium
Dawsonomys, 323, 326
De Geer Route, 18, 19f
Deccanolestes, 19–20, 157, 158t, 159f, 343
deciduous teeth, 26–27
Decipomys, 316
Decoredon, 179
deer, 10t, 285
Deinogalerix, 144
Deinotheriidae, 242t, 260, 261f
Deltatheridiidae, 74
Deltatheridium, 51f, 74–76, 75f, 76f, 78f
Deltatherium, 110f, 113
Deltatheroida, 9t, 11f, 72, 74–76, 74t, 340
Deltatheroididae, 74
deltopectoral crest, 32, 55
didymoconid, 97
Ernanodon, 210
Gobiconodon, 62, 62f
hyaenodontid, 126
miacoids, 131
micropternodontid, 151
palaeanodont, 206–208
pangolin, 204
pantolestid, 101
perissodactyl, 244
phenacodontid, 223
taeniodont, 106, 107
Demidoff ’s bushbaby, 188
Dendrogale, 197
dens, 30, 45
dental formula, definition, 27
dental occlusion, 42f, 44, 53–56, 53f, 54f
amphilestid, 61
eutriconodont, 61
haramiyid, 51, 52
megazostrodontid, 61
morganucodont, 61
multituberculate, 56
dentary(ies), 26, 41, 44, 45f, 46f, 49, 56, 61, 63, 68,
83, 201f
adapoid, 183f
anagalid, 309, 310f
angle, 47f
angular process, 64, 73
Index 405
dentary(ies) (continued)
anoplothere, 298
anthracothere, 294
anthropoid, 193f
condylar process, 24
conoryctid, 105
cylindrodontid, 323
epoicotheriid, 209
eupantothere, 64
Kuehneotherium, 54
leptictidan, 142f
morganucodont, 52
oxyaenid, 121
palaeanodont, 206, 208f
pantolestid, 101
pholidotan, 204
rodent, 316
saxonellid, 176f
taeniodont, 108
tarsiid, 187f
Wyolestes, 99f
dentary-squamosal joint, 41–43, 42f, 52, 64
dentine, 27, 261
dentition, 26–30, 28f, 29f, 34–36, 38f, 45–46. See
also canine teeth; carnassials; cheek
teeth; dental formula; incisors; milk
teeth; molars; premolars
adapid, 185
adapisoriculid, 144, 144f
adapoid, 180, 181f, 182–183, 183f
adianthid, 235, 235f
aegialodont, 69–70
alagomyid, 319, 321f
amphilestid, 61, 62, 62f
amphimerycid, 303
amphipithecid, 185
anaptomorphine, 188
anoplothere, 298
anthracobunid, 262, 262f
anthracothere, 294, 294f
anthropoid, 192–194, 193f, 195f, 196, 196f
apatemyid, 103, 104f
apternodont, 152, 152f
archaeocete, 278–279, 282, 284
archontan, 157, 159f
arctocyonid, 214, 214f, 215f, 216–217, 217f,
arctoid, 136f
arctostylopid, 225, 225f
artiodactyl, 285–287, 288f, 292f, 298f
Asiatherium, 76, 77f
astrapothere, 235, 236f
ausktribosphenid, 68
australosphenidan, 67f
basal metatherian, 76–77, 77f
bat. See dentition, chiropteran
bemalambdid, 114–115, 115f
bilophodont, 36, 237
boreosphenidan, 67f
brachydont, 27, 29f, 35, 36
brontothere, 249f, 250, 250f, 252
bunodont. See bunodonty/bunodont dentition
bunoselenodont. See bunoselendonty/
bunoselenodont dentition
camel, 302, 302f
canid, 135, 135f
carnivoran, 119, 122f, 127–129, 130f
carpolestid, 172, 176f
cebochoerid, 291
ceratomorph, 253–254, 254f
cercamoniine, 185
cetacean, 276
chalicothere, 256–257, 256f
chiropteran, 157–160, 160f
choeropotamid, 291, 292, 292f
Cimolestes, 95f, 129
cimolestid, 95, 95f, 96f, 107f, 130f
cingulate, 201, 201f
condylarth, 215
conoryctid, 105–106
coryphodontid, 116f, 118
creodont, 119–121, 122f, 129. See also
dentition, hyaenodontid; dentition,
ctenodactyloid, 325f, 332–333
cylindrical teeth, 36
cylindrodontid, 325f
dasypodid, 201, 201f
dermopteran, 163, 163f, 164
Diacodexis, 288f
dichobunid, 288, 292f
didelphodont, 95, 95f
didelphoid, 77, 81, 83, 337
didolodontid, 220f, 221
didymoconid, 97, 98f
and diet, 29, 34, 45, 54, 67, 71, 78, 83, 96, 101,
108, 110, 144, 145, 163, 170, 180, 196,
213, 215, 216, 220, 221, 274, 276–277,
279, 284, 289, 291, 321
dilambdodont. See dilambdodonty/
dilambdodont dentition
Dinictis, 38f
dinoceratan, 238–239
diphyodont, 26, 41, 43, 51, 56
djadochtathere, 58
docodont, 55, 55f
dromatheriid, 45–46, 47f
dryolestid, 65, 66f
edentate, 199
elephant, 261
elephant shrew, 311, 311f
embrithopod, 266, 267f
entelodont, 294
eomoropid, 257
eosimiid, 193, 193f
epoicotheriid, 206–207, 208f
equid, 247–248
equoid, 249f
erinaceid, 144–147, 147f
erinaceomorph, 144–146, 145f–147f
eupantothere, 64, 67f
euprimate, 167, 172f–173f, 179, 180f
eurymylid, 316, 321f
eutherian, 88, 89, 91f, 92f
eutriconodont, 61–62, 62f
ever-growing. See hypselodonty
feliform, 132, 133f
fossil whale, 273
galericine, 147
geolabidid, 148–149, 149f
Glires, 313
glyptodont, 201f, 202
gomphodont, 45
gondwanathere, 71, 71f
haramiyid, 51–52, 52f
helohyid, 290, 292f
herbivores, 35–36
heterodont, 25f, 26, 41, 44
heterosoricine, 153
homodont, 35
homologies, 27
hyaenodontid, 124, 125, 125f, 126, 126f
hyopsodontid, 220f, 222
hypertragulid, 303, 303f
hypselodont. See hypselodonty
hypsodont, 27, 29f, 35, 36, 38f, 60, 113, 228
hyracoid, 259, 259f, 260
ischyromyid, 321
Jeholodens, 62f, 63
Kuehneotherium, 53f, 54
lagomorph, 313–314, 315f
lemuroid, 186, 187f
leptictid, 140
leptictidan, 140, 141, 141f, 142f
lipotyphlan, 144
litopteran, 233–235, 234f, 235f
lophodont, 28, 29f, 35, 36, 225, 228
macraucheniid, 235, 235f
marsupial, 36, 72, 73, 78, 78f–79f, 81f–82f,
83–87, 83f–86f
megazostrodontid, 61
mesonychian, 274, 275, 275f, 277f
metacheiromyid, 206–207, 208f
metatherian, 76, 76f
miacoid, 130, 130f
micromomyid, 174
micropternodontid, 150
microsyopid, 178
mimotonid, 314f
mioclaenid, 217, 218, 220f, 227f
mixodectid, 164, 165f
monotreme, 69
morganucodont, 52, 53f
multituberculate, 56, 59, 59f
musteloid, 136, 136f
myrmecophagous, 38f
notharctid, 183, 184–185
notoungulate, 227–228, 228f–233f
nyctithere, 149–150, 150f
omomyid, 172f–173f, 188, 189–190, 190f, 191,
191f, 192
oreodont, 299, 299f, 300
oromerycid, 301
oxyaenid, 121, 122, 122f, 123f
palaeanodont, 205–206, 208f
palaeoryctid, 96, 96f, 97f
palaeothere, 248, 249
pantodont, 114, 115f
pantolestan, 99, 100f
paromomyid, 176
periptychid, 220, 220f
perissodactyl, 244, 249f
phenacodontid, 220f, 223, 224
picrodontid, 175, 177f
picromomyid, 175, 177f
pigmented, 153
pilosan, 201f, 202
plagiaulacoid, 58, 83, 172
plagiomenid, 164, 165f
plesiadapid, 171
plesiadapiform, 168f, 169–170, 172–173,
172f–173f, 175f, 176, 176f–177f, 178
plesiosoricid, 153
proboscidean, 260, 261f, 262–264, 262f, 265f
prosciurine, 326
proterotheriid, 234, 235f
pseudictopid, 310, 310f
ptilodontid, 59, 59f
Ptolemaia, 103, 103f
Purgatoriidae, 171, 172f, 173f
pyrothere, 236–237, 237f
raoellid, 291, 292f
Reigitherium, 55
rhinocerotoid, 249f, 254f, 255
rodent, 84, 107, 316, 321, 321f, 325f, 328
saxonellid, 173, 176f
sciuravid, 322
secodont, 28, 34, 35, 167
selenodont, 28, 29f, 35, 36, 110, 167, 286–287,
289, 294, 297, 298f, 346
shrew. See dentition, soricid
simplicidentate, 315, 316f
Sinoconodon, 53, 53f
sirenian, 268–269, 269f
sivaladapid, 186
sloths, 201f, 202
soricid, 153, 154f, 154–155
soricoid, 151f
soricomorph, 148, 149f
sparnotheriodontid, 235, 235f
squirrel, 328
strepsirrhine, 187
stylinodontid, 107, 108f
suoid, 296f
symmetrodont, 63, 63f
taeniodont, 105, 107f, 109
taeniolabidoid, 60
talpid, 154f, 154–155
tapiroid, 249f, 253, 254f
tarsiid, 187f, 191
406 Index
tethythere, 242
theridomyid, 325f, 326
Theroteinidae, 51
tillodont, 110, 111f, 112f, 113, 114
titanothere, 250, 250f. See also dentition,
tooth cusps, nomenclature for, 27–28, 28f
toxodont, 230–231, 230f
tree shrews, 197, 197f
tribothere, 70, 70f
triconodont, 61
triconodontid, 62, 62f
trithelodont, 45
tritylodont, 45, 47f
trogosine, 111, 113
typothere, 231–232, 231f, 232f
uintathere, 238–240, 239f
ungulate, 211, 214
ursid, 135, 136f
wear patterns, 42f, 51, 53, 53f, 54f, 55, 56, 58,
68, 69, 94, 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 110,
194, 223, 274, 295
wyolestid, 99, 99f
xenarthran, 200, 201f
xenungulate, 238, 238f
xiphodont, 301
zalambdodont. See zalambdodonty/
zalambdodont dentition
zambdalestid, 307–308, 308f
zhelestid, 213–214, 213f
Deperetellidae, 242t, 254, 339
derived features or taxa, definition, 6
dermal ossicles, 201
dermal scutes, 201–202
Dermoptera, 10t, 11f, 12f, 22, 39, 139f, 156, 157f,
158, 158t, 162–166, 165f, 170f, 171, 176,
335, 337, 343. See also Archonta
plagiomenid, 191
and Primatomorpha, 165–166
Dermotherium, 163, 163f
Deseadan SALMA, 83, 202, 221, 231, 234, 235,
Desmatoclaenus, 217, 224
Desmatolagus, 314–315
Desmostylia, 215, 242, 265, 270
classification and relationships, 8f, 11f,
211–212, 213t, 242t, 243f
Desmostylidae, 242t
Diacocherus, 145f, 146
Diacodexeidae, 288
Diacodexeinae, 286f
Diacodexis, 34f, 37f, 273, 286f, 288–290, 288f, 290f,
299, 303, Plate 6
ungual phalanges, 36f
Diademodontidae, 45
Diamantomyidae, 307t, 334
diaphragm, 41
diaphysis, 23, 42
Diarthrognathus, 44, 45, 47f
diastema/diastemata, 35, 45, 51, 56, 83, 92, 110,
141, 149, 163, 170, 171, 176, 229, 233,
236, 244, 259, 262, 264, 265, 278, 280,
288, 290, 292, 293, 298, 301, 307, 310,
313, 315, 316, 319
palaeanodont, 206
Diatryma, Plate 6
Dichobune, 292f
Dichobunidae, 288–290, 288f, 289t, 290f–292f
Dichobunoidea, 288, 289t, 293, 296, 297, 346
Didelphidae, 74t, 75f, 78, 79–81. See also
Didelphimorphia, 4, 9t, 73, 74t, 78, 83, 341
Didelphinae, 80, 81f
Didelphis, 27, 42f, 73, 106
Didelphodon, 77f, 78, 108
Didelphodonta, 10t, 94–97, 95f, 95t, 110f, 341
Didelphodus, 95f, 96, 114
Didolodontidae, 213t, 215, 220–222, 220f, 227f,
234, 344–345
Didolodontoidea, 235
Didolodus, 221
Didomyconidae, 10t
Didymictis, 34f, 131, 131f
Didymoconidae, 10t, 22, 95t, 97–99, 98f, 140
Didymoconus, 97, 98f
diet, 34–36. See also durophagous diet
abrasive, 105
carnivoran, 126
dentition and, 29, 34–36, 45, 54, 67, 71, 78, 83,
96, 101, 108, 110, 144, 145, 163, 170, 180,
196, 213, 215, 216, 220, 221, 274,
276–277, 279, 284, 289, 291, 321
faunivorous, 35
omomyid, 191
digging mammals. See fossorial mammals
digit(s), 33, 71
adapoid, 180
anoplothere, 298
anthracothere, 294
apatemyid, 104, 106f
aquatic mammals, 40
arboreal mammals, 39
archaeocete, 281, 284
artiodactyl, 285
cetacean, 276
chiropteran, 157, 159, 161
dermopteran, 163
dichobunid, 290
elephant shrew, 311
equid, 247, 248
euprimate, 168, 179
flying mammals, 39
lagomorph, 314
mesonychian, 274
notoungulate, 228
oxyaenid, 121
pangolin, 204
paroxyclaenid, 101
peccary, 297
pedal, 34
periptychid, 219
perissodactyl, 244
phenacodontid, 223
plesiadapiform, 174f
proboscidean, 260
rhinocerotoid, 255
stylinodontid, 107
uintathere, 240
webbed, of semi-aquatic mammals, 40
xenarthran, 201
xiphodont, 301
digitigrade posture/stance, 39–40, 125, 126, 129,
134, 135, 240, 260, 290, 290f, 293, 302
dilambdodonty/dilambdodont dentition, 29f,
34, 38f, 113–115, 115f, 117, 144, 147–148,
150, 155, 157–159, 197, 249, 257, 263,
266, 297
Dimetrodon, 44
dimorphism. See sexual dimorphism
Dimylidae, 140t, 154–155
Dinictis, 38f, 133, 134f
Dinnetherium, 61
Dinocerata, 10t, 211–212, 213t, 215, 226,
238–240, 239f, 242, 306, 339, 345
Dinohyus, 295
dinosaurs, extinction of, 11–12, 21
Dipassalus, 207
diphyodonty/diphyodont dentition, 26, 41, 43,
51, 56
Diplobune, 297–298
Dipodidae, 307t
Dipodoidea, 307t, 329f, 330, 331
Diprotodontia, 9t, 74t, 75f
Dipsalidictis, 122
Dipsalodon, 122
dispersal routes, 18, 19f, 20. See also Bering land
bridge; De Geer Route
Dissacus, 272f, 275, 275f, 337
distal, definition, 27
diurnal mammals, 180, 188, 194, 197
genetic, timing, 5
morphological, timing, 5
of placental clades, ages, 5t
superordinal, 8
diversity, across epochs, 3f
Divisaderan SALMA, 14f, 17, 84, 201, 231–233
Dizzya, 159
djadochtatheres. See Djadochtatherioidea
Djadochtatheria, 58
Djadochtatherioidea, 49t, 56, 57f, 58, 59f, 61
Djarthia, 74t, 86f, 87
Djebelemur, 183f, 185
Docodon, 55, 55f
Docodonta, 9t, 49, 49t, 50f, 51f, 55–56, 55f, 70
dogs, 9t, 126, 129f, 133–135. See also Canidae
Doliochoerinae, 293
Doliochoerus, 296
dolphins, 10t, 35, 40, 271, 275, 276
Domnina, 153, 154f
Donrussellia, 172–173, 172f–173f, 182–184, 188
Dormaal (Belgium), 338
Dormaaliidae, 145, 146
dormice. See Gliridae
Dorudon, 281f, 282f, 284, 284f
Dorudontinae, 272f, 278, 284
Douglassciurus, 323f, 327–328
Douglassia, 327
Dralestes, 178
Dremotherium, 305
Dromatheriidae, 45–46, 47f
Dromatherium, 47f
Dromiciops australis, 86
Dryolestida, 9t, 49t, 336
Dryolestidae, 49t, 51f, 64–66, 66f
Dryolestoidea, 9t, 17, 49t, 55, 64–66, 222, 340
Duchesnean ALMA, 14f, 15, 134–135, 152, 255,
293, 297, 300, 301, 342
Duchesnean/Chadronian boundary, 16
Dugong, 268
Dugongidae (dugongs), 10t, 242t, 243f, 267–268
Duplicidentata, 9t, 307t, 308f, 313–315, 346–347
durophagous diet, 99, 101, 103, 122, 125
dwarf lemurs, 188
eardrum, 24
archaeocete, 280, 282
cetacean, 277
Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, 20
echidna, 35, 43f, 68, 69
echolocation, 157, 158, 161, 276–278, 285
ectocingulid/ectocingulum, 78, 113, 228
Ectocion, 220f, 223, 224, 244
Ectoconus, 219, 221f
ectocuneiform, 33
dichobunid, 290
mesonychian, 277f
ectoflexus, 28f, 73f, 108–109, 114, 115
Ectoganus, 36f, 107, 107f, 108f
ectoloph, 28, 28f, 34, 114, 115f, 117, 150, 163–164,
223–225, 227, 228, 233, 249, 250, 252,
255–257, 259, 260, 294, 297, 299–303, 326
ectolophid, 225, 321, 326
archaeocete, 281
artiodactyl, 285
ectopterygoid bones, 57
ectotympanic bone, 24, 25f, 128, 129f, 194, 309
amphicyonid, 135
archaeocete, 282
canid, 134
caniform, 133
carnivoran, 128–129, 129f
cetacean, 277
chiropteran, 158
dermopteran, 163
elephant shrew, 311
lagomorph, 313
leptictidan, 142f
lipotyphlan, 143
Index 407
ectotympanic bone (continued)
nimravid, 133
omomyid, 191
palaeoryctid, 96
phenacodontid, 223
ungulate, 211
ectotympanic bulla, 96, 309, 313, 346
ectotympanic ring
adapoid, 180
omomyid, 188
Ectypodus, 59
Edentata, 6, 9t, 11f, 22, 198, 199, 199t, 344
edentates, 9t, 198–210, 199t
Edvardocopeia, 230
Edvardotrouessartia, 230
Egatochoerus, 296
Egerkingen (Switzerland), 338
Egypt, 148, 185, 192, 259, 263, 269, 284, 311, 336.
