
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Mucoromyceta
Divisio: Glomeromycota
Subdivisio: Glomeromycotina
Classis: Glomeromycetes
Ordo: Glomerales

Familia: Glomeraceae
Genuera: DominikiaFunneliformisFunneliglomusGlomusHalonatosporaKamienskiaMicrodominikiaMicrokamienskiaNanoglomusOehliaOrientoglomusRhizophagusSclerocarpumSclerocystisSeptoglomus

Glomeraceae Piroz. & Dalpé, 1989

Redecker, D., Schüssler, A., Stockinger, H., Stürmer, S.L., Morton, J.B. & Walker, C. 2013. An evidence-based consensus for the classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota). Mycorrhiza 23(7): 515–531. DOI: 10.1007/s00572-013-0486-y [1]


Index Fungorum: IF 82026
MycoBank: MB 82026

Vernacular names
中文: 球囊霉科

The Glomeraceae are a family of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi that form symbiotic relationships (mycorrhizas) with plant roots. The family was circumscribed in 1989.[1]

Pirozynski KA; Dalpé Y. (1989). "Geological history of the Glomaceae with particular reference to mycorrhizal symbiosis". Symbiosis. 7: 1–36.

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