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Cladus: Eukaryota
Supergroup: Opisthokonta
Regnum: Fungi
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lichinomycetes
Ordo: Lichinales
Familia: Lichinaceae
Genus: Lichinella
Species: L. algerica - L. americana - L. applanata - L. cribellifera - L. davidis - L. flexa - L. granulosa - L. heppii - L. hondoana - L. inflata - L. intermedia - L. iodopulchra - L. japonica - L. lojkana - L. mauritanica - L. melamphylla - L. minnesotensis - L. myriospora - L. nigritella - L. polyspora - L. robusta - L. robustoides - L. sinaica - L. stipatula - L. undulata


Lichinella Nyl., 1872

Family: Lichinaceae

Type: Lichinella stipatula Nyl., 1873


* Gonohymenia J. Steiner, 1902


* Nyl., Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, ser. 2, 6: 201 (1872)

* Henssen, A. (1963) Eine Revision der Flechtenfamilien Lichinaceae und Ephebaceae. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 18: 1-123.

* Henssen, A. (1968) Eine neue Lichinella-Art aus Nordamerika (Lichenes). Nova Hedwigia 15: 543-550.

* Henssen, A. (1979 [1980]) Problematik der Gattungsbegrenzung bei den Lichinaceen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 92: 483-506.

* Henssen, A., Büdel, B. and Nash III, T.H. (1985) Three new species of Lichinella described from Mexico. Bryologist 88: 285-292. [1]

* Moreno, P.P. and Egea, J.M. (1992) El género Lichinella Nyl. en el sureste de España y norte de Africa. Cryptogamie, Bryol. Lichénol. 13: 237-259.

* Schultz, M. (2005) An overview of the genus Lichinella in southwestern United States and NW Mexico, and the new species Lichinella granulosa. Bryologist 108: 567-590. [2]

* Schultz, M. (2007) Lichinella (pp. 233-242) In: Nash III, T.H., Gries, C., and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 3. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 567 pages.

* Schultz, M. and Büdel, B. (2002) Key to the genera of the Lichinaceae. Lichenologist 34: 39-62. [3]

* Schultz, M., Arendholz, W.R. and Büdel, B. (2001) Origin and evolution of the lichenized ascomycete order Lichinales: monophyly and systematic relationships inferred from ascus, fruiting body and SSU rDNA evolution. Plant Biology 3: 116-123.

* Steiner, J. (1902) Zweiter Beitrag zur Flechtenflora Algiers. - Verh. K. K. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien 52: 469-487. (Mattick's Literature Index)

* Recent Literature on Lichens and Mattick's Literature Index

Vernacular names
English: Rock licorice; Lichinella lichen

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