See also Fayum Depression
anthropoids, 194
archaeocetes, 278, 282
embrithopods, 265
hyracoids, 259–260
macroscelideans, 311
proboscideans, 263
ptolemaiids, 101
rodents, 334
sirenians, 270
Ekgmowechashala, 191
El Molina Formation, 16
elbow, 33, 64
adapoid, 180
archaeocete, 281, 284
arctocyonid, 216
cetacean, 276
chiropteran, 157
hyopsodontid, 222
lagomorph, 314
paroxyclaenid, 101
elephant shrews. See Macroscelidea
Elephantidae, 8f, 242t, 260
elephants, 8, 8f, 10t, 40, 211–212, 260–261, 265
Elephas, 8f
Eleutherodon, 51
Eleutherodontidae, 49t, 51
Elfomys, 326
Ellesmene, 164
Ellesmere Island, 18, 21, 337, 343
palaeanodonts, 209
plagiomenids, 164
Ellipsodon, 29f, 220f
ELMA. See European Land-Mammal Ages
Elomeryx, 294, 294f
Elphidotarsius, 172
Elpidophorus, 164, 165f
Elwynella, 176
Elymys, 330
Emballonuridae, 158t, 159, 161
Embolotheriinae, 250
embrasure pits, 275
Embrithopoda, 215, 242, 262, 265–267, 266f, 270,
classification and phylogeny, 8f, 10t, 11f,
211–212, 213t, 242t, 243f
Enaliarctos, 121t
enamel, 26, 27, 29–30, 45, 71, 201
alagomyid, 319–320
amphipithecid, 185
anagalid, 309
anaptomorphine, 189
aprismatic, 29–30
archaeocete, 278, 280, 283–284
astrapothere, 235
cimolodont, 58
crenulated, 164, 175, 185, 188–191, 194, 216,
220, 290, 297, 321, 326
creodont, 121
cylindrodont, 323
double-layered prisms, 319
eurymylid, 313, 316
folivores, 36
Glires, 313, 318, 319
grazers, 36
herbivores, 36, 36f
lagomorph, 313, 319
Lambdopsalis, 60
marsupial, 83, 84
microscopic structure, 29–30, 318–320, 320f
mimotonid, 313, 315
multiserial, 319, 320f, 347
multituberculate, 56, 58, 60
nonprismatic, 29–30
omomyid, 188
palaeanodont, 207
pauciserial, 316, 319, 320, 320f, 321–323, 326
peccary, 297
periptychid, 220
perissodactyl, 244
perptychid, 220
picrodontid, 175
pigmented, 60, 153
pikas, 319
proboscidean, 260
pseudo-multiserial, 326
radial, 29–30, 319, 320
raoellid, 291
rodents, 84, 313, 316–317, 318–319, 320, 320f
Simplicidentata, 315
Sinomylus, 315
soricid, 153
stylinodontid, 107
suid, 297
taeniodont, 105
tangential, 29–30
theridomyid, 326
tillodont, 110, 113
uniserial, 319, 320f, 321, 323, 326, 328
wrinkled. See enamel, crenulated
zalambdalestid, 307
encephalization quotient (EQ)
multituberculate, 61
Plesiadapis, 171
endocranial cast, 57
endothermy, 41
England, 21, 51, 56, 66, 69, 70, 155, 338
Entelodontidae, 286f, 289t, 293, 294–296, 295f
Entelodontoidea, 289t
Entelopidae, 199t
Entelops, 202
entepicondyle, palaeanodont, 206, 208, 208f
entoconid, 28, 28f, 73, 73f, 74, 76, 77, 85, 89, 91f,
153, 155, 158, 164, 180f, 186, 192, 194,
217, 218, 228, 311f, 316, 328
entoconulid, 28, 28f
entocristid, 28, 28f, 69
entocuneiform, 33
euprimate, 179
mesonychian, 277f
entolophid, 225, 228, 328
entotympanics, 24, 128–129, 129f, 143, 309
canid, 134
caniform, 133
carnivoran, 129f
chiropteran, 158
didymoconid, 97
elephant shrew, 311
leptictidan, 140, 141, 142f
palaeoryctid, 96
paromomyid, 176
plesiadapiform, 169
Eoastrapostylopidae, 213t, 236
Eoastrapostylops, 213t, 236, 236f
Eobaatar, 57f
Eobaataridae, 57f
Eobasileus, 238, 239
eobrasiliine, 81f
Eocenchoerus, 297
Eocene Epoch, 13f
boundary with Paleocene, 12, 15
climate, 20–21
flora, 20–21
geochronology and biochronology, 8, 10, 14f
mammalian diversity in, 3, 3f, 335
mammals, synopsis, 340–346
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, 12, 15–17, 19, 20
Eochenus, 147, 147f
Eochiroptera, 161
Eoconodon, 217
Eodendrogale, 197, 197f
Eoentelodon, 295
Eogalericius, 147
Eogliravus, 324f, 328–329
Eohaplomys, 321
Eohippus, 247. See also Hyracotherium
Eohyrax, 233
Eomaia, 9t, 75f, 89, 89f–91f
Eomanidae, 95t, 199t, 200f, 204–205
Eomanis, 199, 203, 204, 205f, 344
Eometatheria, 9t, 74t
Eomoropidae, 242t, 255, 257
Eomoropus, 257
Eomorphippus, 231
Eomyidae, 307t, 329f, 331, 338
Eoryctes, 96, 97f
Eosigale, 309, 310f
Eosimias, 192–193, 193f
Eosimiidae, 166t, 167f, 192–193, 339
Eosiren, 243f, 270
Eotalpa, 154f, 155
Eotheroides, 243f, 270
Eotitanops, 29f, 249f–251f, 252
Eotylopus, 301, 301f
Eoungulatum, 213
Eozostrodon, 52
Ephelcomenus, 297–298
Epidolops, 83, 84f
Epihippus, 247
epiphyses, 23, 42
epipubic bones, 33, 57, 65, 68, 73, 76, 89, 90, 92
Epitheria, 199
epitympanic recess, apternodont, 152
epitympanic sinus, notoungulate, 228
Epoicotheriidae, 95t, 199t, 200f, 205–209, 208f, 209f
Epoicotherium, 207–209, 208f
Eppsinycteris, 158t, 159, 160f
EQ. See encephalization quotient (EQ)
Equidae, 242t, 246f, 247–248, 248f, 249f, 345
Equoidea, 242t, 247, 248, 248f, 249f, 253, 345
Equus, 38f, 113
erector spinae muscles, djadochtathere, 58
Erethizontidae, 334, 347
Ergilian ALMA, 14f, 17
Erinaceidae, 139f, 140t, 143, 144, 146–147, 147f,
Erinaceomorpha, 143, 144–147, 342
classification and relationships, 140t, 145
dentition, 144–146, 145f–147f
Erinaceus, 37f, 101
Ernanodon, 198, 200f, 207f, 209–210, 339
Ernanodonta, 95t, 199t, 209–210
Ernanodontidae, 95t, 199t
Ernestohaeckelia, 230
Ernestokokenia, 221
Ernosorex, 153–154, 154f
Escavadodon, 206, 207f
Escavadodontidae, 95t, 199t, 200f
Escribania, 217
Esthonychidae, 95t, 110
Esthonychinae, 110–111, 110f
Esthonyx, 111, 111f, 113, 234
Etayoa, 238, 240
Ethegotherium, 233, 233f
ethmoid bone, 24, 26
Euarchonta, 10t, 156, 158t, 343
classification, 10t, 158t
Euarchontoglires, 8, 12f, 156
age of divergence, 5t
Eucosmodon, 57f, 60
Eucosmodontidae, 57f, 59–60
Eucricetodon, 330
408 Index
Eudaemonema, 164, 165f
euhypsodont, 27
Eulipotyphla, 5t, 8, 12f, 139f, 143, 342–343
Eumys, 327f, 330–331
eupantotheres, 49, 50f, 63, 64–66, 65f, 67f, 340
Eupecora, 304
Euphractus, 32f, 36f, 201
Euprimates, 12, 61, 166, 168, 168f, 169, 171, 173,
173f, 176–178, 178–179, 180f, 343,
Plate 4.4
classification, 157f, 166, 166t, 170f
Early Cenozoic
of Africa, 336
of Asia, 339
of Europe, 338
of North America, 337
Eurodon, 109
Euromys, 321
Europe, 52, 55, 58, 59, 62, 65, 79, 80, 341–342
adapids, 185, 186
adapisoriculids, 144
adapoids, 180, 183–185
altungulates, 345
amphicyonids, 135
amphimerycids, 303
anoplotherioids, 297
anthracotheres, 293, 294
apatemyids, 103
archaic ungulates, 344
arctocyonids, 215
and Asia, faunal exchange between, 18–19,
19f, 338
brontotheres, 250
cainotheres, 299
cercamoniines, 185
chiropterans, 159, 161, 162
cimolestids, 96
coryphodontids, 118
dimylids, 154–155
embrithopods, 265
entelodonts, 295
epoicotheriid, 208
equids, 247
erinaceomorphs, 145–146
euprimates, 178
feliforms, 132
hedgehogs, 147
heterosoricines, 153
hyaenodontids, 123, 125
hyopsodontids, 222
hyracoids, 257
lagomorphs, 314
lorisoids, 186
miacoids, 130
mixtotheriids, 297
musteloids, 136
and North America, faunal exchange between,
18, 19f, 337
notharctids, 183–184
nyctitheres, 149, 150
omomyids, 188, 191
oxyaenids, 122
palaeanodonts, 205
palaeotheres, 248
paleogeography, 18, 19f
pantolestids, 100
paromomyids, 343
paroxyclaenids, 101
periptychids, 219
phenacodontids, 223
plesiadapiforms, 178
plesiosoricids, 153
primates, 185, 188
rhinocerotoids, 254, 255
rodents, 321, 324f, 326, 328
Saxonella, 173
sciurine clades, 328
selenodont artiodactyls, 346
sirenians, 270
suids, 297
taeniodonts, 105, 109
talpids, 154–155
tayassuids, 296
tillodonts, 113
toliapinids, 178
ursids, 135
xenarthrans, 203
xiphodonts, 301
zhelestids, 213
European Land-Mammal Ages, 11, 15
European reference levels, 15
Europolemur, 180, 184–185
Eurotamandua, 198, 200f, 202–204, 203f, 343–344,
Plate 7.1
Eurygenium, 231
Eurymylidae, 307t, 308f, 313, 315–316, 317f, 320f,
339, 346–347
Eurymylus, 316
Eutheria, 2–4, 22, 48, 68, 69–70, 72, 73, 79, 92f, 99,
148, 335, 338
characteristics, 73, 88
classification and relationships, 9t, 11f, 49t, 50f,
51f, 75f, 88–89, 89f
earliest, 88–93, 90f–92f, Plate 1.3, Plate 1.4
primitive, 141
Eutriconodonta, 52, 61–63, 62f
classification, 9t, 49t, 50f, 51f
Eutypomyidae, 307t, 322f, 328
Eutypomys, 327f, 328
exoccipital, 24, 25f, 45f
artiodactyl, 285
dichobunid, 289
proboscidean, 264f
sirenian, 269f
exodaenodonty, 155
Exodaenodus, 155
explosive model, of therian radiation, 3, 4f
external auditory canal/tube
archaeocete, 280
cetacean, 277
notoungulate, 228
omomyid, 188
oreodont, 300
external auditory meatus
omomyid, 191
proboscidean, 264f
suiform, 293
external carotid artery. See artery, external carotid
external nares
archaeocete, 281f, 283
cetacean, 276
proboscidean, 262, 264f
pyrothere, 237
dinosaur, 11–12, 21
K/T boundary, 2, 21
multituberculate, 61
palaeanodont, 209
plant, 21
uintathere, 240
facial nerve, 25
facial skeleton, 26
fairy armadillo, 207
false sabertooths, 126, 132
false vampire bats, 161
Faroe Islands, paleogeography, 18
faunivory/faunivorous mammals, 191
definition, 35, 191
Fayum Depression, 186–187, 192, 260, 263–265
anthropoids, 194–197
faunas, 311, 312, 336
feet. See pes (foot)
Felidae, 120f, 121t, 126, 131–132, 342
Feliformia, 120f, 121t, 126, 127, 131–133, 133f,
134f, 342
femur, 30f, 33, 37f, 53, 64
adapid, 186
adapoid, 180
anoplothere, 298
anthropoid, 194, 196
archaeocete, 273, 283, 284
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 285, 287f, 290f
carnivoran, 129
cebochoerid, 291
chalicothere, 257
choeropotamid, 292
dichobunid, 290, 290f
elephant shrew, 311, 312f
entelodont, 295
hyaenodontid, 125, 126
hyopsodontid, 223, 312, 312f
hyracoid, 257
ischyromyid, 325f
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
mesonychian, 277f
miacoids, 131, 131f
omomyid, 188
palaeothere, 248
pangolin, 204
periptychid, 220
perissodactyl, 244, 246f
pholidotan, 204, 205
proboscidean, 260
pseudictopid, 310
tillodont, 111
uintathere, 240
fenestra cochleae, 25f
fenestra ovalis, 24
Ferae, 9t, 94, 95, 95t, 119–120, 121t
foregut, 286–287
hindgut, 345
ferns, 21
Ferugliotherium, 71, 71f
fibula, 30f, 33, 40, 308
anthracothere, 294
anthropoid, 196
archaeocete, 284
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 285
cainothere, 299
camel, 302
chiropteran, 157, 161
choeropotamid, 292
coryphodontid, 118
dichobunid, 290
elephant shrew, 311
entelodont, 295
equid, 247
erinaceid, 144
erinaceomorph, 146
eutherian, 90, 92
Heterohyus, 164–165
hyopsodontid, 223
hypertragulid, 303
hyracoid, 257, 260
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
leptictidan, 142
leptomerycid, 303
miacoid, 130
mimotonid, 315
omomyid, 188, 191
oreodont, 300
proboscidean, 260
pseudictopid, 310
tarsiid, 192
fins, cetacean, 276
gliding, 6, 39, 163, 175–177, 327, 331–332
powered, 157, 158, 161, 162
skeletal adaptations for, 39, 162
and fauna
coevolution, 340
relationships, 21
Paleocene-Eocene, 20–21, 340
Index 409
Florentiamyidae, 307t
Florentinoameghinia, 237
Florida, 337
archaeocete, 284
cetacean, 276
flying foxes, 157
flying lemurs, 8, 10t, 156, 162–163. See also
flying squirrels, 39
folivory/folivorous dentition, 21, 36, 38f, 178,
185, 200, 253, 260, 336
Fontllonga-3 (Tremp Basin, Spain), 338
foot. See hind foot; pes
foramen magnum, 24, 26
foramen ovale, 25, 247
lipotyphlan, 143
foramen rotundum, 24–25
anterior condyloid, 26
anterior lacerate, 24
antorbital, 264f
archaeocete, 281f
astragalar, 53
fossil whale, 273
basicranial, 24–26, 133, 328
cranial, 50
entepicondylar, 245f, 263
hyopsodontid, 312f
incisive, 25f, 26, 316f
infraorbital, 25, 25f, 91f, 100, 264f, 316f, 318,
archaeocete, 281f
jugular, 26
lacerate, 26
lacrimal, 25f, 82f
mandibular, 25, 47f, 68, 91f
archaeocete, 280, 284
mysticete, 278
sirenian, 269
mental, 25, 25f
middle lacerate, 26
obturator, sirenian, 270
optic, 24, 247
archaeocete, 281f
palatine, 26
major, 25f
minor, 25f
posterior lacerate, 26
post-temporal, 82f
postzygomatic, 82f
premolar, 314
sphenorbital, 24
stylomastoid, 26
supratrochlear, 277f
hyopsodontid, 312f
vertebral, 30, 31, 31f
forearm, 33, 39
artiodactyl, 287f
dermopteran, 163
supination, 101
forefoot, 35f
anagalid, 309f
anoplothere, 298
anthracothere, 294f
apatemyid, 106f
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyls, 287f
chalicothere, 256f
early whale, 283f
Eomaia, 75f
equid, 247
hypertragulid, 303
lagomorph, 314
oreodont, 299f, 300
oxyaenid, 124f
pantodonts, 118f
periptychid, 221f
protoceratid, 301
ruminant, 304f
Sinodelphys, 75f
taeniodont, 109f
tylopod, 304f
foregut fermentation, 300
forelimb skeleton, 32, 308
adapoid, 180, 185
anagalid, 309, 309f
anthracothere, 294
anthropoid, 196
aquatic mammals, 40
archaeocete, 280, 284
artiodactyl, 287f
cainothere, 299
cetacean, 276
chalicothere, 257
chiropteran, 157
choeropotamid, 292
dichobunid, 290
didymoconid, 97
edentate, 199
elephant shrew, 311
entelodont, 295
erinaceomorph, 146
flying mammals, 39
fossorial mammals, 40
Gobiconodon, 62, 62f
helohyid, 291
hypertragulid, 303
ischyromyid, 321, 322
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
leptictidan, 142
miacid, 131
multituberculate, 58
omomyid, 188
Pachyaena, 277f
palaeanodont, 208, 208f
pangolin, 204
pholidotan, 204
saltatorial mammals, 40
talpid, 155
xenarthran, 200–201
xenungulate, 238f
fossetids, 326
fossettes, 231, 326
fossil record, xi–xii, 4, 41, 42–43, 335
Cretaceous, quality, 5
informativeness, 347
skeletal features preserved in, 41–42
vs. molecular evidence, 4
fossorial mammals, 35, 37f, 40, 56, 58, 60, 62, 71,
97, 100, 101, 126, 144, 146, 151, 152, 155,
198, 200, 204–208, 222, 300, 309, 311,
312, 326, 327, 340, 341
skeletal adaptations, 32f, 39f, 40
Fouchia, 255
Four Mile (Colorado), 59
France, 54, 144, 183, 207, 338. See also Paris Basin;
Quercy (France)
palaeanodonts, 209
Franchaius, 113
Franimorpha, 322, 334
Franimys, 322
free-tailed bats, 161
freshwater environment, 126, 271, 279, 284
Friasian, 235
frontal bones, 24, 25f, 45f, 58, 82f
anagalid, 310f
anthropoid, 194
archaeocete, 281f
entelodont, 295
euprimate, 167
leptictidan, 142f
proboscidean, 264f
sirenian, 269f
frugivores/frugivorous mammals, 21, 35, 36,
38f, 126, 158, 175, 180, 184, 185, 191, 194,
fruit bats, 36, 157
Fruitafossor, 71, 200
fur, 90f, 146, 216, 321
oldest evidence of, 56, 64
Furipteridae, 158t
Galagidae, 166t, 187
Galago, 188
Galagoides demidoff, 188
galagos, 40, 186
Galeopithecidae, 157f, 158t, 163, 163f, 343
Galericinae, 147, 342
Galerix, 147
Gallolestes, 89f, 92, 92f, 93, 213
Garatherium, 144, 144f
“Garden of Eden” hypothesis, 5
Gashatan ALMA, 14f, 17, 172, 209, 319, 339
Gashato (Mongolia), 339
Gashatostylops, 225f, 226
Gaudeamus, 334
Gaviacetus, 280f
Gaylordia, 81f
Gazinocyon, 125, 125f
Geiseltal (Germany), 161, 185, 291, 292, 338,
Plate 8.4
Gelocidae, 289t, 304–305
genetic distance, 3–4
geochronology, 14f
of Early Cenozoic, 8, 10–12, 13f, 14f, 15–17
Geolabididae, 140t, 148–149, 149f
geologic time scale, 13f
geomagnetic polarity time scale, 13f, 14f
Geomorpha, 307t, 329, 329f, 331, 347
Geomyidae, 307t, 329f
Geomyoidea, 307t, 331
Georgia, 337
Georgiacetus, 281f, 283
gerbils, 9t
Germany, 338, Plate 2.2, Plate 3.1, Plate 4.2,
Plate 5.2–Plate 5.4, Plate 7.1, Plate 7.3,
Plate 8.3, Plate 8.4. See also Geiseltal
(Germany); Messel (Germany)
Gervachoerus, 291, 292f
ghost bats, 161
Gillisonchus, 219
giraffes, 10t, 285
Giraffidae, 10t, 289t
Giraffoidea, 289t
glaciation, 20
Glamys, 329
Glasbiidae, 74t
Glasbius, 79, 83, 83f
glenoid fossa (of scapula), 24, 32, 53
Glibemys, 331
gliders, 6, 39, 163, 175–177, 327, 331–332
glirans. See Glires
Gliravus, 329
Glires, 92, 141, 156, 306, 312–334, 339, 342,
classification and relationships, 9t, 89f, 307t,
308f, 311
Gliridae, 307t, 322, 322f, 324f, 328–329, 329f, 332f,
Glirimetatheria, 83
glissant mammals, skeletal adaptations, 39. See
also gliders
global warming, 12, 18, 20. See also Initial Eocene
Thermal Maximum
glossopharyngeal nerve, 26
gluteobiceps muscle, artiodactyl, 285
Glyptatelus, 202
Glyptodon, 201f
Glyptodontidae, 198, 199t, 200–202, 343
Glyptodontoidea, 199t, 200f
Glyptostrobus, 21
rodents, 316
tillodonts, 113
Gobi Desert, 76, 90, 310
Gobiatherium, 239–240
Gobiconodon, 62, 62f
Gobiconodontidae, 62
410 Index
Gobiohyus, 290
Gobiolagus, 314
Gobiomyidae, 307t, 332
Godinotia, 180, 185
golden moles, 9t, 34, 40, 138, 143, 148, 152, 212,
342. See also Chrysochloridae
Goler Formation (California), 337
gomphodonts, 45
Gomphos, 315
Gomphotheriidae, 8, 8f, 242t, 260
Gondwana, 68, 69
Gondwanatheria, 9t, 17, 49t, 70–71, 198, 336
Gondwanatherium, 71, 71f
GPTS. See geomagnetic polarity time scale
Grande Coupure, 15, 19, 132, 147, 155, 186, 326,
328, 330, 331, 338, 340, 342, 346
Grangeria, 256, 257
graviportal mammals, 40, 116, 117f, 118, 236,
237, 240, 251, 260, 261, 263, 265, 266
grazers, 36, 38f, 71, 200, 286
Greater Green River Basin (Wyoming), 16
Green River Formation (Wyoming), 101, 159,
343, Plate 2.1, Plate 3.2
Greenland, 51
Groeberia, 84, 85f
Groeberiidae, 74t, 75f, 84
ground sloths, 116, 198, 200, 202
Guanajuato (Mexico), 337
Guangdong Province (China), 339
Guangxilemur, 186
Guggenheimia, 81f
Guilielmofloweria, 230
Guilielmoscottia, 230
Guimarota lignites (Portugal), 55, 64, 65
Guimarotodon, 57f
guinea pigs, 9t, 316
gymnures, 147
Gypsonictopidae, 89, 90, 140
Gypsonictops, 11f, 89f, 92–93, 92f, 93, 140, 140t,
141f, 214, 342
Hadrocodium, 9t, 49t, 51f, 54f, 55
haemal arches, 31
Hahnotherium, 56
Hainin (Belgium), 338
hair, 41, 61
Haldanodon, 55–56, 55f
Halitherium, 270
Hallensia, 249
hallux, 34, 308
adapoid, 180
in arboreal mammals, 39
carpolestid, 173
dichobunid, 290
euprimate, 179
opposable, 81, 173, 179, 180
oreodont, 300
plesiadapid, 171
plesiadapiform, 169
ptilodontid, 59, 60f
hamate, 33, 74, 75f
hamulus, 25f
Hanna Basin (Wyoming), 2, 215
Hantkeninidae, 15
Hapalemur, 185
Hapalodectes, 274, 275, 275f
Hapalodectidae, 273t, 275
Haplaletes, 222
Haplobunodon, 292, 292f
Haplobunodontidae, 289t, 292–294
Haplohippus, 247
Haplolambda, 116f
Haplomylus, 222–223, 311f, 312, 312f
Haplorhini, 166t, 167, 167f, 178, 191
Haramiyavia, 51–52, 51f, 52f
Haramiyaviidae, 51
Haramiyida, 49, 49t, 51
Haramiyidae, 9t, 49t, 50f, 51–52, 51f, 60–61
Harbicht Hill (Montana), 214
hares, 9t, 313. See also Leporidae
Harpagolestes, 274
Harpyodidae, 95t
Harpyodus, 110f, 114, 115f
Hartenbergeromys, 326
Hassianycteridae, 158t
Hassianycteris, 159, 160–161, Plate 5.3
Hathliacynidae, 74t, 85
Headon Hill (England), 338
archaeocete, 280, 282–284
cetacean, 276, 277
organs of, 24, 26, 79
heart, 41
hedgehogs, 9t, 39, 101, 138, 143, 144, 147, 342.
