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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Tracheophyta
Divisio: Lycopodiophyta
Classis: Lycopodiopsida
Subclassis: Isoetidae
Ordo: †Lepidodendrales

Familia: †Lepidodendraceae
Genus: Omphalophloios
Species: O. cyclostigma


Omphalophloios is a genus of fossil lycopsid trees in the Carboniferous system.[1]

Opluštil, S.; Bek, J.; Schultka, S. (2010). "Re-examination of the genus Omphalophloios White, 1898 from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin". Bulletin of Geosciences: 39–52. doi:10.3140/bull.geosci.1139.

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