Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Leotiomycetes
Ordo: Thelebolales

Familia: Thelebolaceae
Genus: Caccobius
Species: C. minusculus

Caccobius Kimbr., in Kimbrough & Korf, Am. J. Bot. 54(1): 22 (1967)

Type species: Caccobius minusculus Kimbr. 1967

Primary references

Kimbrough, J.W. & Korf, R.P. 1967. A synopsis of the genera and species of the tribe Theleboleae (= Pseudoascoboleae). American Journal of Botany 54(1): 9–23. DOI: 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1967.tb06888.x, JSTOR Reference page.


Index Fungorum: IF 715
MycoBank: MB 715

Caccobius is a genus of fungi in the Thelebolaceae family.[1] This is a monotypic genus, containing the single species Caccobius minusculus.

Lumbsch TH, Huhndorf SM. (December 2007). "Outline of Ascomycota – 2007". Myconet. 13. Chicago, USA: The Field Museum, Department of Botany: 1–58. Archived from the original on 2009-03-18.

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