See also Erinaceidae
Hegetotheria, 213t, 228f, 229, 232–233, 233f
Hegetotheriidae, 213t, 228f
Helaletes, 254f
Helaletidae, 242t, 253, 254
Heliscomyidae, 307t
Heliscomys, 331
Hell Creek (Montana), 2
Helohyidae, 286f, 288, 289t, 290–291, 339
Helohyus, 290–291, 292f, 296
Hemiacodon, 168f, 188
Hemimastodontidae, 242t
Hemipsalodon, 126
Henkelotherium, 51f, 64, 65, 65f, 67f
Henricosbornia, 228f, 229, 230
Henricosborniidae, 213t, 228f, 229
Heomys, 315–316, 319, 321f, 333, 347
Heptacodon, 293–294, 294f
Heptodon, 245f, 248f, 249f, 253–254, 253f, 254, 254f
herbivores, 2, 21, 35–39, 45, 67, 110, 114, 163,
166, 170, 200, 222, 239, 244, 259, 267,
285, 297, 313, 314, 340, 341
Heroditiinae, 311
Herodotius, 311, 311f
Herpestidae, 120f, 121t, 126, 132
herpetotheriines, 80–81
Hesperocyon, 134–135, 135f
hesperocyonines, 134
heterodonty/heterodont dentition, 25f, 26, 41,
44, 285
Heterohyus, 103, 104, 106f, 164–165, Plate 3.1
Heteromyidae, 307t
Heterosoricinae, 153, 343
Heteroxerus, 328
Hexacodus, 289
Higotherium, 111f, 113
Himalayacetus, 279, 346
hind foot, 86
abduction, 59, 60f
amphicyonid, 137f
anagalid, 309, 309f
anoplothere, 298
archaeocete, 281
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 287f
dichobunid, 290
early whale, 283f
entelodont, 295
Eomaia, 75f
equid, 247
fossil whale, 273
hyaenodontid, 127f
Hyopsodus, 223f
hyperinversion (“reversal”), 39, 59, 60f, 125,
hypertragulid, 303
Leptictidium, 142f
multituberculate, 60f
oreodont, 300
oxyaenid, 124f
Pachyaena, 277f
pantodont, 118f
periptychid, 221f
perissodactyl, 246f
Phenacodus, 224f
protoceratid, 301
ruminant, 304f
Sinodelphys, 75f
tylopod, 304f
hind limb skeleton, 33, 308
adapoid, 180
anthracothere, 294
anthropoid, 194
aquatic mammals, 40
archaeocete, 279, 280, 282–284
arctocyonid, 217, 218f
artiodactyl, 287, 287f
astrapothere, 236
cainothere, 299
cetacean, 276
chalicothere, 257
choeropotamid, 292
Diacodexis, 290
elephant shrew, 311
erinaceomorph, 146
euprimate, 179
flying mammals, 39
helohyid, 291
hyopsodontid, 312f
hypertragulid, 303
hyracoid, 260
ischyromyid, 321
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
leptictidan, 142
miacid, 131
mimotonid, 315
omomyid, 188
palaeanodont, 208
palaeothere, 249
pangolin, 204
pantodont, 116
pantolestid, 101
perissodactyl, 246f
rodent, 325f
saltatorial mammals, 40
semi-aquatic mammals, 40
sirenian, 270
hindgut fermenters, 240, 345
hip bone, 33
Hippomorpha, 242t, 244–246
hippopotami, 10t, 40, 273–274, 285, 291, 293,
345–346. See also Hippopotamidae
Hippopotamidae, 272f, 274, 286f, 289t, 296,
Hippopotamus, 12f
Hipposideridae, 158t, 161
Hipposideros, 161
Hoanghonius, 186
Holarctidelphia, 76
Holocene Epoch, 13f
Holoclemensia, 11f, 70, 70f, 74, 74t, 75f, 78f, 341
holophyly, 6
Holotheria, 63
Homacodon, 286f, 288
Homalodotheriidae, 213t, 228f
Hominoidea, 166t
homodonty, 200, 276
Homogalax, 245f, 246, 246f, 249f, 253, 257, Plate 3.3
homoplasy, 6, 34
Hondadelphidae, 74t
honey possum, 36
Honrovits, 159, 160f
hoofed mammals, 10t, 33, 40, 114, 116, 215, 224,
230, 240, 244, 260–261, 266, 274, 285,
287f, 290, 293, 298, 341. See also
hoofs, 40, 211
anoplothere, 298
choeropotamid, 293
condylarth, 215
dichobunid, 290
notoungulate, 230
oreodont, 300
pantodont, 114
perissodactyl, 244
Index 411
hoofs (continued)
phenacodontid, 224
uintathere, 240
Hoplitomerycidae, 289t
Hoplophoneus, 133
hopping. See saltatorial mammals
horn cores, embrithopod, 265–266
horns, 285
brontothere, 250–251, 251f, 252
protoceratid, 301
rhinocerotoid, 255
ruminant, 302–304
uintathere, 238, 239
horses, 10t, 113, 233, 244, 247. See also Equidae
horsetails, 21
howler monkey, 197
HSB. See Hunter-Schreger bands
Hsiuannania, 309
Huananius, 113
humans, 10t, 24, 166
humerus, 30f, 32, 32f, 55, 60, 71, 85
anoplothere, 298
archaeocete, 283
arctocyonid, 218f, 245f
arctostylopid, 226
artiodactyl, 287f, 290f
bemalambdid, 114
chiropteran, 157
condylarth, 223f
Dasypus, 32f
Diacodexis, 290f
didymoconid, 97
epoicotheriid, 209
Ernanodon, 210
eutriconodont, 62
Gobiconodon, 62, 62f
hyaenodontid, 125, 126
hyopsodontid, 222, 312, 312f
ischyromyid, 325f
Jeholodens, 63
mesonychian, 274, 277f
miacoid, 131, 131f
micropternodontid, 150–151, 151f
morganucodont, 53
oxyaenid, 121
Pachyaena, 277f
palaeanodont, 206, 208, 208f
palaeoryctid, 97
pantolestid, 101
paroxyclaenid, 101
perissodactyl, 244, 245f
phenacodontid, 223, 224f
pholidotan, 204
proboscidean, 260
rodent, 325f
semi-aquatic mammals, 40
stylinodontid, 107
taeniodont, 106
talpid, 155
xenungulate, 238, 238f
Hunanictis, 97
Hungary, 269, 338
Hunter-Schreger bands, 30, 84, 121, 220, 307–308,
313, 315, 316, 318, 319–320, 320f
Hyaenidae, 120f, 121t, 126, 132
Hyaenodon, 125–126, 126f, 127f
Hyaenodontidae, 120, 120f, 121t, 122–126, 122f,
125f–128f, 336–339, 341–342
Hyaenodontinae, 123, 124
hyaenoid dogs, 135
Hydrochaeris, 320f
hyenas, 9t, 126
hyoid bone, notoungulate, 228
Hyopsodontidae, 109, 110, 212f, 213t, 215, 217,
220f, 222–223, 223f, 286f, 287, 311–312,
312f, 344–346
apheliscine, 222, 312f, 344, 346
louisinine, 312, 344, 346
Hyopsodus, 220f, 222, 223f, 286f, 289, 337–339
hypercarnivores, 35, 38f, 122
Hypertragulidae, 289t, 303, 303f
Hypertragulus, 287f, 303, 303f, 304f
Hypisodus, 303
hypocone, 28, 28f, 72, 99, 104, 110, 113–115, 140,
148–150, 153, 164, 168–169, 174, 176,
182–185, 187, 188, 191, 194, 196, 217,
220, 224, 247, 250, 259, 286, 289–291,
295, 296, 299, 300, 311f, 315, 316, 319,
321, 322, 325, 326, 328
hypocone shelf, 76, 169
hypoconid, 28, 28f, 73f, 91f, 149, 155, 180f, 185,
238, 311f
hypoconulid, 28, 28f, 73, 73f, 74, 76, 77, 78f, 89,
91f, 110, 117, 158, 159, 180f, 184, 192,
194, 196, 217, 250, 289, 291, 294, 295,
311, 311f, 319
hypoflexid, 28f, 35, 73f, 231
hypoglossal canal, 26
hypoglossal nerve, 26
hypolophid, 28, 28f, 228, 247, 253, 316
hypostria, 313
hypotympanic sinus, notoungulate, 228
Hypsamasia, 266
hypselodonty, 27, 71, 85, 105, 107, 108, 110, 113,
201, 228, 232–233, 313, 314
hypsodonty/hypsodont mammals, 27, 29f, 35, 36,
38f, 60, 71, 101, 105, 107, 111, 113, 228,
230, 231, 233, 235, 248, 249, 255, 259,
268, 286, 300, 302, 303, 309–311, 313,
315, 322, 325, 326, 328, 346
Hyrachyidae, 242t
Hyrachyus, 249f, 254–255, 338, Plate 7.3
Hyracodon, 254f
Hyracodontidae, 242t, 255
Hyracoidea, 12f, 22, 39, 212f, 215, 224–225,
241–242, 257–260, 258f, 259f, 336, 345,
Plate 7.4
classification and relationships, 8, 8f, 10t, 11f,
211–212, 213t, 242t, 243f
Hyracotherium, 34f, 37f, 38f, 244, 245f, 247–249,
248f, 249f, 253, 257, Plate 6
Hyracotherium leporinum, 247
Hyracotherium sandrae, 255
hyraxes, 10t, 225, 257, 258f. See also Hyracoidea
Hystricidae, 334, 347
Hystricognatha, 307t, 308f, 318, 325f, 332, 333,
Hystricognathi, 317
hystricognathy/hystricognathous rodents, 318,
319f, 322, 326, 347
Hystricomorpha, 334
hystricomorphy/hystricomorphous rodents, 318,
318f, 326, 347
ICA (internal carotid artery). See artery, internal
Icaronycteridae, 158t
Icaronycteris, 159–161, 161f, Plate 5.1
ice caps, polar, 20
ice sheets, 20
Iceland, paleogeography, 18
Ichthyolestes, 273, 280
Ictidopappus, 130
ictidosaurs, 45
Ictops. See Leptictis
Ignacius, 169, 176, 177f
iliosacral articulation, archaeocete, 283
ilium, 30f, 33, 36f, 41–42, 53
leptictidan, 143
palaeothere, 248
perissodactyl, 244
proboscidean, 260
incisive foramen, 25f, 26
incisors, 25f, 26, 27, 34, 35–36
adapoid, 180, 182
anagalid, 309
anaptomorphine, 189
anoplothere, 298
anthropoid, 192, 194, 196
apatemyid, 103, 104
apternodont, 152, 152f
artiodactyl, 286
carpolestid, 172
conoryctid, 105–106
creodont, 120
cylindrodont, 323–325
dermopteran, 163, 164
dichobunid, 288
dinoceratan, 238–239
duplicidentate, 313
elephant shrew, 311
entelodont, 295
erinaceid, 144, 147
Ernanodon, 210
eupantothere, 64
euprimate, 168
eutherian, 88, 90, 92
ever-growing, 71, 84, 313, 315, 316, 319. See
also hypselodonty
geolabidid, 149
gliriform, 110
Hadrocodium, 55
herbivores, 35–36
homologies, 27
hyopsodontid, 222
lanceolate, 178
lipotyphlan, 144
marsupial, 73, 74, 83, 84
metatherian, 76
microsyopid, 178
mimotonid, 315
mixodectid, 164
multituberculate, 56
notharctid, 183
nyctithere, 149
omomyid, 188
oreodont, 300
pantodont, 114, 117
paromomyid, 176
picromomyid, 175
plagiaulacoid, 58
plagiomenid, 164
plesiadapid, 171
plesiadapiform, 169–170, 175f
plesiosoricid, 153
procumbent, 36, 51, 147, 152, 154, 170, 182,
pseudictopid, 310, 310f
ptilodontid, 59, 59f
Purgatoriidae, 171
rodent, 313, 319
shrew, 153, 155
Sinoconodon, 53, 53f
strepsirrhine, 187
symmetrodont, 63
taeniodont, 109
talpid, 155
tillodont, 110, 111
tree shrew, 197
triconodontid, 62
trogosine, 111, 113
tylopod, 300
ungulate, 215
xenarthran, 200
zambdalestid, 307
incus, 24, 42f, 44
archaeocete, 280
Indalecia, 234, 235
India, 269, 279, 284, 339
altungulates, 345
archaeocetes, 278, 282, 283
Archonta, 343
archontans, 157, 159f
arctocyonids, 216
artiodactyls, 291
Cetacea, 346
collision with Asia, 19–20, 339
gondwanatheres, 70–71
paleogeography, 18
primates, 169
412 Index
Indian Plate, 19–20
Indomeryx, 305
Indonesia, 339
Indo-Pakistan. See India; Pakistan
Indricotherium, 255
Indriidae, 166t
infraorbital foramen. See foramen/foramina,
infraorbital process, cetacean, 276
infraspinous fossa, 32, 32f
in-group taxa, 6
Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum, 12, 18, 20,
178, 247, 337, 341–343
inner ear, 24
innominate bone, 33, 36f
Insectivora, 9t, 22, 94, 138–155, 140t, 178, 311,
insectivores, 22, 34–35, 38f, 71, 93, 96, 104, 148,
149, 153, 156, 159, 166, 170, 174, 178,
180, 185, 194. See also Insectivora
archaic, 138
definition, 138
Interatheriidae, 213t, 228f, 231, 232f
interclavicle, 32, 68
intermembral index, 40, 308
adapoid, 180
anthropoid, 196
elephant shrew, 311
ischyromyid, 322
internal acoustic meatus, 25–26
internal carotid artery. See artery, internal carotid
internal nares, 26
Interogale, 111, 113
interparietal bone, 24, 25f
involucrum, 277
archaeocete, 280, 282
Iqualadelphis, 77, 78f
Irdinmanhan ALMA, 14f, 17
ischiosacral synostosis, 203
ischium, 30f, 33, 36f, 42, 201
omomyid, 188
xenarthran, 201
Ischyromyidae, 307t, 317–319, 321–322, 322f,
324f, 325f, 326, 347
Ischyromyoidea, 326
Ischyromys, 321
Isectolophidae, 242t, 246f
Isectolophus, 246, 246f
Isotemnidae, 213t, 230
Isotemnus, 230
Itaboraí, Brazil, 81, 199, 201, 228, 336
Itaboraian SALMA, 14f, 83, 85, 87, 201, 202, 221,
231, 233–236, 240, 336, 343
Itaboratherium, 231f
Iugomortiferum, 77
ivory, 261
Jacobson’s organ, 26, 182
Jamaica, 270f, 338, 345
Japan, 339
jaw(s), 26, 41, 42, 42f, 44, 46f, 47f. See also dental
occlusion; dentary(ies); maxilla;
postdentary bones; specific taxon
adapoid, 179, 183
alagomyid, 319
amphipithecid, 185
anagalid, 309
apatemyid, 103
apternodont, 152, 152f
archaeocete, 280
arctostylopid, 225, 225f
ausktribosphenid, 68
carnivoran, 128
entelodont, 295
equid, 248
erinaceid, 147f
geolabidid, 149
hyaenodontid, 124
hyopsodontid, 222
Llanocetus, 284
lower, 26
mesonychian, 274, 275f
nyctithere, 150f
oxyaenid, 122
pangolin, 204
pantolambdodontid, 117
Peligotherium, 222
picromomyid, 175
plesiadapid, 171
plesiadapiform, 178
Simpsonictis, 130f
sloth, 202
jaw joint, 42f, 44, 49
Jebel Qatrani Formation, 260, 265
Jeholodens, 61, 62f, 63, 74
Jemezius, 190
Jepsenella, 103
jerboas, 40
Josepholeidya, 230
Jozaria, 262, 262f
Judithian Age, 77
jugal, 25f, 26, 45f, 57, 58, 69, 82f, 310f
archaeocete, 281f
didymoconid, 97
euprimate, 167
leptictidan, 142f
lipotyphlan, 143
proboscidean, 264f
sirenian, 269f
jugular foramen, 26
jumping. See also saltatorial mammals
skeletal adaptations for, 308
Jurassic Period, 13f, 45, 50f, 51, 52, 55, 56, 58,
61–66, 68, 70, 71
kangaroo(s), 9t, 40
kangaroo rats, 40
Karakia, 216
Karanisia, 187, 187f
Kayentatherium, 46f, 47f
Kazakhstan, 202, 331, 339
Kekenodontidae, 273t
Kellogg, Remington, 283
Kennalestes, 89f, 90, 91f, 92f, 140
Kenyapotamus, 293
Kermackia, 70, 70f
Kermackodon, 56
Kerodon, 300
Khashanagale, 215
Khasia, 87
Khirtharia, 291, 292f
Khovboor (Mongolia), 89
Kielantherium, 65f, 67f, 69–70
Kimmeridgian Age, 13f
kinkajou, 36
Klohnia, 84
knee cap. See patella
Knightomys, 322
koala, 9t, 36
Kokopellia, 75f, 76–77, 77f
Kollikodon, 69
Kollpaniinae, 226
Koniaryctes, 152
Kopidodon, 100f, 101, 103f, Plate 2.2
Korea, 339
Krebsotherium, 65, 66f
Kryptobaatar, 57f, 61
K/T boundary, 335
climate around, 20
dating, 12
mammalian diversification after, 3, 4, 335,
survivals beyond, 2
Kuehneodon, 56
Kuehneotheriidae, 9t, 49t, 50f, 51f, 52, 54–55
Kuehneotherium, 49, 53f, 54–55, 63
Kulbeckia, 92, 307
Kulbeckiidae, 140
Kumsuperus, 213
Kyrgyzstan, 314, 339
La Meseta Formation, 71, 87, 202, 337
Labes, 213
labial, definition, 27
Labidolemur, 103, 104, 104f
lacerate foramen. See foramen/foramina,
lacrimal (bone), 24, 25f, 26, 45f, 58, 82f, 90, 203
anagalid, 310f
archaeocete, 281f
leptictidan, 140, 142f
proboscidean, 264f
lacrimal canal, 26
lacrimal foramen. See foramen/foramina,
Lagomorpha, 4, 5, 12f, 22, 156, 240, 306,
313–315, 314f, 339, 340, 346–347
age of divergence, 5t
classification and relationships, 8, 9t, 11f, 139f,
307t, 308f, 312–315
Laguna Umayo, Peru, 81, 226, 336
Lainodon, 213
lambdoid plates, 152
lambdoidal crest, 24, 82f, 121
Lambdopsalis, 57f, 60
Lambdotherium, 249f, 252
Lamegoia, 221
Lancian NALMA, 14f, 108, 148
land bridges, 18, 19, 19f, 337, 340, 341, 343.
