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Cladus: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Bryophyta
Classis: Sphagnopsida
Ordo: Sphagnales
Familia: Sphagnaceae
Genus: Sphagnum


Sphagnaceae Dum.

Vernacular Names
日本語: ミズゴケ科

The Sphagnaceae is a family of moss with only one living genus Sphagnum.[1]


1. ^ Goffinet, B., W. R. Buck & A. J. Shaw. (2008) "Morphology and Classification of the Bryophyta", pp. 55-138 in Goffinet, B. & J. Shaw (eds.) Bryophyte Biology, 2nd ed. (New York: Cambridge University Press). ISBN 9780521872256

Biology Encyclopedia

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