See also Bering land bridge; De Geer
land-mammal ages, 10, 11, 14f, 15
langurs, 36
Lantianius, 216
Lapichiropteryx, 160f, 161
Laredomyidae, 307t, 329
Laredomys, 329
Laurasia, 68, 69, 123, 179
Laurasiatheria, 8, 12f, 156, 214, 242
Lavanify, 71
leaf eating, 180, 184
leaf-margin analysis, 20
leaf-nosed bats, 161
Leipsanolestes, 146
Lemur, 185
lemur(s), 10t, 40, 166, 178–181, 183, 186
Lemuridae, 166t
Lemuriformes (Lemuroidea), 166t, 167f, 179
Leonardus, 65
Leontiniidae, 213t, 228f, 231
Lepilemuridae, 166t
Leporidae, 307t, 313, 314, 319
Leptacodon, 149, 150f, 342
Leptadapis, 180, 184f, 185–186
Leptauchenia, 300
Leptictida, 9t, 93, 96, 139, 140–143, 140t, 142f,
214, 335, 337, 341, 342, 344, Plate 4.2
classification and relationships of, 9t, 97,
139–141, 140t
dentition, 140, 141f, 142f
skull, 140, 142f
Leptictidae, 22, 90, 138, 139f, 140, 140t, 206,
337–338, 342–344, Plate 4.1
classification of, 139f, 140t
Early Cenozoic, of North America, 337–338
Leptictidium, 141–142, 142f, Plate 4.2
Leptictis, 140, 141f, 142f, Plate 4.1
leptochoerines, 288–289
Leptochoerus, 289, 290
Leptolambda, 118f
Leptomerycidae, 289t, 303
Leptomeryx, 303, 304f, 305f
Leptoreodon, 301f, 302
Leptotragulus, 302
Lesmesodon, 125, 128f
Lessnessina, 109–110, 219
Liassic, 52
Libya, 260, Plate 7.4
Libycosaurus, 293
Lightning Ridge (Australia), 68, 69
lignite deposits, 55–56
Index 413
limb(s). See also forelimb skeleton; hind limb
amphimerycid, 303
anteater, 203
anthropoid, 196
archaeocete, 279, 280
artiodactyl, 285, 287f
canid, 134
cetacean, 276
creodont, 121
dermopteran, 163
dichobunid, 290
diversification, 31–32, 40
edentate, 199
entelodont, 295
equid, 247, 248
euprimate, 168
eutherian, 90
fossil whale, 273
hyaenodontid, 125
hyopsodontid, 223
hypertragulid, 303
ischyromyid, 325f
leptomerycid, 303
mesonychian, 274
miacid, 131, 131f
micromomyid, 175
Onychodectes, 106, 109f
paromomyid, 176, 177
perissodactyl, 244
phenacodontid, 223
proboscidean, 260
pseudictopid, 310
stylinodontid, 107, 109f
taeniodont, 106, 109f
tillodont, 111
uintathere, 240
ungulate, 214
limb girdle, 32, 44
limb joints, 23, 44
limb posture, 49
Limnocyon, 126
Limnocyoninae, 123, 124
Lingcha Formation (China), 17, 339
lingual, definition, 27
Lipotyphla, 4, 8, 22, 96–97, 119, 141, 143–155,
156, 159, 212, 214, 335–336, 338,
classification and relationships, 9t, 11f, 138,
139, 139f, 140t
Litaletes, 217
Litocherus, 145f, 146
Litolestes, 146–147, 147f
Litolophus, 256f, 257
Litomylus, 222
Litopterna, 22, 215, 221–222, 226, 233–235,
233f–235f, 336–337, 344–345
classification, 10t, 213t, 227f
Llanocetidae, 273t
Llanocetus, 284–285
locomotion, skeletal adaptations for, 37f, 39–40,
Lofochaius, 110, 113
London Basin, 338
London Clay, 247
long-fuse model, of therian radiation, 3, 4f
Loomis, Frederick, 237
Lophialetes, 253f, 254
Lophialetidae, 242t, 254, 339
Lophiaspis, 257
Lophiodontidae, 242t, 249f, 255–257
Lophiohyus, 290
Lophiomerycidae, 289t, 304
Lophocion, 244
lophodonty, 116f, 118, 223, 225, 227–228, 234,
238, 239, 247–249, 252–254, 257, 259,
260, 262, 266, 315, 316, 319, 321, 322,
325, 328, 336
lophodonty/lophodont dentition, 28, 29f,
35, 36
lophoselenodonty, 236
Loridae, 166t, 187
lorises, 10t, 166, 178–181, 186
Lorisidae. See Loridae
lorisids, 187
Lorisoidea, 166t, 167f, 186–187, 187f
Loroidea, 186. See also Lorisoidea
Los Alamitos Formation (Patagonia), 65, 340
Louisiana, 337
Louisina, 222
Louisininae, 222–223, 312
Loxodonta, 8f
Loxolophus, 214f, 215, 216f
lumbar vertebrae, 30, 30f, 31, 31f
archaeocete, 284
didelphoid, 81
djadochtathere, 58
Fruitafossor, 71
leptictidan, 143
peradectid, 80
pholidotan, 204
xenarthrous articulations, in Xenarthra, 200,
Lumbrera Formation, 230
lunate, 33, 35f
creodont, 121
miacoid, 130
palaeanodont, 208f
phenacodontid, 223
pholidotan, 204
Lushilagus, 314
Lutetian Stage/Age, 13f, 14f, 160, 280, 338
Lutra, 101
Maastrichtian Stage/Age, 13f, 14f
Machaeroides, 122
Machaeroidinae, 122
machairodontines, 122
Machlydotherium, 201f, 202
Macrauchenia, 235
Macraucheniidae, 213t, 227f, 233, 235, 235f
Macrocranion, 145, 145f, 146, 146f
Macroscelidea (elephant shrews), 4, 5, 8, 12f, 22,
138, 141, 211–212, 223, 306, 310–312,
342, 344, 346–347
classification and relationships, 9t, 11f, 139f,
212f, 307t, 308f
Macroscelididae, 138, 307t, 310–312, 336, 342
Macrotarsius, 190
Madagascar, 20, 68, 336
carnivorans, 342
gondwanatheres, 70–71
marsupials, 79
primates, 186
sirenian, 336
magnetostratigraphy, 10
magnum, 33
leptomerycid, 303
phenacodontid, 223
Mahgarita, 183f, 185
Maiorana, 220
malar bones, 26
dichobunid, 290
leptomerycid, 303
malleus, 24, 42f, 44
apternodont, 152
cetacean, 277
chiropteran, 158, 161
Mammal Paleogene (MP), 15, 338
Mammalia (Class). See also mammals
crown-group definition, 43, 49
monophyletic, 44–45, 50f, 56, 61
polyphyletic, 44, 50f, 56
stem-based definition, 43
synoptic, 8, 9t–10t, 49t
Mammaliaformes, 43
Mammaliamorpha, 43
mammalian boundary, 42–43
Mammalodontidae, 273t
mammals. See also Mammalia (Class)
basal, 52–53, 53f
characteristics, 41–43, 42f, 43f
evolution of, 41–43, 42f, 43f, 49
classification, 7–8, 9t–10t
classification and relationships, 5–6, 11f, 12f
definition, 41–44
diversity, 2–3, 3f, 335
evolutionary transition to, 44–46, 44f–47f, 49
genera, 1
number, 1, 335
orders, 1, 4, 335
genera, numbers, 2
Mesozoic, 48–71, 50f, 74–79, 83f, 88–93,
classification and relationships, 8, 9t–10t, 48,
49, 49t, 50f, 51f
nontherian, 49–50
oldest, 11, 50–55
extant, 1, 4, 335
“modern,” 4
smallest known, 96
mammoths, 260
Mammutidae, 242t
manatees, 40, 267–268
cervical vertebrae, 30
mandible, 26, 65
adapoid, 182f
amphipithecid, 185
anagalid, 309
anthropoid, 192
apatemyid, 104f, 105f
apternodont, 152
archaeocete, 282
Arsinoitherium, 267f
cebochoerid, 291
chalicothere, 257
didymoconid, 97
entelodont, 295
eutherian, 89
geolabidid, 148
haramiyid, 52f
herbivore, 36–39
hyopsodontid, 222
hyracoid, 259
hystricognathous, 318, 319f, 347
marsupial, 85–86, 85f, 86f
mesonychian, 277f
metatherian, 76f
mixtotherid, 297
oreodont, 300
pangolin, 204
pholidotan, 204
Pseudoglyptodon, 201f, 202
rodent, 318, 319f
sciurognathus, 318, 319f, 321, 328
strepsirrhine, 187
stylinodontid, 107
taeniodont, 105
tillodont, 112f
xenungulate, 238, 238f
mandibular angle
inflected, 73, 84
Asiatherium, 76
deltatheroidian, 74
pantodont, 117
mandibular condyle, 25f
mandibular foramen. See foramen/foramina,
mandibular nerve, 247
mandibular symphysis, 26, 85, 328
adapoid, 180
anthracothere, 293, 294
anthropoid, 192, 194, 197
archaeocete, 278
cercamoniine, 185
entelodont, 295
Ernanodon, 210
414 Index
notharctid, 184
omomyid, 188
palaeanodont, 205
pholidotan, 204
Plesiopithecus, 187
proboscideans, 263, 265
Pseudoglyptodon, 202
sirenian, 268–270
taeniodont, 107
tillodont, 111
Tricuspiodon, 222
uintathere, 239, 240
Manidae, 95t, 199t, 200f, 204
Manis, 38f
Manteoceras, 251f
manubrium, 31, 42f
manubrium sterni, 60
manus, 32, 33, 35f, 71. See also forefoot
adapoid, 180
anthracothere, 294, 294f
apatemyid, 106f
arboreal mammals, 39
archaeocete, 281
arctocyonid, 218f
astrapothere, 236
brontothere, 251
choeropotamid, 292
Chriacus, 218f
dichobunid, 290
elephant shrew, 311
Eomaia, 75f
Ernanodon, 210
eutherian, 75f
fossorial mammals, 40
graviportal mammals, 40
lemuroid, 106f
marsupial, 106f
mesonychian, 274
notharctid, 183
oreodont, 299, 299f
oxyaenid, 124f
palaeanodont, 208, 208f
pangolin, 204
pantodont, 118f
paromomyid, 176
periptychid, 221f
pholidotan, 204
plesiadapiform, 174f
rhinocerotoid, 255
semi-aquatic mammals, 40
Sinodelphys, 75f
taeniodont, 106, 107, 109f
tillodont, 111
uintathere, 240
xenarthran, 200–201
xenungulate, 238, 238f
Maotherium, 64
marine environment, 126, 284
marmoset, 194
Marmosopsis, 81f
marsupial bones. See epipubic bones
marsupial cats, 9t
marsupial mice, 9t
marsupial moles, 9t, 40
Marsupialia, 2, 12f, 42f, 61, 67, 72–87, 90, 121,
169, 225, 335, 336, 341, Plate 1.2
auditory bulla, 24
auditory ossicles, 42f
Australian, 72–74, 79, 85–87, 86f, 341
classification of, 9t
borhyaenoid, 6, 84–86
classification and relationships, 9t, 11f, 51f, 72,
73, 75f
dental formula, 27
dentition, 36, 73, 78, 78f, 79f, 81f, 82f, 83–87,
didelphoid, 77, 79–81, 337
Early Cenozoic
of Europe, 338
of Southern Hemisphere, 336–337
epipubic bones. See epipubic bones
in Madagascar, 79
microbiotheriid, 337
New World, 73–74
origin, 49, 67, 79
palatal vacuities, 26
Paleocene-Eocene, dispersal, 341
petaurid, 176
phalangeroid, 106f
polydolopoid, 83, 84f, 337
saber-toothed, 6
skeletal adaptations, 36, 39, 80f
skull, 25f
Marsupionta, 73
marsupium, 73
Martinmiguelia, 231
Maryland, 337
Masillabune, 292–293
Masillamys, 326
masseter muscle, 26, 36
lagomorph, 314
rodent, 318, 318f
masseteric fossa, 25f
mastication. See chewing
mastiff bats, 161
mastodons, 260
mastoid (of petrosal), 57
artiodactyl, 285, 289, 293, 298, 299, 301, 303
Mattimys, 328
Matutinia, 316
maxilla, 25f, 26, 45f, 57, 69, 82f
anagalid, 310f
archaeocete, 281f
cetacean, 276, 277
haramiyid, 52f
interathere, 231
leptictidan, 142f
lipotyphlan, 143
proboscidean, 264f
sirenian, 269f
uintathere, 239
maxillary nerve, 100
maxilloturbinal, 26
maximum likelihood analysis, 7
Maxschlosseria, 230
Mayulestes, 82f, 85
Mayulestidae, 74t
Mckennatherium. See Adunator
Meckelian groove, 68, 89
Meckel’s cartilage, 42f, 62
Mediterranean Sea, 18
Megacerops, 250f, 251, 251f
Megachiroptera, 157, 158t, 161, 162
Megadelphus, 178
Megadermatidae, 158t, 161, 162
Megadolodus, 221
Megalagus, 314
Megalesthonyx, 112f, 113
Megalohyrax, 259f, 260
Megalonychidae, 199t
Megatheria, 199t
Megatheriidae, 199t
Megazostrodon, 53f, 55
Megazostrodontidae, 49t, 52, 61–63
Megistotherium, 126
Meiostylodon, 113
melon (organ), of whales, 278
Meniscoessus, 57f
Meniscotheriidae, 215
Meniscotheriinae, 219
Meniscotherium, 223, 224
Menotyphla, 138, 311
mental foramen. See foramen/foramina, mental
Meridiungulata, 218, 226–238, 227f, 344
classification, 10t, 211–212, 213t
Merychippus, 248
Merycoidodon, 299f
Merycoidodontidae, 289t, 300
Merycoidodontoidea, 299–300
Merycopotamus, 293
mesaxonic symmetry, 228, 231, 242, 244, 257,
290, 294
mesial, definition, 27
mesoconid, 28, 28f, 259, 316, 322, 325
mesocuneiform, 33
dichobunid, 290
mesonychian, 277f
Mesodmops, 339
Mesohippus, 247, 249f
mesoloph, 326
mesolophid, 316, 322, 326
Mesonychia, 7, 22, 99, 120, 215, 217, 272f,
274–275, 275f, 337–338, 344–346
classification and relationships, 10t, 212f, 213t,
272f, 273–274, 273t, 286f
Mesonychidae, 273t, 339
Mesonyx, 274–275, 276f, 279
mesostyle, 28, 73, 73f, 110, 113, 144, 164, 184,
186, 188, 190, 223, 224, 244, 249, 292,
297, 303, 326
Mesotheriidae, 213t, 228f, 231, 232
Mesozoic, 13f
mammalian radiation in. See mammals,
Messel (Germany), 79, 80f, 81, 101, 102f, 103f,
104, 106f, 125, 128f, 141, 142f, 146, 146f,
147f, 160, 161, 164, 185, 203, 203f, 204,
205f, 249, 250f, 290, 291f, 292, 321, 324f,
326, 338, 343, Plate 2.2, Plate 3.1, Plate
4.2, Plate 5.2–Plate 5.4, Plate 7.1, Plate
7.3, Plate 8.3
Messelobunodon, 288–290, 291f
Mesungulatum, 64, 340
metacarpals, 30f, 33, 35f, 37f, 75f. See also forefoot;
anthracothere, 294f
artiodactyl, 287f
cainothere, 299
chalicothere, 257
didymoconid, 97
early whale, 283f
leptomerycid, 303
notharctid, 183
oreodont, 299f
palaeothere, 249
protoceratid, 302
ruminant, 303, 304f
Metacheiromyidae, 95t, 199, 199t, 200f, 205–209
Metacheiromys, 32f, 206, 207f
metacone, 28, 28f, 34, 35, 54, 65, 65f, 66, 67, 70,
74, 77, 78f, 85, 96, 97, 99, 105, 114, 115,
115f, 120, 149, 150, 153, 180f, 238, 254,
255, 280, 298, 310, 311f
metaconid(s), 28, 28f, 65, 68, 73f, 76, 77, 78f,
89–90, 91f, 110, 114, 120, 132, 149, 153,
164, 180f, 196, 217, 238, 274, 298, 311f,
metaconules, 28, 28f, 72, 73f, 83, 136, 180f, 219,
224, 247, 256, 286, 289–292, 294, 297,
298, 300, 311f, 328
metacristid, 28, 28f, 145
metacromion, 32f
metaloph, 28, 227, 235, 238, 239f, 243, 247,
255–257, 322
metalophid(s), 28, 28f, 114, 228, 238, 239f
Metamynodon, 248f, 255
Metanoiamys, 331
Metaphiomys, 325f, 334
metapodials, 34, 40. See also metacarpals;
amphimerycid, 303
anthracothere, 294
artiodactyls, 292
camelid, 302
chalicothere, 257
choeropotamid, 292
dichobunid, 290
entelodont, 295
Ernanodon, 210
helohyid, 291
Index 415
metapodials (continued)
palaeanodont, 206, 207
ruminant, 303, 304
uintathere, 240
metapophysis (mamillary process), 30, 31, 31f
Metasequoia, 21
metastyle, 28, 73, 73f, 90, 120, 255
metastylid, 28, 110, 185, 190, 238, 239f
metatarsals, 30f, 33–34, 75f, 308. See also hind
foot; pes
artiodactyl, 287f, 290–291, 290f
camelid, 302
chalicothere, 257
choeropotamid, 292
Diacodexis, 290f
dichobunid, 290
early whale, 283f
equid, 247
erinaceomorph, 146
hyaenodontid, 126
ischyromyid, 322
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
leptomerycid, 303
mesonychian, 277f
palaeothere, 249
protoceratid, 301
pseudictopid, 310
ruminants, 303–304, 304f
zalambdalestid, 308
Metatheria, 3–4, 22, 48, 70, 72–87, 340–341
basal, 74–76
characteristics, 73
classification and relationships, 9t, 49t, 50f, 51f,
72–73, 74t, 75f
definition, 72
dental formula, 88
dentition, 73, 73f
origin, 79
Metoldobotes, 312
Meurthodon, 47f
Mexico, 337
Miacidae, 120f, 121, 121t, 122f, 127, 129–131, 131f
Miacis, 131, 134, 135f
Miacoidea, 7, 126–127, 129, 130–131, 130f, 342
mice, 9t, 318, 329–331. See also Muroidea
Microadapis, 183f, 185–186
Microbiotheria, 9t, 73, 74, 74t, 78, 81f, 341
Microbiotheriidae, 74t, 75f, 86
Microchiroptera, 157–158, 158t, 161, 162
Microchoerinae, 188, 191
Microchoerus, 190f, 191
Microconodon, 47f
Microcosmodon, 59
Microhyrax, 260
Microhyus, 223, 312
Micromomyidae, 157f, 165–166, 166t, 169, 170,
170f, 173–175
Micromomys, 174
Microparamys, 321–322, 328, 329
Micropternodontidae, 97, 140t, 147, 150–151,
Micropternodus, 150–151, 151f
Microsyopidae, 164, 166t, 169, 170f, 175, 177–178,
Microsyopoidea, 170f, 178
Microsyops, 178
middle ear, 24, 43, 44, 49, 62
bones, sirenian, 268
canid, 134
carnivoran, 128
Lambdopsalis, 60
multituberculate, 60, 61
middle lacerate foramen. See foramen/foramina,
middle lacerate
middle-ear ossicles. See ossicles, middle-ear
Miguelsoria, 227f, 230, 233, 233f, 234
milk, 41
milk teeth, 26–27, 88
Mimatuta, 214, 220, 227f
Mimolagus, 315
Mimotona, 314f, 315, 347
Mimotonida, 9t, 307t, 313
Mimotonidae, 307t, 308f, 313, 315, 346–347
Minchenella, 265, 266
Mingotherium, 310, 337
Minippus, 247
mink, 126
Miocene Epoch, 3, 3f, 13f
Mioclaenidae, 212f, 213t, 215, 217–219, 220f, 226,
227, 227f, 287, 336, 344–346
Miohippus, 247
Mirandatherium, 81f, 87
Mississippi, 337
Mithrandir, 219
mitochondrial genes, 6
Mixodectes, 164
Mixodectidae, 138, 158t, 164–165, 165f, 197
mixodectoids, 117
Mixodontia, 9t, 307t, 313, 315
Mixtotheriidae, 286f, 288, 289t, 297, 299, 346
Mixtotherium, 297, 298f
Moeripithecus, 196
Moeritheriidae, 8, 8f, 242t, 261
Moeritherium, 261, 261f, 262–264, 264f, 265f, 336
Molaetherium, 209
molars, 25f, 26–28, 28f, 71, 71f, 73, 73f, 96, 140,
144, 148. See also cusp(s), of teeth;
dentition; individual taxon
adapid, 185
adapisoriculid, 144, 144f
adapoid, 180, 182f, 183f
adaptations, 34
aegialodont, 69
alagomyid, 319, 321f
amphicyonid, 135, 136f
amphimerycid, 298f, 303
amphipithecid, 185
anagalid, 309, 310f
anaptomorphine, 189
anoplothere, 297, 298f
anthracothere, 294, 294f
anthropoid, 192, 193f, 194, 195f, 196, 196f
apatemyid, 103, 104, 104f
apternodont, 152, 152f
archaeocete, 278–280, 281f, 284
arctocyonid, 214f, 216, 288f
arctostylopid, 225
artiodactyl, 286
astrapothere, 235
ausktribosphenid, 67f, 68
bilophodont, 36, 237
brachydont, 83
brontothere, 250, 250f
bunodont, 79, 144, 145, 214, 215, 217. See also
bunoselenodont, 83. See also
cainothere, 298f, 299
camel, 302, 302f
canid, 134, 135f
caniform, 133
carnivoran, 128
carpolestid, 176f
cebochoerid, 291, 298f
cercamoniine, 185
chalicothere, 256–257, 256f
chiropteran, 159, 160f
choeropotamid, 291–293, 292f
cimolestid, 95, 95f, 96
condylarth, 214, 215, 220f
creodont, 120
crown morphology, 27, 28f, 73f, 78f, 172f–173f,
ctenodactyloid, 332, 333f
Deccanolestes, 159f
deltatheroidian, 74
dermopteran, 163, 163f, 164
dichobunid, 288f, 289, 292f
didelphimorph, 77
didelphodont, 95, 95f
didelphoid, 77, 81, 83, 337
didymoconid, 97, 98f, 99
dilambdodont. See dilambdodonty/
dilambdodont dentition
docodont, 55, 55f
dryolestid, 65, 66f
elephant, 261
elephant shrew, 311, 311f
embrithopod, 266, 267f
entelodont, 295, 295f
equid, 247
equoid, 249f
erinaceid, 144–145, 147f
erinaceomorph, 145–146, 145f, 147f
eupantothere, 64, 65f, 67f
euprimate, 167, 168, 172f–173f, 180f
eurymylid, 316, 321f
eutherian, 90, 91f, 92, 92f
ever-growing, 71, 85. See also hypselodonty
feliform, 133, 133f
geolabidid, 149
gondwanathere, 71, 71f
Hadrocodium, 54f, 55
haramiyid, 51, 52f
helohyid, 290
herbivores, 35
hyaenodontid, 122f, 124, 125f, 126
hyopsodontid, 222
hyracoids, 259–260, 259f
hystricognath, 325f, 334
ischyromyid, 321
lagomorph, 313, 315f
leptictid, 140, 142f
leptictidan, 141, 141f
lipotyphlan, 144
litoptern, 234, 234f, 235, 235f
lophodont, 28, 29f, 35, 36, 225, 228
lorisoid, 187f
macroscelidean, 311, 311f
marsupial, 72–74, 78, 79f, 81f, 82f, 83, 83f, 84,
85, 86f, 87
mesonychian, 274, 275, 275f
metatherian, 73f, 76, 76f, 77, 77f, 78f
miacoid, 130, 130f
micromomyid, 174
micropternodontid, 150
microsyopid, 178
mioclaenid, 217, 219, 227f
mixodectid, 164, 165f
monotremes, 67f, 69
morganucodont, 52, 55
multituberculate, 56, 59f
musteloid, 136, 136f
notharctid, 183–185
notoungulate, 227–228, 228f, 229f, 231,
nyctithere, 149, 150, 150f
omomyid, 188, 190f, 191
oreodont, 299f, 300
oxyaenid, 121, 122, 122f
palaeanodont, 206
palaeoryctid, 96, 96f
pantodont, 114, 115, 115f
pantolestan, 99, 100f
paroxyclaenid, 101
peccary, 296f, 297
pentacodontid, 101
peramurid, 66
periptychid, 220
perissodactyl, 249f
phenacodontid, 223
picrodontid, 175
picromomyid, 175
plagiomenid, 164, 165f
plesiadapiform, 169, 170, 172f–173f, 175f, 177f
primate, 186
proboscidean, 262f, 265, 265f
pseudictopid, 310, 310f
416 Index
Ptolemaia, 103, 103f
Pyrothere, 237f
raoellid, 291, 292f
reversed-triangle pattern, 63
rhinocerotoid, 254f, 255
rodent, 325f, 326, 328, 331, 332, 333f
sciuravid, 322
secodont, 28, 34, 35
sectorial, 28, 29f
shrew, 153, 154f, 154–155
Sinoconodon, 53, 53f
Sinomylus, 315, 316f
sirenian, 268, 269f, 270
sivaladapid, 186
soricomorph, 148, 149f, 151f
strepsirrhine, 187, 187f
suoid, 296f, 297
symmetrodont, 63, 63f, 64
taeniodont, 105, 107, 107f
taeniolabidoid, 60
talpid, 154f, 155
tapiroid, 253–254, 254f
tarsiid, 187f, 192
terminology for, 65f, 73f, 172f–173f, 180f, 228f
tillodont, 110, 111f, 113
tree shrew, 197, 197f
tribosphenic, 27–28, 28f, 34, 49, 63–67, 73, 120,
138, 144, 149, 206, 345
“tribothere,” 70f
triconodont, 61, 62, 62f
triisodontine, 217
uintathere, 238, 239f
ursoid, 135, 136f
xenungulate, 238, 238f
xiphodont, 301
zalambdalestid, 308, 308f
zalambdodont. See zalambdodonty/
zalambdodont dentition
mole(s), 9t, 40, 138, 143, 147, 148, 150, 153–155,
154f, 342
desman, 56
mole rats, 318, 334
molecular evidence, 3–4, 6, 8, 12f
molecular evolution, rates of, 4
molecular phylogeny. See individual taxa
Molinodus, 217, 218
Molossidae, 158t, 161
Mongolia, 58, 66, 69, 76, 89, 90, 97, 132, 147, 152,
154, 172, 179, 274, 307, 310, 315, 316,
323, 339, 342, Plate 1.3, Plate 1.4. See also
Bayan Ulan (Mongolia); Gashato
(Mongolia); Naran Bulak (Mongolia);
Tsagan Khushu (Mongolia)
Anagalida, 346
Ernanodon, 210
pholidotan, 205
rhinocerotoids, 255
triisodontines, 217
Mongolian Remodeling, 340
Mongolotherium, 238
mongooses, 9t, 126
monito del monte, 86
monkeys, 10t, 36, 166
Monodelphis, 25f
monophyly, 6–7, 22
Monotremata, 9t, 11f, 49, 49t, 51f, 336, 340.
See also monotremes
epipubic bones, 33
sternal ribs, 31
Monotrematum, 69, 340
monotremes, 4, 17, 32, 43, 43f, 48, 57, 60–61, 63,
67, 68–69, 72. See also Monotremata
classification and relationships, 9t, 49, 50f, 72
Monshyus, 223
Montana, 59, 62, 89, 146, 155, 172, 214, 321
Montanalestes, 9t, 67f, 89–90, 89f
moon rats, 147
Morganucodon, 43f, 46
dental formula, 52
jaw joint, 42f, 52–53, 53f
occlusal relationships, 42f, 53f
skull and dentition, 53f
Morganucodonta, 9t, 45–46, 49–51, 49t, 52–55,
Morganucodontidae, 45–46, 49t, 50f, 51f, 52,
Mormoopidae, 158t
Morocco, 20, 70, 101, 144, 179, 219, 225, 259, 263,
Moropomorpha, 253
Moropus, 256f
Morrison Formation, 55, 71
Moschidae, 289t, 304–305
mountain beavers, 320, 326
Multituberculata, 22, 48–52, 56–61, 57f, 71, 335,
337, 340, Plate 1.1
arboreal, 58, 60f
classification and relationships, 9t, 49t, 50f, 51f,
58, 60–61
definition, 2
dispersal, 61
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339
of Europe, 338
of North America, 337–338
extinction, 61
fossorial, 58
terrestrial, 58
multituberculates. See Multituberculata
Murgon (Queensland, Australia), 337
Muridae, 307t
Muroidea, 307t, 325f, 327f, 329f, 330–331
Murtoilestes, 9t, 89, 89f
musk deer, 304–305
muskrats, 40
Mustelavus, 136–137
Mustelictis, 136–137, 136f
Mustelida, 121t, 136–137
Mustelidae, 120f, 121t, 126, 136–137
Musteloidea, 120f, 136–137, 136f, 342
Mustersan SALMA, 14f, 17, 83, 84, 202, 230, 231,
235, 343
Myanmar, 185, 193, 339
Myanmarpithecus, 185
Mygatalpa, 155
Mylagaulidae, 307t, 326
Mylodonta, 199t, 201
Mylodontidae, 199t
Myodonta, 307t, 329, 329f
Myohyracinae, 311
Myomorpha, 307t, 308f, 318, 322f, 329–331, 329f,
332f, 347
myomorphous rodents, 318, 318f, 328
Myophiomyidae, 307t, 334
Myoxidae, 328–329
Myrmecophagidae, 199t, 203
myrmecophagy/myrmecophagous mammals,
35, 38f, 71, 126, 200, 204, 206, 207
Mysops, 323, 326
Mystacinidae, 158t
Mysticeti, 271, 275–277, 278f, 279f, 284–285, 346
classification, 272f, 273t
oldest, 273t, 284–285
Mytonolagus, 314
Mytonomys, 321
Myxomygale, 154f, 155
Myzopodidae, 158t
nails, 33, 39, 81, 260
adapoid, 180
carpolestid, 173
euprimate, 168, 179
hallucal, 173
hyracoid, 258
phenacodontid, 224
Nalacetus, 279
NALMAs. See North American Land-Mammal
Nandinia, 120f, 129, 132
Nandiniidae, 121t
Nannodectes, 171–172, 174f
Nannopithex, 188, 191
nannopithex fold, 169, 172f, 178, 180f, 184, 188,
Nanolestes, 66
Nanxiong Basin (China), 339
Naran Bulak (Mongolia), 257, 339
nasal bone, 25f, 26, 45f, 82f
anagalid, 310f
archaeocete, 281f
astrapotheres, 236
embrithopod, 266
leptictidan, 142f
phenacodontid, 223
rhinocerotoid, 255
sirenian, 268
tapiroid, 253
uintathere, 239, 240
nasal cavities, 26
nasal incisure, 249, 253, 254
nasal opening, 41
archaeocete, 283
litoptern, 235
pantodont, 117
phenacodontid, 223
proboscidean, 261, 263–265
sirenian, 268–270
nasofacial vacuities, oreodont, 300
nasolacrimal canal, 26
Nasua, 36f, 216
Natalidae, 158t, 159, 161
natatorial, definition, 40
Navajovius, 177f, 178
navicular, 30f, 33, 37f, 74, 75f
artiodactyl, 285
astrapothere, 236
dichobunid, 290
mesonychian, 274, 277f
oreodont, 299
oxyaenid, 121
protoceratid, 301
neck, of teeth, 27
Necrolemur, 188, 189f, 191, 192
Necromanis, 204
Necromantis, 162
nectivores/nectivorous mammals, 36, 158, 175
Nei Mongol, 339
Nemegbaatar, 59f
Nementchamys, 332
Nementchatherium, 311–312
Neoceti, 273t, 275, 276, 284–285
Neocomian Epoch, 13f, 66
Neogene Period, 13f, 84
Neoliotomus, 59
neoplagiaulacids, 59, 339
abducent, 24
accessory, 26
cranial, 24–26, 58
facial, 25
hypoglossal, 26
mandibular, 247
oculomotor, 24
olfactory, 24
ophthalmic, 24
optic, 24, 247
trigeminal, 24–25, 43, 45
trochlear, 24
vagus, 26
vestibulocochlear, 25–26
Nesophontes, 38f
Nesophontidae, 140t
Neurogymnurus, 147
Neustrian ELMA, 15
New Guinea, monotremes, 68–69
New Mexico, 16, 21, 206, 216–217, 274, 337
New Zealand, 284
niche partitioning, 161
Nigeria, 278, 336
archaeocetes, 282
Index 417
Nimravidae, 120f, 121t, 126, 129, 132–133, 134f,
Niptomomys, 177f, 178
Noctilionidae, 158t
nocturnal mammals, 180, 187, 188
node-based taxon, 8
Nongshanian ALMA, 14f, 17, 209, 226, 339
Nonomys, 330
Norian Age, 13f, 51
North America, 52, 58, 59, 65, 74, 78–81. See also
Western Interior (North America)
adapoids, 180
amphicyonids, 135
anaptomorphines, 189
anthracotheres, 293, 294
apatemyids, 103
apheliscines, 222
apternodontids, 151
archaeocetes, 278, 282–284
archaic ungulates, 344–345
arctocyonids, 215
arctostylopids, 225, 226
and Asia, faunal exchange between, 18, 19f,
337, 339, 340
brontotheres, 250, 252
camels, 302
canids, 133–134
caniforms, 133
carpolestids, 172–173
cercamoniines, 185
chalicotheres, 257
chiropterans, 159
cimolestans, 341
cimolestids, 95
condylarths, 215, 226
creodonts, 119–121
didymoconids, 99
entelodonts, 295
equids, 247
erinaceids, 146
erinaceomorphs, 145–146
euprimates, 178
and Europe, faunal exchange between, 18,
19f, 337
eutherians, 89, 92
feliforms, 132
geolabidids, 148
hedgehogs, 147
helohyids, 290
heterosoricines, 153
homacodontines, 289
hyaenodontids, 122–123, 125, 126
hyopsodontids, 222
hypertragulids, 303
lagomorphs, 314, 347
leptictidans, 140
leptomerycids, 303
mesonychians, 274
metatherians, 340–341
miacoids, 130
micromomyids, 174
mioclaenids, 218
musteloids, 136
myomorph, 347
nimravids, 133
notharctids, 183, 184
nyctitheres, 149, 150
omomyids, 188, 190
oreodonts, 346
oromerycids, 301
oxyaenids, 122
palaeanodonts, 205
Paleocene-Eocene climate and flora, 20
paleogeography, 18, 19f
pantodonts, 114–116, 116f
pantolestids, 100
pentacodontids, 101
periptychids, 219
phenacodontids, 223
plesiadapids, 172
plesiadapiforms, 169
plesiosoricids, 153
primates, 169, 188
Purgatoriidae, 171
rhinocerotoids, 254
rodents, 319, 321, 324f, 326, 328
Sciuravidae, 347
shrews, 154
sirenians, 270
soricomorphs, 148
and South America, faunal exchange between,
18, 19f, 337
taeniodonts, 105, 108, 109
talpids, 154–155
tapiroids, 253
tayassuids, 296
tillodonts, 113
tribotheres, 70
trogosines, 113
tylopods, 301
uintatheres, 238
ungulates, 212
ursids, 135
xenarthrans, 198
zhelestids, 213
North American Land-Mammal Ages, 11, 14f,
Notharctidae, 166t, 181f, 182, 183–185
Notharctinae, 183
Notharctus, 168f, 180, 181f, 183–185
Nothrotheriidae, 199t
Notioprogonia, 213t, 228f, 229–230, 229f
Notohippidae, 213t, 228f, 230, 231
Notohippus, 230, 231
Notonychopidae, 213t, 233, 234
Notonychops, 234
Notopithecus, 230, 231, 232f
Notopterna, 234, 235
Notoryctemorphia, 9t, 74t, 75f
Notostylopidae, 213t, 227, 228f, 229, 229f
Notostylops, 29f, 229, 229f
Notoungulata, 22, 215, 225–226, 227–233, 229f,
237, 336, 337, 344
classification and relationships, 10t, 213t, 226,
227f, 228f
dental formula, 227
numbats, 9t, 35
Numidotheriidae, 8, 8f, 242t, 261
Numidotherium, 259, 261f, 262–263, 262f, 264f
Nycteridae, 158t
Nyctitheriidae, 93, 140t, 147, 149–150, 150f, 154,
155, 158, 342, 343
Nyctitherium, 158
Obdurodon, 69
Obik Sea, 18, 19f, 340
occipital condyles, 24, 41, 44, 50
occipitals, 25f
occiput, 24
apternodont, 152
brontothere, 250
cetacean, 276
stylinodontid, 107
occlusion, dental. See dental occlusion
Ocepeia, 225
Ochotona, 315
Ochotonidae, 9t, 307t, 313–315, 319
Octodontotherium, 202
oculomotor nerve, 24
Odobenidae, 121t
Odontoceti, 271, 275–277, 278f, 279f, 284–285,
classification, 272f, 273t
oldest, 273t, 285
odontoid process, 30, 31f, 45
Olbitherium, 242t, 244, 253, 345
Oldfieldthomasia, 231, 231f
Oldfieldthomasiidae, 213t, 228f, 231, 231f, 233f
olfactory bulb, multituberculate, 57
olfactory nerve, 24
Oligocene Epoch, 3, 3f, 12, 13f, 14f
Oligokyphus, 43f, 46f, 47f
Oligopithecidae, 166t, 167f, 194–197
Oligopithecus, 194
Oligoryctes, 152, 153
Oligoryctidae, 153
Oligospermophilus, 327–328
Olson, Everett C., 44
Omanodon, 185
omnivores, 34, 35, 67, 101, 105, 110, 114, 122,
126, 135, 144, 145, 170, 197, 286, 295
multituberculates as, 56
Omomyidae, 18, 166, 166t, 167f, 168f, 173f,
178–179, 187, 188–191, 189f–191f, 192,
Omomyiformes, 179
Omomyinae, 188, 189
Omomys, 188, 190, 191
Onychodectes, 105–106, 107f, 108f, 109
ophthalmic nerve, 24
opossums, 9t, 73, 79, 106. See also Didelphidae
optic foramen. See foramen/foramina, optic
optic nerve, 24, 247
orbit, 26
adapoid, 180, 185
anthropoid, 194, 197
archaeocete, 282, 283
artiodactyl, 285
cetacean, 276
dermopteran, 163
didymoconid, 97
elephant shrew, 311
entelodont, 295
euprimate, 167
interathere, 231
lagomorph, 313
leptictidan, 141
omomyid, 188, 189f, 191, 192
oreodont, 300
proboscidean, 260, 264
rhinocerotoid, 255
sirenian, 270
strepsirrhine, 187
suiform, 293
tethythere, 242
uintathere, 239
orbitosphenoid, 24
leptictidan, 142f
Oregon, 191, 337
Orellan NALMA, 14f, 15, 17, 136, 140, 152, 293,
Oreodontidae, 289t, 297, 300, 346
Oreodontoidea, 286f, 289t, 299–300, 299f
oreodonts. See Oreodontoidea
Orientalophus, 253
Ornithorhynchidae, 68
Ornithorhynchus, 69
Orohippus, 247
Oromerycidae, 286f, 289t, 301, 301f
Orophodon, 202
Orthaspidotherium, 219
os penis, 33
Osborn, H.F., 265
ossicles, middle-ear, 24, 41, 42f, 43, 49, 268
cetacean, 277
Didelphis, 42f
Hadrocodium, 55
Lambdopsalis, 60
multituberculate, 57, 60, 61
ossicones, 285, 303, 304
ossification, 23, 42
osteoderms, 201, 201f, 202
xenarthran, 201–202
Otariidae, 121t
Othnielmarshia, 229
otic capsule, 24
Otlestes, 89f, 140t, 148, 149f, 342
Otlestidae, 148
otters, 9t, 35, 40, 101, 136
Ottoryctes, 96
418 Index
Ouarzazate Basin (Morocco), 101, 336
Ouled Abdoun (Morocco), 259, 263
out-group taxon, 6
oval window. See fenestra ovalis
Owen, Richard, 117, 247
Oxacron, 299
Oxalidaceae, 21
Oxetocyon, 135
Oxyaena, 34f, 36f, 37f, 122, 123f, 124f, 339, 342
Oxyaenidae, 120, 120f, 121–122, 121t, 122f, 123f,
124, 124f, 341–342
Oxyclaeninae, 215, 287
Oxyclaenus, 212f, 214f, 217
oxygen isotope analysis, 20
Oxyprimus, 214–215, 217, 227f
Pachyaena, 35f, 272f, 274, 275, 275f–277f, 283f
Pachygenelus, 45, 47f
Pachynolophidae, 248f
Pachynolophus, 248, 249, 255
Paenungulata, 114, 240, 242, 257–270, 336, 344,
age of divergence, 5t
classification and relationships, 10t, 139f,
211–212, 212f, 213t, 242t, 243f
Pakicetidae, 272f, 273, 273t, 278–285, 280f
Pakicetus, 273, 279–282, 280f, 281f, 284
Pakilestes, 153
Pakistan, 173, 186, 269, 273, 279, 280, 284, 339,
Plate 8.1, Plate 8.2
altungulates, 345
archaeocetes, 278, 282–283
arctocyonids, 216
artiodactyls, 291
Cetacea, 346
chiropterans, 161
lemuroid, 186
Parvocristes, 173
plesiosoricids, 153
quettacyonids, 216
sirenians, 269
Palaeanodon, 34f, 36f–38f, 206–207, 208f, 209
Palaeanodonta, 7, 22, 198, 199t, 204, 205–209,
337, 338, 341–344, Plate 7.1
classification and relationships, 95t, 198–199,
Palaechthon, 168f, 171–173, 172f–173f
Palaechthonidae, 166t, 169, 170f, 171, 178
Palaeictops, 140
Palaeoamasia, 266, 267f
Palaeocastor, 328
Palaeochiropterygidae, 158t
Palaeochiropteryx, 159–161, 160f
Palaeochoerus, 297
Palaeodonta, 288
Palaeogale, 133, 134f
Palaeolagus, 314, 315f
Palaeolemur, 180, 185–186
Palaeomastodon, 261f, 262, 264–265, 264f, 265f
Palaeomastodontidae, 8f, 242t, 261
Palaeomerycidae, 289t
Palaeomoropus, 249f
Palaeonictis, 122, 123f
Palaeopeltidae, 199t
Palaeopeltis, 202
Palaeoprionodon, 132
Palaeoryctes, 96, 96f
Palaeoryctidae, 94–95, 95t, 96, 138, 139–140, 150,
palaeoryctoids, 95
Palaeosciurus, 328
Palaeosinopa, 101, Plate 2.1
Palaeostylops, 225f, 226
Palaeosyops, 248f, 252
Palaeothentidae, 74t
Palaeotheriidae, 242t, 246f, 247, 248–249, 250f,
Palaeotherium, 249, 249f, 253f
Palaeoxonodon, 64–65
Palasiomys, 330
palatal vacuities, 26, 73, 78, 84
altungulate, 243f
carpolestid, 176f
condylarth, 243f
hard (=bony), 26, 41, 44
pholidotan, 204
mysticete, 284
perissodactyl, 243f
palatine, 25f, 26
anagalid, 310f
leptictidan, 142f
lipotyphlan, 143
palatine foramen. See foramen/foramina,
Palenochtha, 170f, 177f
Paleocene Epoch, 13f
climate, 20–21
flora, 20–21
geochronology and biochronology in, 8, 10,
13f, 14f
mammalian diversity in, 3f, 335
mammals, synopsis, 340–346
Paleocene/Eocene boundary, 12, 13f, 15, 19
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. See Initial
Eocene Thermal Maximum
paleofelids, 132
Paleogene Period, 13f
paleogeography, 17–20, 19f
paleogeography of Early Cenozoic, 17–20, 19f
Paleomoropus, 249f, 257
Palette (France), 338
palm civet, 35, 132, 216
palms, 21
Pampa Grande, Argentina, 230, 336
Pampahippus, 230, 230f
Pampatemnus, 230
Pampatheriidae, 199t, 343
Panameriungulata, 218, 219, 221, 226, 227f
Pandemonium, 170f, 172
pangolins. See Manidae; Pholidota
Pantodonta, 22, 94, 113, 114–118, 115f, 116f, 118f,
215, 240, 242, 336, 337, 341, 345, Plate 3.3
classification and relationships, 10t, 95t, 110f,
114, 211–212
dental formula, 114
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339, 340
of North America, 337–338
Pantolambda, 110f, 115–116, 115f, 116f, 118f
Pantolambdidae, 95t, 115–116
Pantolambdodon, 117
Pantolambdodontidae, 95t, 110f, 114, 117
Pantolesta, 22, 94, 99–101, 102f, 206, 222, 336,
classification, 10t, 95t
dental formula, 99
dentition, 99, 100f, 101
Pantolestes, 101
Pantolestidae, 95t, 99, 101, 138, 200f, 342, 344,
Plate 2.1
Pantomesaxonia, 241, 266
Pappictidops, 130
Pappocricetodon, 320f, 325f, 330–331
Pappotherium, 51f, 70, 70f, 78f
Paraceratherium, 248f, 255
paracone, 28, 28f, 34, 35, 54, 65, 66–67, 70, 73, 73f,
74, 77, 85, 89, 96, 97, 99, 105, 114, 115,
115f, 120, 128, 149, 150, 180f, 196, 238,
280, 297, 310, 311f
paraconid, 28, 28f, 68, 73, 73f, 74, 76, 77, 78f, 89,
91f, 114, 117, 128, 132, 140, 144, 145, 149,
167, 171, 180, 180f, 183, 186, 187, 192,
194, 217, 223, 228, 238, 247, 274, 279,
289–291, 295, 298, 303, 308, 311f, 319
paraconule, 28, 28f, 73f, 180f, 247, 256, 257,
290–292, 294, 297, 298, 300, 302, 311f
paracrista, 73, 73f
paracristid, 28, 28f, 73f, 85, 114, 120, 122, 126,
145, 187
Paradelomys, 326
Paradjidaumo, 331
Paradoxurus, 36f, 37f
parallelism, 6, 34
paraloph, 238
paralophid, 28, 28f, 238
Paramyidae, 307t, 320, 321, 326
Paramys, 315–316, 319, 321–322, 323f–325f, 327f
Paranisolambda, 234
Paranyctoides, 89f, 92–93, 92f, 93, 140t, 148, 342
Paraphiomys, 334
paraphyly, 6–7
Parapithecidae, 166t, 167f, 194–197
Parapithecus, 196
Parapternodontidae, 153
Parapternodus, 152, 153
parastyle, 28, 65, 73, 73f, 90, 96, 104, 130, 257,
Paratriisodon, 217
Paratylopus, 302
paraxonic symmetry, 228, 231, 273, 274, 281, 285,
287f, 290, 292, 294
Parazhelestes, 213
Pariadens, 78
Parictis, 135, 136f
parietal bones, 24, 25f, 45f, 82f
anagalid, 310f
archaeocete, 281f
entelodont, 295
leptictidan, 142f
proboscidean, 264f
protoceratid, 301
sirenian, 268, 269f
uintathere, 239
Paris Basin, 222, 338
Paromomyidae, 157f, 165–166, 166t, 169–171,
170f, 173, 175–177, 343
Paromomyoidea, 166t, 170f
Paromomys, 176
Paroxacron, 298f, 299
Paroxyclaenidae, 95t, 99, 100f, 101, 103, 103f,
Plate 2.2
parsimony, 7
Parvocristes, 173
Paschatherium, 222
Pastoralodontidae, 95t, 117, 339
patagium, 39, 157, 163, 171, 177
Patagonia, 20, 55, 71, 201, 221, 226, 336, 340
Patagoniidae, 74t
patella, 30f, 34
Patene, 85
Patriofelis, 122, 124f
Patriomanidae, 95t, 199t, 200f, 204–205
Patriomanis, 36f, 199, 204–205, 206f
Patterson, Bryan, 44
Paucituberculata, 4, 9t, 73–74, 74t, 78, 81–84
Paulacoutoia, 220f, 221, 233f
Paulchoffatiidae, 56, 57f, 58
Paurodontidae, 49t, 64, 65
peccaries, 273, 285, 293, 296–297, 346. See also
Pecora, 289t, 302, 304–305
pectoral girdle. See shoulder girdle
Pedetidae, 307t, 331–332
pedetoids, 347
Pediomyidae, 74t, 78, 79
Pediomys, 77f, 79f
Peligran SALMA, 14f, 226
Peligrotheriidae, 222
Peligrotherium, 65, 222, 226, 340
Peltephilidae, 199t
pelvic girdle, 33, 41–42, 43f
monotreme, 68
pelvis, 30f, 36f, 64
archaeocete, 283, 284
cetacean, 276
embrithopod, 266
morganucodont, 53
sirenian, 268, 270
uintathere, 240
Index 419
Pelycomys, 326
Pelycosauria, 44
Pentacemylus, 289
Pentacodontidae, 95t, 99, 101, 103, 138
Pentapassalus, 207
Peradectes, 79–80, 80f
Peradectidae, 74t, 75f, 78, 79–81, 83
Peradectinae, 79
Peramelia, 9t, 74t, 75f
classification, 9t, 74t
Peramelina, classification of, 75f
Peramura, 9t, 49t, 64–66
Peramuridae, 49t, 64, 66
Peramus, 51f, 65f, 66, 67f
Perchoerus, 286f, 296–297, 296f
pericone, 185, 186, 194, 220, 313
Periconodon, 185
periotic, 85, 328. See petrosal bone
cetacean, 277
Periptychidae, 212f, 213t, 214, 215, 219–220,
220f, 221f, 227f, 344–345
Periptychus, 216f, 219–220, 220f
Perissodactyla, 6–8, 12, 12f, 22, 178, 211–212,
214–215, 224–225, 227, 241–242,
244–257, 245f, 246f, 248f, 249f, 258,
260, 262, 267, 274, 285, 286f, 344–345
age of divergence, 5t
classification and relationships, 8, 10t, 11f, 12f,
139f, 211–212, 212f, 213t, 242t, 246f, 272f,
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339, 340
of Europe, 338
of North America, 337
Peru, 83, 336. See also Laguna Umayo, Peru
Perutherium, 226
pes (foot), 33, 37f, 137f. See also feet
adapoid, 180
arboreal mammals, 36, 39–40
archaeocete, 281, 283f
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 285
astrapothere, 236
brontothere, 251
cainothere, 299
canid, 134
carnivoran, 129
choeropotamid, 292
Coryphodon, 118f
creodont, 121
cursorial mammals, 36
Diacodexis, 37f
elephant shrew, 311
erinaceid, 144
eutherian, 75f
graviportal mammals, 40
mesonychian, 274, 277f
pantodont, 114
periptychid, 221f
perissodactyl, 246f
phenacodontid, 224f
saltatorial mammals, 36
semi-aquatic mammals, 40
Sinodelphys, 75f
stylinodontid, 107
taeniodont, 106
terrestrial mammals, 36
uintathere, 240
PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum).
See Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum
Petrolemur, 179, 215
apternodont, 152
leptictidan, 142f
Petromuridae, 334
Petromus, 334
petrosal bone, 24, 25f, 43, 60, 82f, 242
anoplothere, 298
archaeocete, 280
artiodactyl, 285, 289, 293, 298
carnivoran, 128
cetacean, 277, 280
dichobunid, 289
euprimate, 167, 179
eutherian, 89
marsupial, 79
palaeoryctid, 96
plesiadapiform, 169, 171
sirenian, 268
tethythere, 242
petrotympanic complex
archaeocete, 282
cetacean, 277
Pezosiren, 243f, 269, 270f
phalangeal formula, 33
phalangers, 9t, 39
phalanges, 30f, 33, 37f. See also forefoot; hind
foot; manus; pes
anagalid, 309, 309f
ancyclopod, 256, 257
apatemyid, 104
archaeocete, 273, 281
arctocyonid, 216, 218f
camel, 302
canid, 134
cetacean, 276
chalicothere, 257
chiropteran, 157
creodont, 121
didymoconid, 97
Eomaia, 75f
erinaceomorph, 146
Ernanodon, 210
euprimate, 168, 179, 183
eutherian, 89
Gobiconodon, 62, 62f
hyaenodontid, 125
hyracoid, 260
marsupial, 81
mesonychian, 273, 274
miacid, 131
notharctid, 183
palaeanodont, 206–207
pantodont, 116
pantolestid, 101
paromomyid, 176, 177
paroxyclaenid, 101
phenacodontid, 224
pholidotan, 204
plagiomenid, 164
plesiadapiform, 169, 174f, 176
pseudictopid, 310
Sinodelphys, 75f
tillodont, 111
uintathere, 240
ungual. See ungual phalanges
viverravid, 131
Phascolotherium, 62
Phenacodaptes, 222
Phenacodontidae, 212f, 213t, 215, 217, 220f,
223–225, 224f, 243, 244, 246f, 286f,
344, 345
Phenacodus, 30f, 34f, 36f, 37f, 223, 224f, 228,
243f, 245f
Phenacolemur, 174f, 175f, 176
Phenacolophidae, 242t, 243, 265, 266, 339,
Phenacolophus, 266, 267f
Phenacopithecus, 193
Philisidae, 158t
Phiocricetomys, 334
Phiomia, 262, 265
Phiomiidae, 242t, 261
classification of, 242t
Phiomyidae, 307t, 334, 347
classification of, 307t
Phiomys, 334
Phocidae, 121t
Phocoidea, 121t
Pholidocercus, 145, 146, 147f
Pholidota, 119, 198, 204–210, 341, 344
classification and relationships, 8, 10t, 11f, 12f,
95t, 139f, 198–199, 199t, 200f, 272f
Paleocene-Eocene, synopsis, 337, 343–344
Phosphatheriidae, 242t, 261, 263
Phosphatherium, 8f, 261f, 262, 262f, 263, 263f
Phosphorites (Quercy, France), 338. See also
Quercy (France)
Phyllophaga, 199t, 200, 200f, 202
Phyllostomidae, 158t
phylogeny, 5–8
Physeteridae, 285
phytoliths, 71
Picopsis, 70
Picrodontidae, 166t, 169, 170f, 175
Picrodus, 175, 177f
Picromomyidae, 166t, 169, 170f, 175
Picromomys, 169, 175, 177f
pigs. See Suidae
pikas. See Ochotonidae
Pilgrimella, 262, 262f
Pilosa, 199t, 200, 200f, 202–204
Pinnipedia, 120f, 121t, 126, 128, 129, 135
piriform fenestra, 97, 150
piscivores, 35, 126
pisiform, 33, 35f
palaeanodont, 208f
placental mammals, 61, 67, 70, 89, 199
auditory bulla, 24
clades, age of divergence, 5t
classification and relationships, 9t–10t,
11f, 12f
dental formula, 27
diversification, timing, 3–4, 5t
extant order, 4
origin, 3–4, 5t, 49, 67
Placentalia, 5t, 9t, 11f, 12f. See also placental
Plagiaulacida, 56, 57f
Plagiaulacidae, 57f, 58
Plagiaulacoidea, 49t, 57f, 58
Plagiolophus, 249
Plagiomene, 164, 165f
Plagiomenidae, 117, 158t, 163, 164–165, 165f,
337, 343
plantigrade stance, 39–40, 101, 121, 129, 134,
144, 219, 240, 257, 263
plants. See angiosperms; flora
Platanus, 21
Platychoerops, 172
Platypoda, 4, 10t
platypus, 68–69
Platyrrhini, 7, 166t, 167f, 180, 194
Plesiadapidae, 166t, 168f, 169–170, 170f, 171–172,
173, 174f, 175f, 337
Plesiadapiformes, 7, 61, 103, 156, 163, 165, 168,
168f, 169–178, 173f, 177f, 337, 341, 343,
Plate 4.3
classification and relationships, 166t, 167f,
169, 170f
Early Cenozoic
of Europe, 338
of North America, 337–338
Plesiadapis, 168f, 169, 170–172, 174f
Plesiadapoidea, 157f, 166t, 339
Plesiesthonyx, 113
Plesiofelis, 85
Plesiolestes, 171
plesiomorphic, 6
Plesiopithecidae, 166t
Plesiopithecus, 187, 187f
Plesiosminthus, 330
Plesiosorex, 151f, 153
Plesiosoricidae, 140t, 153
Plethorodon, 110f, 111f, 113–114
Pleuraspidotherium, 219
Pleurostylodon, 230, 230f
Plexotemnus, 230
Pliohyracidae, 242t, 257, 259, 260
Pliolophus, 247
420 Index
Pliopithecidae, 166t
of skeleton, 260
of skull, 26, 164, 262, 264, 265
Poabromylus, 29f
pocket gophers, 40, 329–331
Poebrodon, 302
Poebrotherium, 302, 302f, 304f
polar ice caps, 20
polarity, 6
pollex, 33
in arboreal mammals, 39
chiropteran, 157, 159
choeropotamid, 292
hyracoid, 258
oreodont, 300
suiform, 293
Polydolopidae, 9t, 74t, 341
Polydolopimorphia, 74, 74t, 83
Polydolopoidea, 74t, 75f, 81–84, 84f
Polymorphis, 235, 235f
polyphyletic groups, 6, 44
polytomy(ies), 7
Pondaung Formation (Myanmar), 185, 193
Pondaungia, 185, 193
Pondaungimys, 331–332
Pontifactor, 150, 159
porcupines, 9t, 318, 334
porpoises, 275
Portugal, 55, 66, 338
postcanine teeth, 26, 27, 64. See also cheek teeth;
Ernanodon, 210
palaeanodont, 207
paurodontid, 65
soricomorph, 148
symmetrodont, 63
postcingula, 76, 78f, 114, 115, 140, 148, 149, 188,
214, 289, 309
postcranial skeleton, 30–34, 30f–33f. See also
specific taxon
postcristid, 28, 28f, 73f
postdentary bones, 45, 61
Ausktribosphenos, 68
docodonts, 56
eupantothere, 64
fossa for, 45, 47f
haramiyid, 51–52
Kuehneotherium, 54
monotreme, 69
Sinoconodon, 53
symmetrodonts, 63
postdentary trough (groove), 55, 61, 68, 69
posterior lacerate foramen. See
foramen/foramina, posterior lacerate
postmetacone crista, 85, 183
postmetacrista, 78f
postorbital bar, 167
anthracothere, 293
euprimate, 167, 168f, 179
hypertragulid, 303
hyracoid, 259
oreodont, 300
plesiadapiform, absence of, 169
postorbital bone, 45f
postorbital closure, 167, 185, 187
anthropoid, 194, 197
postpalatine torus, 25f
postparietal, 82f
postprotocingulum, 169. See also nannopithex
postprotocrista, 28, 28f, 73f, 136, 172f, 225, 310
post-tympanic process, 25f
posture, 44, 44f
digitigrade, 39–40
djadochtathere, 58
graviportal, 40, 261
plantigrade, 39–40
unguligrade, 40
postvallum, 78
postzygapophyses, 30, 31f
Potamotelses, 70, 78f
Potos, 36f
potto, 186
prearticular, 47f
precingula, 76, 114, 148, 149, 309
prefrontal bone, 45f
premaxilla, 25f, 26, 45f, 82f, 310f
archaeocete, 281f
cetacean, 276
chiropteran, 158
leptictidan, 142f
metatherian, 76f
palaeothere, 249
proboscidean, 260, 264f
rhinocerotoid, 255
sirenian, 269f, 270
premolars, 25f, 26, 27, 35, 36
adapid, 185
adapoid, 180, 183
aegialodont, 69
Altungulata, 241
amphicyonid, 135
anagalid, 309
anaptomorphine, 188, 189
anthracothere, 294
anthropoid, 194, 196
apatemyid, 104
apternodont, 152
archaeocete, 279, 280
arctocyonid, 216
arctostylopid, 225
artiodactyl, 286, 288–290, 294, 295, 297, 299,
301, 304
Asiatherium, 76
astrapothere, 236
ausktribosphenid, 68
camel, 302
carnivoran, 122f, 128, 135, 136
carpolestid, 172
choeropotamid, 292
cimolestid, 96
condylarth, 215
creodont, 120, 122, 122f, 125, 126
cylindrodont, 323
deltatheroidian, 74
dermopteran, 163, 164
dichobunid, 288, 289
didymoconid, 97, 99
dryolestid, 65
elephant shrew, 311
embrithopod, 266
entelodont, 295
eosimiid, 193
erinaceid, 144, 147f
erinaceomorph, 145–146
euprimate, 167
eutherian, 88, 89–90, 92–93
Glires, 313
gondwanathere, 71
Hadrocodium, 55
helohyid, 290
hyaenodontid, 125, 126
hyopsodontid, 222
hyracoid, 259, 260
ischyromyid, 321
leptictid, 140
leptictidan, 141
litoptern, 231
macroscelidid, 311, 311f
marsupial, 72, 73, 77, 78, 83, 85
metatherian, 77
micromomyid, 174
mioclaenid, 217, 219
mixodectid, 164
multituberculate, 56, 58, 59, 59f
musteloid, 136
notharctid, 185
notoungulate, 229, 231
nyctithere, 149, 150
omomyid, 188
oxyaenid, 122
palaeanodont, 206
palaeoryctid, 96
pantodont, 114, 115, 117
pantolestan, 99
paromomyid, 176
paroxyclaenid, 101
peccary, 297
peramurid, 66
periptychid, 220
perissodactyl, 244, 247, 249, 250, 253–257
phenacodontid, 223
plagiaulacoid, 58
plagiomenid, 164
plesiadapiform, 170
plesiosoricid, 153
primates, 185, 187–189, 194, 196
proboscidean, 261–263
pseudictopid, 240, 310, 310f
ptilodontid, 59, 59f
Ptolemaia, 103
Purgatoriidae, 171
pyrothere, 236
rodents, 316, 321, 322, 326, 328–334
sciuravid, 322
shrew, 153
sirenian, 88, 268
sivaladapid, 186
soricomorph, 148, 149, 152, 153
spalacotheriid, 64
taeniodont, 106, 107
taeniolabidoid, 60
tillodont, 110, 111
tree shrew, 197
triconodontid, 62
trogosine, 111
uintathere, 238
ungulate, 214, 215
xiphodont, 301
zalambdalestid, 307
zhelestid, 214
preparacrista, 35
Prepidolopidae, 74t, 83
Prepidolops, 83
preprotocrista, 28, 28f, 73f, 78f, 225, 259, 310
Preptotheria, 141
Presbymys, 331
preselenodonts, 289
presphenoid, 24, 25f
prevallid, 78
prezygapophyses, 30, 31f
Priabonian Stage/Age, 13f, 14f, 15, 17, 338
Primates, 22, 39, 119, 141, 156, 165, 166–197,
168f, 216, 336, 340, 343
age of divergence, 5t
anthropoid, 192–197, 336
archaic, 169. See also Plesiadapiformes
classification and relationships, 7–8, 10t,
11f, 12f, 139f, 157f, 158, 158t, 166t,
167f, 170f
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339
of Southern Hemisphere, 336
lemuroid, 106f, 186
lorisoid, 186–187, 336
omomyid, 83, 188–191
origin, 168–169
Primatomorpha, 156, 157f, 165–166
Primisminthus, 330
Priodontes, 200
prism sheath, 29–30
prisms, of tooth enamel, 29–30, 45, 58, 220,
319, 320f
Proailurus, 132, 133f
Proardynomys, 323
Probainognathus, 44, 45f, 51f
Probathyopsis, 238
Probelesodon, 44f
Proborhyaenidae, 74t, 85
Index 421
Proboscidea, 5, 22, 215, 241–243, 258, 259,
260–265, 345
classification and relationships, 8, 8f, 11f, 12f,
211–212, 212f, 213t, 242t, 243f, 261f,
Early Cenozoic, of Africa, 336
proboscis, 260
astrapothere, 236
lipotyphlan, 143
palaeothere, 249
pantodont, 117
proboscidean, 260, 262, 263
pyrothere, 237
rhinocerotoid, 255
sirenian, 270
tapiroid, 253, 254
Procaprolagus, 314
Procavia, 258f
Procaviidae, 242t, 257
Procerberus, 95f, 96, 97, 98f, 110f
Procreodi, 215
Procynodictis, 134, 135
Procyonidae, 39, 120f, 121t, 126, 128, 136–137
Prodiacodon, 140, 141f
Prodinoceras, 238–240, 239f
Prodinoceratidae, 213t
Prodremotheriidae, 305
Prodremotherium, 305
Proectocion, 235
Progaleopithecus, 230
Prohesperocyon, 135, 135f
Prokennalestes, 9t, 11f, 89, 89f, 140, 148
Prolimnocyon, 123, 125, 125f, 126, 127f, 339, 342
Promioclaenus, 218, 220f
promontorium, 50
pronation, forearm, 33
Pronothodectes, 171–173, 175f
Pronycticebus, 180, 184f, 185
Propachynolophus, 248, 249
Propalaeanodon, 206, 208f
Propalaeocastor, 328
Propalaeosinopa, 100, 100f
Propalaeotherium, 248, 249, 249f, 250f
Propithecus, 183
Propliopithecidae, 166t, 167f, 194–197
Propliopithecoidea, 166t
Propliopithecus, 196–197
Prorastomidae, 242t, 268–270
Prorastomus, 243f, 268, 269, 269f
Prosarcodon, 150
Proscalopidae, 140t, 154
Prosciurinae, 326
Prosciurus, 326
prosimians, 178–179, 185, 187
Prosimii, 166, 167f
Protadelomys, 326
Protadjidaumo, 331
Protalphadon, 77, 79f
Protamandua, 203
Protapirus, 253
Proteopithecidae, 166t, 167f, 194–197
Proteopithecus, 194
Proterix, 147
Proterotheriidae, 213t, 227f, 233, 234, 235f
Proteutheria, 94, 103, 138
Proticia, 236–237, 237f, 238
Protictis, 130
Protitanotherium, 251f
Protoadapinae, 183
Protoadapis, 180, 184
protoanthropoid, 179
Protoceras, 301f, 304f
Protoceratidae, 286f, 289t, 300, 301–302, 301f
Protoceratoidea, 289t
Protocetidae, 272f, 273t, 278–285, 280f, 282
Protocetus, 282–283
protocone, 28, 28f, 34, 65–67, 73f, 78f, 85, 96, 105,
120, 128, 169, 171, 180f, 184–185, 188,
196, 217, 220, 250, 292, 298, 299, 308,
309, 311f
protoconid, 28, 28f, 54, 73f, 74, 77, 91f, 132, 148,
149, 180f, 217, 238, 274, 311f
protocristid, 28, 28f, 35, 73f, 187, 235
Protodidelphinae, 74t, 81f, 83
Protodidelphys, 81f
Protolipterna, 227f, 233–234
Protolipternidae, 213t, 227f, 233, 234
protoloph, 28, 227, 235, 238, 239f, 247, 255,
protolophid, 238, 240, 247, 253
Protomoropus, 257
Protophiomys, 334
Protoptychidae, 307t, 331
Protoptychus, 323f, 331
Protoreodon, 299f, 300
Protorohippus, 247
Protosciurus jeffersoni, 327
Protoselene, 219
protosimiiform, 179
Protosiren, 243f, 269–270, 269f, 270
Protosirenidae, 242t, 268, 269
protostylid, 311f
Prototheria, 49–50
Prototherium, 243f, 270
protothyrids, 44
Prototomus, 34f, 125
Protrogomorpha, 322
protrogomorphous rodents, 318, 318f, 322, 327
Protungulatum, 89f, 98f, 114, 212f, 214–215, 214f,
216, 220, 227f, 344
Protylopus, 301
Proviverrinae, 123–125
Prozeuglodon, 281f
Prozostrodon, 45, 47f
Pseudamphimeryx, 298f, 303
pseudangular process, 52
Pseudictopidae, 9t, 306, 307t, 308f, 310, 310f, 339,
Pseudictops, 226, 240, 310, 310f
Pseudobassaris, 137
Pseudocreodi, 119
Pseudoglyptodon, 199t, 200f, 201f, 202
pseudohypocone, 182, 184, 185, 225
Pseudoloris, 190f, 191
Pseudoltinomys, 325f, 326
pseudoprotocone, 70
Pseudorhyncocyonidae, 140t, 141, 342
Pseudorophodon, 202
pseudosacrals, 201
pseudotalonid, 70
Pseudotetonius, 191f
Pseudotriconodon, 47f
Psittacosaurus, 62
Psittacotherium, 107, 108f
Pterodon, 126
Pterodontinae, 123, 124
Pteropodidae, 157, 158t
pterygoid bone, 25f
leptictidan, 142f
pterygoid fossa, 61
pterygoid muscles, 26, 36
lagomorph, 314
Ptilocercus, 197f
Ptilodontoidea, 57f, 58–59, 340
classification, 49t
Ptilodus, 57f, 59, 59f–60f, Plate 1.1
Ptolemaia, 103, 103f
Ptolemaiidae, 95t, 99, 101–103
pubic symphysis, 33, 143
pubis, 33, 36f, 42, 73
Pucadelphys, 81, 82f, Plate 1.2
Puercan NALMA, 14f, 100, 105, 106, 172,
214–216, 218, 219, 275
Punta Peligro, Argentina, 218, 226, 234, 336
Purgatoriidae, 166t, 169, 171
Purgatorius, 170f, 171–174, 172f–173f, 178, 343
pygmy gliding possum, 175
Pyrocyon, 125
Pyrotheria, 10t, 22, 213t, 215, 226, 227f, 236–237,
237f, 240, 242, 306, 344
Pyrotheriidae, 213t, 237
Pyrotherium, 237, 237f, 238
Qatrania, 196
Qianshan Basin (China), 339, 347
Qipania, 309
quadrate, 42f, 43, 44, 45f, 46f, 52, 83
quadratojugal, 45f
Quercitherium, 125, 125f
Quercy (France), 131–133, 135, 136, 147, 161,
186, 296, 297, 338, 342
Quercysorex, 153, 154f
Quettacyonidae, 213t, 216, 339
rabbits, 9t, 313–314, 319
raccoons, 9t, 35, 126, 136
Radinskya, 242t, 243, 243f, 253, 266–267, 339,
radiometric dating, 10, 11
radioulnar joint, 33f
radius, 30f, 32, 33, 34f, 39, 40, 75f, 85
anoplothere, 298
anthracothere, 294
archaeocete, 281, 283
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 285, 287f, 290f, 294, 295, 297,
298, 301, 302, 304
camel, 302
chiropteran, 157, 159
condylarth, 220, 222, 224
coryphodontid, 118
dermopteran, 163
entelodont, 295
euprimate, 166, 168
eutherian, 90
hyaenodontid, 126
hypertragulid, 303
hyracoid, 257, 260
ischyromyid, 325f
mesonychian, 274, 277f
miacid, 131, 131f
oromerycid, 301
palaeanodont, 206
pantodont, 118
peccary, 297
perissodactyl, 244
phenacodontid, 224
proboscidean, 260, 261
sirenian, 268
stylinodontid, 107
taeniodont, 107
tillodont, 111
xenungulate, 238, 238f
Ragnorak, 214
paratropical, 21
tropical, 20–21
Raoellidae, 274, 288, 289t, 291, 292f, 339,
Raricricetodon, 330
rat(s), 9t, 318, 329–331. See also Muroidea
rat opossums, 9t, 81
Ratufa, 32f
Ravenictis, 130, 130f
Reigitherium, 55, 340
Reithroparamyinae, 321–322, 322f
Reithroparamys, 321–322, 326, 329
Remingtonocetidae, 272f, 273t, 278–285, 280f,
Remingtonocetus, 280f
Rencunius, 186
Repenomamus, 62
reproductive tract, marsupial, 73
reptiles, 44
growth in, 23
lower jaw, 26
skull, 24
Requisia, 234
Rhaetian Age, 13f, 51, 52, 54
Rhaeto-Liassic taxa, 52, 54
422 Index
rhinarium, 182
rhinoceros, 10t, 40, 244, 246
Rhinocerotidae, 242t
Rhinocerotoidea, 242t, 246f, 248f, 249f, 252–253,
254–255, 254f, 338, 339, 345, Plate 7.3
Rhinolophidae, 158t, 161
Rhinolophus, 161
Rhinopomatidae, 158t
Rhombomylus, 316, 317f
Rhynchippus, 231
Rhynchocyon, 37f, 141, 311f, 312f
Rians (France), 338
rib(s), 30–31, 41, 44
cervical, 30, 58, 68
dermopteran, 163
sirenian, 268, 270
sternal, 199
Ernanodon, 210
Ricardolydekkeria, 230
Ricardowenia, 230
ricochetal gait, 40
ricochetal mammals, 322
right whales, 285
Rio Loro Formation, 234, 236
Riochican SALMA, 14f, 17, 199, 201, 221, 230,
231, 233, 236, 238f, 240, 336, 343
Riostegotherium, 201, 201f
Roberthoffstetteria, 83, 83f
Robiac (France), 338
Robiacina, 297–298, 298f, 299
rock cavy, 300
rock rat, 334
Rocky Mountains, 16, 164, 337
Rodentia, 4, 5, 22, 61, 107, 156, 240, 306, 315,
316–334, 324f, 327f, 336–337, 346–347
age of divergence, 5t, 316–317
classification and relationships, 8, 9t, 11f, 12f,
139f, 286f, 307t, 308f, 312–313, 316–318
dental formula, 316
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339, 340
of Europe, 338
of North America, 337
fossorial, 40, 326–328
hystricognath radiation, 334, 347
hystricomorphous, 318, 318f, 326
monophyly, 316
myomorphous, 318, 318f, 328
oldest known, 319–320
phiomorph, 334, 336
protrogomorphous, 318, 318f, 322, 327
sciurognathous, 318, 319f, 321, 326, 328, 332
sciuromorphous, 318, 318f, 326–329, 331
tooth enamel, 318–319, 320f
zygomasseteric anatomy, 318, 318f, 319f
Rodentiaformes, 317
Rodhocetus, 273, 280f, 282f, 283, 283f, Plate 8.2
Romania, 338
Rooneyia, 188, 189f, 190f, 191
root(s), of teeth, 27
Rowe, 43
Ruminantia, 12f, 273, 285, 293, 298f, 300–302,
302–305, 304f, 338, 346
classification, 272f, 286f, 289t, 302
stomach, 286–287
runners. See cursorial mammals
Rupelian Stage/Age, 13f, 14f, 15, 17
Russia, eutherians, 89
saber-toothed mammals, 6, 122, 132–133, 134f,
216, 238–239
Sabiaceae, 21
sacral vertebrae, 30, 30f, 31, 31f
archaeocete, 283
cetacean, 283
embrithopod, 266
sirenian, 270
sacroiliac joint
archaeocete, 283
sirenian, 270
sacrum, 36f
archaeocete, 282, 284
xenarthran, 201
sac-winged bats, 161
Saghacetus, 284–285
Saghatherium, 258f, 260, Plate 7.4
sagittal crest, 24, 35, 121
Sahara Desert, 20, 336
Saharagalago, 187, 187f
Saimiri, 194, 196
Salladolodus, 221
SALMA. See South American Land-Mammal
saltatorial mammals, 37f, 40, 142–143, 142f, 223,
234, 257, 289, 303, 310, 314, 315, 322
San Juan Basin (New Mexico), 21, 219
Sanitheriidae, 289t
Santa Lucía Formation, 16
Santacrucian, 202, 231
Santiagorothia, 230
Santonian Age, 13f, 148
Sarcodon, 150
Sarkastodon, 122, 123f, 342
Saskatchewan, 130, 162, 337
Saturninia, 149, 150f
Saxonella, 172, 173, 176f
Saxonellidae, 166t, 169, 170f, 173, 343
Scaglia, 236, 236f
scaly-anteaters, 10t. See also Pholidota
Scandentia, 138, 156, 176, 197, 197f, 335, 343
classification, 10t, 157f, 158t, 167f, 170f
relationships, 11f, 12f, 157f
scansorial mammals, 37f, 74, 89, 111, 121, 122,
125–126, 131, 134, 150, 197, 215, 216,
219, 222
skeletal adaptations, 39, 39f
scaphoid, 33, 35f, 74, 75f
creodont, 121
miacoid, 130
palaeanodont, 208f
phenacodontid, 223
pholidotan, 204
scapholunate, 129
carnivore, 129
pholidotan, 204
scapula, 30f, 32, 32f, 53, 55, 65, 68, 201
Ernanodon, 210
Euphractus, 32f
eutriconodont, 62
Jeholodens, 63
palaeanodont, 206
pholidotan, 204
proboscidean, 260
talpid, 155
Scarrittia, 231
Scelidotheriidae, 199t
Scenopagidae, 140t, 145
Schizotherium, 257
Schowalteria, 108–109, 108f
Sciuravida, 326, 332
Sciuravidae, 322, 329, 332, 347
classification and relationships, 307t, 308f,
322f, 329f, 332f
Sciuravus, 322
Sciuridae, 317, 318, 320, 322, 327–328, 338, 347
classification, 9t, 307t, 322f
skeletal adaptations, 39–40
Sciurognathi, 317
sciurognathy/sciurognathous rodents, 318, 319f,
321, 326, 328, 332
Sciuromorpha, 317, 320–329, 347
classification and relationships, 307t, 308f,
sciuromorphous rodents, 318, 318f, 326–329,
scutes, 201–202
sea cows, 10t, 267. See also Sirenia
sea levels, Paleocene, 18
seals, 9t, 35, 40, 126
seawater. See marine environment
secodonty/secodont dentition, 28, 34, 35
sectorial teeth, 28, 29f
Seggeurius, 259–260, 259f
Selandian Stage/Age, 13f, 14f
selenodonty/selenodont dentition, 28, 29f, 35,
36, 110, 167, 184, 219, 222–224, 233–235,
250, 259, 260, 286–287, 289, 291,
293–294, 297, 299–303, 311, 346
semiaquatic mammals, 40, 56, 71, 100, 101, 103,
118, 144, 240, 264, 266, 294, 298, 300, 341
semi-fossorial mammals, 40
Senegal, 284, 336
septomaxilla, 45f, 52, 53, 56, 68, 199
Serapia, 194
serial carpus. See carpus, serial
sesamoid bones, 34
palaeanodont, 208, 208f
stylinodontid, 107
Sespedectes, 145
Sespedectidae, 140t, 145
sexual dimorphism, 118, 168, 180, 186, 193, 194,
197, 223, 239, 247, 250, 255, 259, 274,
295, 297
Seymour Island (Antarctica), 71, 87, 202, 284, 337
Shamolagus, 314
Shandgolian ALMA, 14f, 17
Shandong Province (China), 339
Shanghuan ALMA, 14f, 339
Shanxi Province (China), 191–192
Sharamurunian ALMA, 14f, 17
Shizarodon, 185
short-fuse model, of therian radiation, 3, 4f
Shoshonius, 188, 189f, 190, 190f, 191–192
shoulder girdle, 32, 41, 43f, 53, 65, 68
symmetrodont, 64
shrews, 9t, 93, 138, 143, 147, 148, 150, 153, 342,
343. See also Soricidae
primitive, 153–155, 154f
Shuotheridia, 9t, 49t
Shuotherium, 51f, 70
Siamochoerus, 296f
Siamopithecus, 185, 193, 193f
Sifrhippus, 247
Sillustania, 83
Sillustaniidae, 74t
Silveirinha (Spain), 338
Simiacritomys, 330
Simimeryx, 303
Simimyidae, 307t, 329f
Simimys, 330
Simplicidentata, 9t, 307t, 308f, 313, 315–334, 316f,
Simplodon, 110f, 111f, 114
Simpson, George Gaylord, xii, 44
Simpsonictis, 129, 130f
Simpsonodon, 70
Simpsonotus, 229, 230
Sinclairella, 103, 104, 105f
Sinemurian Age, 13f, 52, 55
Sinoconodon, 45f, 51f, 52–53, 53, 53f
Sinoconodontidae, 9t, 49t
Sinodelphys, 74, 74t, 75f, 340
Sinomylus, 9t, 307t, 308f, 315–316, 316f, 319
Sinonyx, 272f, 275f
Sinopa, 125, 126f, 127f
Sinosinopa, 150
Sinostylops, 226
sinuses, 26
basicranial, archaeocete, 284
cetacean, 277
inferior petrosal, 135
nasal, 26
archaeocete, 282
phenacodontid, 223
sirenian, 269
Sirenia, 5, 22, 88, 215, 237, 241–242, 260,
267–270, 269f, 270f, 345
classification and relationships, 8, 8f, 10t, 11f,
12f, 211–212, 212f, 213t, 242t, 243f, 270
Index 423
Sirenia (continued)
Early Cenozoic
of Africa, 336
of North America, 337–338
Sivaladapidae, 166t, 182, 186
Sivaladapis, 186
skeleton, 23, 310. See also dentition; skull
adapoid, 179–182, 181f, 185
adaptations, 34–40, 39f
amphicyonid, 135, 137f
anagalid, 309, 309f
anoplothere, 298
anteater, 203f
anthracothere, 294, 294f
anthropoid, 195f, 196, 196f
apatemyid, 104, 106f, Plate3.1, Plate 3.2
appendicular, 30
archaeocete, 278f, 280, 282f
arctocyonid, 216, 218f, Plate 8.1
arctostylopid, 226
artiodactyl, 285, 287f, 290f, 292f, 305f,
Plate 8.3
astrapothere, 235–236
axial, 30
bemalambdid, 114
brontothere, 251, 252f
cainothere, 299, 305f
camel, 302, 302f
canid, 135f
carnivoran, 129, 132f, 134f, 135f, 137f
carpolestid, 173, 174f
cebochoerid, 292f
cetacean, 276, 278f. See also skeleton,
chalicothere, 256f
chiropteran, 157, 161f, Plate 5
choeropotamid, 292, 292f
condylarth, 215, 223f
creodont, 120, 121. See also skeleton,
hyaenodontid; skeleton, oxyaenid
dermopteran, 163f
dichobunid, 289–290, 290f, 291f
djadochtathere, 58, 59f
docodont, 55–56
edentate, 199
elephant shrew, 311
embrithopod, 266, 266f
entelodont, 294, 295f
Eomaia, 90f
epoicotheriid, 207
erinaceid, 144
erinaceomorph, 145, 146, 146f, 147f
Ernanodon, 207f, 209
euprimate, 179
Eurotomandua, 203–204, 203f, Plate 7.1
eutherian, 89, 90f, Plate 1.3, Plate 1.4
feliform, 132
glirid, 324f
glyptodont, 202
Gobiconodon, 62, 62f
Haldanodon, 55–56
hyaenodontid, 125, 127f, 128f
hypertragulid, 287f, 303
hyracoid, 257, 258f, 260, Plate 7.4
ischyromyid, 321, 322, 323f–325f
Jeholodens, 62f, 63
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140, Plate 4.1
leptictidan, Plate 4.2
lipotyphlan, 144. See also skeleton,
marsupial, 80f, 82f, 85, Plate 1.2
mesonychian, 274, 276f
metatherian, 75f, 77f
miacid, 131, 131f, f132
micropternodontid, 150–151
mimotonid, 315
mioclaenid, 219
mixodectid, 164
morganucodont, 52–53, 53f
multituberculate, 57–58, 59f, 60f
mysticete, 278f
nimravid, 134f
notharctid, 181f, 183, 185
notoungulate, 228, 229f
odontocete, 278f
omomyid, 192
oreodont, 299, 299f, 300
oxyaenid, 121, 124f
palaeanodont, 100, 205, 206, 207f
pangolin, 204
pantodont, 114, 115, 117, 117f, 118
pantolestan, 100
pantolestid, 101, 102f, Plate 2.1
paroxyclaenid, 101, 103f, Plate 2.2
periptychid, 219, 220, 221f
perissodactyl, 244, 245f, 246f, 248f, 250, 252f,
256f, Plate 7.3
phenacodontid, 223, 224, 224f
pholidotan, 204, 205f, 206f
plesiadapiform, 170, 174f
pneumatized, 260
postcranial, 30–34, 30f–33f, 42
proboscidean, 260, 264
Protoptychus, 323f
ptilodontid, 59, 60f
rhinocerotoid, 255, Plate 7.3
rodent, 323f, 324f
ruminant, 305f
sciurid, 323f
sirenian, 269, 270f
taeniodont, 105, 107–108, 109f
tillodont, 111
tree shrew, 197, 197f
tritylodontid, 45, 47f
uintathere, 239f, 240
ungulate, 211, 215
viverravid, 131
xenarthran, 200–201
xenungulate, 238, 238f
xiphodont, 301
zalambdalestid, 308, 308f, Plate 1.4
skull, 24–26, 25f, 42
adapid, 184f
adapoid, 168f, 179–180, 182f
altungulate, 243f
amphicyonid, 137f
anagalid, 309, 309f, 310f
Andrewsarchus, 219f
anteater, 203
anthracothere, 293, 294f
anthropoid, 194, 195f, 196f
apatemyid, 104, 104f, 105f
apternodont, 152, 152f
archaeocete, 278, 279f–281f, 282
arctocyonid, 216, 216f
Arsiniotherium, 267f
artiodactyl, 285–286
Asioryctes, 92f
astrapothere, 236f
basal mammal, 45f
bemalambdid, 114
brontothere, 251, 251f, 252
cainothere, 299
camel, 302, 302f
carnivoran, 35
castorimorph, 327f
cetacean, 276, 279f
chalicothere, 257
chiropteran, 160f
condylarth, 215, 243f
creodont, 121
ctenodactyloid, 333, 333f
cylindrodontid, 323, 327f
cynodont, 44–46, 45f–47f
Daulestes, 92f
dermopteran, 163
dichobunid, 289
didymoconid, 97, 98f
djadochtathere, 57f, 58
docodont, 55f
edentate, 199
elephant shrew, 311
entelodont, 294, 295, 295f
equid, 248
Ernanodon, 210
euprimate, 179
eurymylid, 317f
eutherian, 90–92, 92f
feliform, 134f
fossorial mammals, 40
geolabidid, 149
Gobiconodon, 62
Hadrocodium, 55
Haldanodon, 55, 55f
hegetothere, 233, 233f
helohyid, 291
herbivores, 36–39
human, 24
hyaenodontid, 124, 125f, 126, 126f
hyopsodontid, 222
hypertragulid, 303, 303f
hyracoid, 258f, 259, 259f
ischyromyid, 321, 327f
Kennalestes, 92f
lagomorph, 313, 315f
Lambdopsalis, 60
lemuroid, 186
leptictidan, 140, 142f
litopteran, 234f
Llanocetus, 284
marsupial, 73, 79, 82f, 84f, 85
mesonychian, 275f
metatherian, 76f
monotreme, 68, 69
morganucodont, 52, 53f
multituberculate, 57, 57f
muroid, 327f
myrmecophagous mammals, 35, 38f
mysticete, 279f
nimravid, 134f
notoungulate, 228, 229f
odontocete, 279f
omomyid, 168f, 188, 189f, 191
oreodont, 299f, 300
oromerycid, 301f
oxyaenid, 121, 124f
palaeanodont, 205, 207–208, 209f
palaeoryctid, 96–97, 96f, 97f
palaeothere, 253f
pangolin, 204
pantodont, 114, 115f–116f, 118
pantolestan, 99
pantolestid, 101
paromomyid, 176
paroxyclaenid, 101
pentacodontid, 101
perissodactyl, 243f, 244
phenacodontid, 223, 243f
pholidotan, 204
plagiomenid, 164
plesiadapid, 171
plesiadapiform, 168f, 169
Plesiopithecus, 187f
pneumatization, 26, 164, 262, 264–265
proboscidean, 263, 263f–264f
procyonid, 136
protoceratid, 301f
protrogomorphous, 321–323, 326, 327, 329
pseudomyomorphous, 329
Ptolemaia, 103
pyrothere, 237f
Radinskya, 243f
Repenomamus, 62
reptile, 24
rhinocerotoid, 255
rodent, 327f, 333f
ruminant, 303f
sciuravid, 322
sciuromorphous, 326, 328, 329
424 Index
simplicidentate, 316f
Sinoconodon, 53, 53f
sirenian, 268, 269f
soricomorph, 147
strepsirrhine, 187
suoid, 296f
taeniodont, 105, 107, 108f
tapiroid, 253f
tillodont, 111, 112f
triisodontine, 217, 219f
trithelodont, 45
tritylodontid, 45, 47f
typothere, 232f
uintathere, 239
ungulate, 36
whale. See skull, cetacean
xiphodont, 301
Zalambdalestes, 92f
Slaughteria, 70f
sloths, 9t, 198, 200, 201, 201f, 202, 343. See also
cervical vertebrae, 30, 201
megalonychid, 202
megatheriid, 201, 202
three-toed, 202
two-toed, 202
Smilodectes, 180, 184
Smilodon, 6
snout, 26, 143. See also skull
adapoid, 180, 185
amphicyonid, 135
anagalid, 310f
anthracothere, 293
anthropoid, 194
bemalambdid, 114
camel, 302
condylarth, 215
cylindrodontid, 323
elephant shrew, 310
eutherian, 92
geolabidid, 149
leptictidan, 141
lipotyphlan, 143
marsupial, 85f
mimotonid, 314f
Numidotherium, 263
oromerycid, 301
palaeoryctid, 96
pantolestid, 100, 101
paromomyid, 176
perissodactyl, 244
plesiadapiform, 169
proboscidean, 263
squirrel, 328
taeniodont, 108, 109
tillodont, 111, 113
xenarthran, 202
zalambdalestid, 307
Solenodon, 34, 38f, 101, 143, 147, 148, 152–153
Solenodontidae, 138, 140t, 143, 147
Somalia, 336
Soricidae, 139f, 140t, 143, 147, 153–154, 154f,
Soricinae, 153
Soricoidea, 140t
Soricolestes, 154f, 154
Soricomorpha, 93, 96–97, 139, 140t, 143, 144,
147–154, 149f, 150, 153, 342–343
Sorlestes, 213
South America, 8, 56, 61, 65, 74, 78, 80, 81, 83,
84, 271. See also Meridiungulata
australosphenidan, 68
carnivorans, 342
didolodontids, 220
Early Cenozoic mammal record for, 336–337
equids, 247
gondwanatheres, 70–71
mammalian dispersal to, 20
metatherians, 72, 341
monotreme, 69
and North America, faunal exchange between,
paleogeography, 18, 19f
pantodonts, 114
periptychids, 219
primates, 166
proboscideans, 260
pyrotheres, 236, 240
tayassuids, 296
ungulates, 226
archaic, 344
endemic. See Meridiungulata
xenarthrans, 202, 343
South American Land-Mammal Ages, 11, 14f,
16–17, 237, 336
South Carolina, 310, 337
South Dakota, 191
Spain, 20, 338
Spalacolestes, 63f
Spalacotheriidae, 49t, 64
Sparassocynidae, 74t, 75f
Sparassodonta, 78, 81, 84–86, 341
classification, 9t, 74t
Sparnacian Age, 12, 15
Sparnotheriodontidae, 221–222, 227f, 235, 235f
sperm whales, 275–276, 285
sphenacodontid pelycosaurs, 44
sphenoid bone, 24
sphenorbital fissure, 58
sphenorbital foramen. See foramen/foramina,
splenial (bone), 47f
springhares, 331–332
Spurimus, 326
squamosal (bone), 24, 25f, 43, 44, 45f, 46f, 49, 52,
56, 57, 82f
apternodont, 152
archaeocete, 281f
artiodactyl, 285
dichobunid, 289
leptictidan, 142f
notoungulate, 228
palaeoryctid, 96
proboscidean, 264f
sirenian, 269f
squirrel monkeys, 194
squirrels. See also Sciuridae
gliding scaly-tailed (Anomaluridae), 331–332
stages, 10
standard, 11, 14f
Stagodontidae, 74t, 75f, 77f, 78
stance. See posture
stapes, 24, 42f, 44, 56
Stegotherium, 38f
Stehlinia, 162
Steinius, 173f, 188, 189
stem taxa, 4
stem-based taxon, 7–8, 8f
Steneofiber, 328
Stenogale, 132, 133f
Stenoplesictis, 132, 133f, 342
sternal ribs, 31
Sternbergiidae, 74t, 83
sternebra, 31
sternum, 30f, 31
chiropteran, 157
dermopteran, 163
Steropodon, 67, 67f, 68, 69
Stibarus, 289
stomach, ruminant, 302
Strenulagus, 314
Strepsirrhini, 166t, 167f, 168f, 178–179, 181–182,
183f, 185, 187f, 343
earliest, 186–187
strepsirrhinism, 182
stylar cusps, 28, 66, 73, 73f, 74–76, 148, 153, 164,
marsupial, 77, 78, 83, 87
metatherian, 78f
designations, 73
stylar shelf, 28, 70, 89, 92, 95–97, 99, 101, 104,
105, 108, 110, 113, 115, 140, 148–150,
152, 168, 169, 186, 188, 214, 215, 217
marsupial, 72–74, 76, 78, 87
zalambdalestid, 308
Stylinodon, 107, 107f, 108, 108f
Stylinodontidae, 95t, 105, 106–108, 110f
stylocone, 28, 54, 65, 65f, 73, 73f, 153
stylohyal bone, chiropteran, 158, 161
stylohyoid bone, notoungulate, 228
stylomastoid foramen. See foramen/foramina,
subages, 16
Subengius, 172
Subparictidae, 135
subterranean mammals, 40, 208–209
Sudamerica, 17, 71, 71f
Sudameridelphia, 83
Suevosciurus, 326
sugar gliders, 9t
Suidae, 12f, 272f, 286f, 289t, 296, 296f, 297
Suiformes, 285, 286f, 288, 289, 289t, 293, 297,
300, 346
Suina. See Suiformes
Suoidea, 274, 289t, 296, 296f
superior orbital fissure, 24
supernumerary teeth, 200
supertree analysis, 7
supination, forearm, 33
suprameatal fossa, 133
supraoccipital bones, 24, 25f
proboscidean, 264f
sirenian, 268, 269f
supraorbital process, cetacean, 276
supraorbital shield, archaeocete, 282
supraspinous fossa, 32, 32f, 58
Jeholodens, 63
surangular, 43, 45f–47f
Sus, 32f, 33f
suspensory posture, 197
Swain Quarry (Wyoming), 59
sweepstakes dispersal, 18, 19f, 20
swimming mammals, 40, 276, 281, 283. See also
aquatic adaptations
Switzerland, 338
Symmetrodonta, 9t, 49, 49t
symmetrodonts, 49, 50f, 63–64, 63f, 70
basal, 52
as paraphyletic assemblage, 63
symplesiomorphies, 6
Symplokeomys, 331
synapomorphies, 6
Synapsida, 44
synapsids, 2
Syndactyli, 9t, 74t
Synoplotherium, 274–275
Tabelia, 179, 192, 195f
tabular bones, 52, 57
Tachyglossa, 10t
Tachyglossidae, 68
Tachypteron, 161–162, Plate 5.4
Tachytheriinae, 232
Taeniodonta, 22, 94, 105–110, 107f, 109f, 198,
335, 337–338, 341
classification and relationships, 10t, 95t, 105,
109, 110f
Taeniolabididae, 59–60
Taeniolabidoidea, 49t, 56, 57f, 58, 59–60, 340
Taeniolabis, 57f, 60
apatemyid, 104
arboreal mammals, 39
archaeocete, 281, 283
Arctictis, 101
cebochoerid, 291
cetacean, 276
chiropteran, 159
choeropotamid, 293
erinaceomorph, 146
Index 425
tail (continued)
hyaenodontid, 125
hyracoid, 257
lagomorph, 314
leptictidan, 142
marsupial, 80–81
pantodont, 116
pantolestid, 100, 101
paurodontid, 65
prehensile, 39, 59, 79, 85
arctocyonid, 216
semi-aquatic mammals, 40
taeniodont, 106
uintathere, 240
vertebrae, 31, 31f
Takracetus, 280f
talonid(s), 28, 34, 35, 63–70, 73f, 76, 77, 78f, 85,
87, 90, 92, 95–97, 99, 103–105, 109, 110,
117, 120, 134, 140, 144, 145, 148–150,
152, 154, 164, 167, 169, 175, 176, 180,
180f, 186, 188, 194, 215, 217, 220, 222,
223, 231, 274, 275, 280, 289, 308, 309,
316, 321
talonid basin, 28, 28f
Talpidae, 139f, 140t, 143, 154–155
Talpoidea, 140t, 147, 154f, 154–155, 343
talus, 33. See also astragalus
amphipithecid, 185
Tamandua, 344
Tamquammyidae, 307t, 332
Tamquammys, 325f
Tanzania, 20, 71, 161, 336
Tanzanycteris, 161
Taphozous, 162
tapir(s), 10t, 36, 244, 246
Tapiridae, 242t, 253
Tapiroidea, 246, 248f, 249f, 252, 253–254, 253f,
254f, 256, 345
classification, 242t, 246f
tapiroids, 244–245, 248f
Tapiromorpha, 246, 249f, 252–253, Plate 3.3
classification, 242t
Tapirulus, 299
Tapirus, 33f, 253f
Tarka, 164
Tarkadectes, 164
tarsal bones, 33, 34, 40. See also tarsus
adapid, 186
adapoid, 168f
anthropoid, 192
archaeocete, 284
archontan, 157
arctocyonid, 216
arctostylopid, 226
artiodactyl, 285, 345
cainothere, 299
carnivoran, 119, 131
cetacean, 283, 283f, 345
creodont, 119
dermopteran, 163
didolodontid, 221
elephant shrew, 311
fossil whale, 197, 273, 274
hyopsodontid, 222
hyracoid, 257, 258
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
litopteran, 233, 233f, 234, 235
marsupial, 86
notoungulate, 227, 228
nyctithere, 150
omomyid, 168f, 188, 192
palaeanodont, 206
palaeothere, 249
pantodont, 114
plesiadapoid, 168f
ptilodontid, 59, 60f
pyrothere, 237
serial, 260
taeniodont, 105
toxodont, 230
uintathere, 240
ungulate, 233, 233f
tarsiers, 10t, 35, 40, 166, 179, 188, 191–192
Tarsiidae, 166t, 167f, 179, 187, 191–192, 339,
Tarsiiformes, 166, 166t, 167f, 179, 187–192,
187f, 191
Tarsioidea, 179
Tarsipes, 36
Tarsius, 161, 187, 188, 191–192
tarsus, 30f
archaeocete, 284
arctocyonid, 216
arctostylopid, 226
artiodactyl, 290f
astrapothere, 236
carnivoran, 119
creodont, 119
didolodontid, 221–222
elephant shrew, 312
hyaenodontid, 126
hyracoid, 260
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
metatherian, 73
pantodont, 114
paromomyid, 176
plesiadapid, 171
pyrothere, 237
toxodont, 231
Tasmanian devil, 9t
Tasmanian wolf, 9t
taxeopody, 258–259. See also carpus, serial
Taxidea, 32f
Taxodiaceae, 21
taxon (pl., taxa)
apomorphic, 6
crown-group, 8, 8f, 43
derived, 6
in-group, 6
node-based, 8
out-group, 6
plesiomorphic, 6
primitive, 6
stem, 4
stem-based, 7–8, 8f
taxonomy, 7
Tayassuidae, 273, 286f, 289t, 296–297, 296f
teeth. See canine teeth; dental formula;
dentition; incisors; molars; premolars
Teilhardina, 168f, 172–173, 172f–173f, 188–189,
Plate 4.4
Teinolophos, 69
Teletaceras, 255
and mammalian diversity, 340
ocean, 20
in Paleocene-Eocene, 20–21
temporal bones, 24, 69
temporal fossa, cetacean, 276
temporal line, 25f
temporalis muscle, 24, 35
lagomorph, 314
rodent, 318f
stylinodontid, 107
temporomandibular joint, 128
entelodont, 295
lagomorph, 314
shrew, 153
Tenrecidae, 8, 12f, 34, 39, 138, 143, 147, 148,
212, 311, 342
classification, 9t, 139f, 140t, 212f
Tenrecoidea, 139, 140t, 143, 148
tenrecs, 152. See Tenrecidae
tentorium, 119
teres major tuberosity, mesonychian, 277f
termites, diet based on, 200. See also
terrestrial mammals, 37f, 58, 76, 81, 85, 97, 100,
111, 121, 122, 125, 131, 140, 144, 147,
204, 216, 219, 220, 222, 225, 228, 244,
274, 279–281, 283, 309, 310, 314, 316,
321, 327, 339–341
skeletal adaptations, 39–40, 39f
Tethys Sea, 18, 260, 269, 278, 336, 338, 346
Tethytheria, 8f, 22, 212, 224–225, 241–243,
260–270, 339, 340, 344, 345
classification, 10t, 213t, 242t, 243f
Tetonius, 168f, 188–189, 190f, 191f
Tetraclaenodon, 223, 224, 244
Tetracus, 147
Tetragonostylops, 233f, 236
Tetrapassalus, 207
Texas, 16, 50, 74, 185, 191, 337, 341
Thailand, 163, 186, 296, 297, 339, 343
Thanetian Age, 13f, 14f, 145, 216, 338
Thanetian/Ypresian Stage/Age boundary, 12
Therapsida, 42, 44
Theria, 49–50, 61, 70
definition, 50
therian mammals, 4, 49–50, 63
Theridomyidae, 307t, 308f, 325f, 326, 332f, 347
Theridomys, 326
Therioherpeton, 45, 47f
Theroteinidae, 49t, 51, 61
Thinocyon, 126
Thinohyus, 296–297
Thoatherium, 233
Thomashuxleya, 228, 229f, 230
thoracic vertebrae, 30–31, 30f–31f
altungulate, 241
archaeocete, 284
brontothere, 251
sirenian, 269
Thrinaxodon, 42f, 44, 44f, 45f, 47f, 53f
middle-ear ossicles, 42f
occlusal relationships, 53f
Thryonomyidae, 307t, 334
Thryonomys, 334
Thryptacodon, 216, 217f
Thulean Route, 18, 19f
thumb, 33
Thylacosmilus, 6
Thylacotinga, 86f, 87
Thyrohyrax, 259, 260
Thyropteridae, 158t
tibia, 30f, 33, 37f, 40
adapid, 186
adapoid, 180
alagomyid, 320
anoplothere, 298
anthropoid, 194, 196
archaeocete, 283, 284
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 285, 287f, 290f
camel, 302
cebochoerid, 291
chalicothere, 257
choeropotamid, 292
coryphodontid, 118
dichobunid, 290
elephant shrew, 311, 312, 312f
entelodont, 295
epoicotheriid, 208
equid, 248
erinaceid, 144
erinaceomorph, 146
eurymylid, 315
eutherian, 90, 92
hyopsodontid, 223
hyracoid, 257, 260
ischyromyid, 322, 325f
lagomorph, 314
leptictid, 140
leptictidan, 142
leptomerycid, 303
mimotonid, 315
omomyid, 188, 191
426 Index
perissodactyl, 244, 246f
proboscidean, 260, 261, 263
pseudictopid, 310
rodent, 328, 331
tarsiid, 192
tillodont, 111
uintathere, 240
zalambdalestid, 308
tibia-fibula, hyopsodontid, 312, 312f
tibiofibula, omomyid, 188
tibiotalar joint, adapoid, 181
Tiffanian NALMA, 14f, 16, 96, 104, 122, 124, 172,
176, 178, 206, 216, 226, 238, 337, 339, 342
Tillodon, 110, 113
Tillodontia, 22, 94, 110–114, 111f, 112f, 118, 215,
337, 341
classification and relationships, 10t, 95t, 110f,
113, 211–212
dental formula, 110
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339
of Europe, 338
of North America, 337
origin, 113–114
Tillotheriidae, 95t, 110
time scale, geologic, 13f
Tingamarra, 86f, 87, 225
Tingamarra Local Fauna (Australia), 87, 336
Tinguirirican SALMA, 14f, 17–18, 84, 202, 343
Tinimomys, 174, 175f, 177f
Tinodon, 51f, 63f
Tinodontidae, 49t, 54, 64
Titanohyrax, 259–260
Titanoideidae, 95t, 116
Titanoides, 110f, 116–117, 116f–118f
titanotheres, 10t, 250. See also Brontotheriidae
Titanotheriomorpha, 242t, 244
Tithonian Age, 13f
Tiuclaenus, 217, 226, 227f
Tiupampa (Bolivia), 81, 82f, 83, 85, 114, 201,
218–219, 226, 227, 336, 337, 341,
Plate 1.2
Tiupampan SALMA, 14f, 87
Todralestes, 100f, 101
Todralestidae, 101
Toliapinidae, 166t, 169, 170f, 178, 179
tongue, pholidotan, 204
tooth combs, 166, 179, 186, 197
adapoid, 182
arctocyonid, 216, 217f
toothed whales. See Odontoceti
Torrejonian NALMA, 14f, 59, 100, 104, 105, 113,
115, 129, 130, 140, 145, 155, 164, 171,
172, 175, 176, 206, 215–219, 223, 224,
244, 274, 275, 338, 342, 344
total evidence analyses, 7
Toxodonta, 213t, 228f
Toxodontia, 229, 229f, 230–231, 230f
Toxodontidae, 213t, 228f
Tragulidae, 289t, 303
Tragulina, 289t, 302, 303
Tragulus, 290f
trapezium, 33, 35f, 75f
phenacodontid, 223
trapezoid (bone), 33, 35f
leptomerycid, 303
palaeanodont, 208f
phenacodontid, 223
Traversodontidae, 45
Trechnotheria, 9t, 49t
tree shrews, 8, 22, 43f, 138, 156, 197. See also
tree sloths, 36, 200, 201
Tremp Basin (Spain), 338
Triassic Period, 13f
mammalian evolution in, 44
mammals, 50–52, 50f
Tribactonodon, 69–70
tribosphenic mammals, 66–70, 74, 96, 120, 138,
144, 149, 161, 167, 169, 197, 247, 316
tribosphenic molar. See molars, tribosphenic
Tribosphenomys, 319–320, 321f, 339
tribotheres, 70, 70f, 74
Tribotheria, 70
Tribotherium, 70
Tricentes, 287
Trichechidae, 242t, 243f, 268
Trichechus, 268
Triconodontidae, 49, 49t, 61, 62
triconodonts, 52. See also Eutriconodonta;
Tricuspes, 47f
Tricuspiodon, 222
trigeminal nerve, 24–25, 43, 45
trigon, 66
Trigonias, 255
trigonid(s), 28, 34, 35, 54, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 73f,
78f, 87, 90, 92, 95–97, 103–105, 110, 113,
120, 126, 128, 140, 144–145, 148–150,
152, 153, 154, 164, 169, 171, 175, 176,
180, 180f, 183, 186, 188, 192, 211, 215,
218, 222, 231, 240, 280, 289, 308, 309,
319, 321
Trigonostylopidae, 213t, 236
Trigonostylops, 236, 236f
Triisodon, 214f, 217
Triisodontidae, 273t
Triisodontinae, 212f, 217, 219f, 272f, 274, 275,
286f, 346
trilophodonty, 264
Trinititherium, 70f
Trinity Formation (Texas), 74
Trioracodon, 62f
Triplopus, 29f
triquetrum, 33, 74, 75f
Tritemnodon, 125, 125f, 127f
Tritheledontidae, 43, 45, 51f
Tritylodontidae, 43, 43f, 45, 47f, 51f, 53
trochiter, chiropteran, 157
trochlear nerve, 24
Trogosinae, 110–111, 110f, 113
Trogosus, 111, 111f, 112f
trophoblast, 88
trunk, elephant, 260. See also proboscis
Tsagan Khushu (Mongolia), 339
Tsinlingomys, 325f
Tubulidentata, 8, 198, 335
classification and relationships, 10t, 11f, 12f,
139f, 211–212, 212f, 213t
Tubulodon, 207, 208f, 209f
Tunisia, 146, 185, 192, 259
elephant shrews, 311
Tupaia, 37f, 43f, 197, 197f
Tupaiidae, 138, 139f, 158t, 197, 197f
turbinal bones, 26
Turgai Strait, 18, 19f, 340
Turgidodon, 77
Turkey, 266, 339, 345
Turonian, 148
Turpan Basin, 339
anthracobunid, 262
hyracoid, 260
proboscidean, 260, 264
sirenian, 270
suid, 297
Tylopoda, 285, 289, 293, 297, 298f, 300, 300–302,
301f, 304f, 346
classification, 289t
tympanic bones, 328
tympanic cavity, 24
notoungulate, 228
tympanic ligament, archaeocete, 282
tympanic membrane, 24
lipotyphlan, 143
tympanic ring, 194
tympanum, 42f
Typotheria, 213t, 228, 228f, 229, 231–232, 231f,
Tytthaena, 122, 123f
Uintaceras, 255
Uintacyon, 130–131, 130f, 131f
Uintan NALMA, 14f, 153, 164, 175, 178, 252, 253,
255, 289, 301–303, 347
Uintasorex, 178
uintatheres, 10t, 18, 22, 114, 238–240, 239f, 337,
345. See also Dinocerata
Early Cenozoic
of Asia, 339
of North America, 337
Uintatheriamorpha, 240, 306
Uintatheriidae, 213t, 226, 238
Uintatherium, 239–240, 239f
Ukhaatherium, 90, 91f, Plate 1.3
Ulanbulakian ALMA, 17
Ulangochuian ALMA, 17
ulna, 30f, 32–33, 33f, 40
anagalid, 309
anthracothere, 294
arctocyonid, 218f
artiodactyl, 285, 287f
borhyaenoid, 85
camel, 302
chiropteran, 157
cingulate, 201
coryphodontid, 118
dermopteran, 163
docodont, 55–56
entelodont, 295
equid, 247, 248
Ernanodon, 210
eutherian, 90
eutriconodont, 62, 63
hyopsodontid, 222
hypertragulid, 303
hyracoid, 257, 260
ischyromyid, 325f
mesonychian, 274, 277f
metatherian, 75f
miacid, 131, 131f
morganucodont, 53
oreodont, 300
oromerycid, 301
oxyaenid, 121
palaeanodont, 208, 208f
peccary, 297
perissodactyl, 244
proboscidean, 260, 261
pseudictopid, 310
sirenian, 268
symmetrodont, 64
taeniodont, 106, 107
xenungulate, 238, 238f
unciform, 33, 35f
phenacodontid, 223
underwater hearing. See hearing
ungual phalanges, 33, 36f, 37f, 39, 39f, 202, 309.
See also phalanges
claw-bearing, 207, 256, 257
hoof-bearing, 274, 281, 287f
hooflike, 219, 223, 224, 238
nail-bearing, 81
palaeanodont, 208
pangolin, 204
phenacodontid, 223, 224
pholidotan, 204
tillodont, 111
Ungulata, 92, 114, 148, 156, 211–305, 341. See
also ungulates
characteristics, 211–212
classification, 10t, 139f, 211–212, 213t
Paleocene-Eocene, synopsis, 344–346
ungulates, 8, 35, 36, 40, 119, 273, 274, 341. See
also Ungulata
archaic, 211–240, 344–345
classification and relationships, 10t, 212f, 213t
cloven-hoofed, 285
endemic South American. See Meridiungulata
even-toed, 10t, 285
oldest relatives, 213–215, 213f, 214f
Index 427
Ungulatomorpha, 10t, 140, 214
unguligrade stance, 40, 244, 290, 290f, 302
Unuchinia, 104
Uranotheria, 242, 242t
Ursida, 121t
Ursidae, 9t, 120f, 121t, 126, 128, 129f, 135–136,
136f, 342
Ursoidea, 121t, 135–136
Ursus, 32f, 33f, 219f
Utaetus, 201, 201f
Utah, 76, 78, 255
Uzbekistan, 90, 92, 148, 154, 307, 339
zhelestids, 213
Vacan subage, 17
vagus nerve, 26
Valerilagus, 314
Venezuela, 237
venomous mammals, 101
Vermilingua, 199t, 200, 200f, 202–204
vertebrae, 30–31, 31f, 41, 44
anticlinal, 31
archaeocete, 281
astrapothere, 236
body (centrum), 30
caudal. See caudal vertebrae
cervical. See cervical vertebrae
hyrax, 257
lumbar. See lumbar vertebrae
morganucodont, 52–53
sacral. See sacral vertebrae
thoracic. See thoracic vertebrae
xenarthrous, 71, 200, 200f, 201, 203, 210
zygapophyses, 30, 31f
vertebral foramen. See foramen/foramina,
vertebralarterial canal, 301–302
Vespertiliavus, 161–162
Vespertilionidae, 158t, 161
vestibulocochlear nerve, 25–26
Victorlemoinea, 221–222, 235, 235f
Vincelestes, 51f, 64–66, 65f
Vincelestidae, 49t
Virginia, 337
Viverra, 37f, 131
Viverravidae, 120f, 121t, 122f, 127, 129, 130, 130f,
339, 342
Viverravus, 130f
Viverridae, 120f, 121t, 126, 131–132
volant mammals, skeletal adaptations, 39
volar pads
hyracoid, 257–258
proboscidean, 260
Volitantia, 157f, 158, 166
vomer, 26
vomeronasal organ, 26, 182
Vulpavus, 34f, 36f, 131, 131f, 132f
Wadilemur, 187
Wailekia, 186
Walbeck (Germany), 338
Wales, 52
Walia, 162
walruses, 9t, 35, 126
Wasatchian NALMA, 12, 14f, 16, 112f, 113, 117,
122, 126, 159, 176, 178, 206, 207, 244,
252, 288, 322, 326, 339
Wasatchian/Bridgerian boundary, 16
Washakius, 191
weasels, 9t, 126, 136
Western Interior (North America), 3, 337–338
Paleocene-Eocene climate and flora, 21
whale(s), 35, 40, 268, 271, 275, 276, 336, 345–346.
See also Cetacea
classification, 8, 10t, 211–212
communication by, 278
ear regions, 277, 280
White River Group, 134, 135
Whitneyan, 294
Widanelfarasia, 148
wings, of bats, 158, 161, 161f, 162f
Worlandia, 164, 165f
Worlandiinae, 164
Wortmania, 107, 107f, 108f
Woutersia, 54–55
Wutu (Shandong Province, China), 172, 207, 244,
Wyolestes, 99, 99f
Wyolestidae, 10t, 94–95, 95t, 97–99
Wyoming, 16, 55, 59, 101, 104, 105, 113, 116, 122,
146, 159, 160, 164, 189, 206, 206f, 215,
222, 226, 255, 321, 331, 337, Plate 3.3,
Plate 6
Paleocene-Eocene climate and flora, 20
Wyonycteris, 159, 160f
Xanthorhysis, 187f, 191–192
Xenarthra, 8, 12f, 22, 31, 39, 71, 198–204, 336–337
age of divergence, 5t
classification and relationships, 9t, 139f,
198–199, 199t, 200f
Early Cenozoic, of Southern Hemisphere,
origin, 201
Paleocene-Eocene, synopsis, 343–344
xenarthrous articulations. See vertebrae,
Xenicohippus, 247
Xenocranium, 207–208, 208f, 209f
Xenungulata, 22, 215, 226, 238, 238f, 240, 306,
336, 337, 344, 345
classification and relationships, 10t, 213t, 226
xiphisternum, 31
Xiphodon, 298f, 301
Xiphodontidae, 286f, 289t, 297, 301, 346
Yangochiroptera, 158t
Yinochiroptera, 158t
Yixian Formation (China), 74, 89
Yoderimys, 331
Ypresian Stage/Age, 12, 13f–14f, 244, 259, 263,
288, 292, 321, 338
Yuesthonyx, 110, 113
Yuomyidae, 307t, 332
Zaglossus, 69
Zaisaneomys, 331
Zalambdalestes, 90, 92f, 306, 307, 308f, Plate 1.4
Zalambdalestidae, 4, 9t, 89f, 114, 140, 306,
307–309, 307t, 308f, 342, 346–347
Zalambdalestoidea, 148
zalambdodonty/zalambdodont dentition, 34–35,
38f, 95, 96, 114, 144, 147–150, 152, 153
Zapodidae, 307t, 339
Zatheria, 9t, 49t, 66
Zegdoumyidae, 307t, 331, 347
Zeuglodon, 284
Zhailimeryx, 304
Zhangheotherium, 51f, 63f, 64, 74
Zhelestes, 140, 213
Zhelestidae, 4, 79, 92, 93, 140, 213, 213f, 214–215,
classification, 10t, 89f, 212f, 227f
Zhujegale, 215
zonation, floristic, 21
zygapophyses, 30, 31, 31f, 200, 200f, 204
zygodonty, 264
zygomasseteric anatomy (rodents), 318, 318f
zygomatic arch, 24, 26, 57
apternodont, 153
entelodont, 295
erinaceid, 144
geolabidid, 149
lipotyphlan, 143
notoungulate, 228
palaeoryctid, 96
plesiosoricid, 153
rodent, 318
taeniodont, 109
talpid, 155
zygomatic bones, 26
Zygorhiza, 284