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Selaginella martensii

Selaginella martensii - Mexico and Central America

Selaginella martensii

Cladus: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Subdivisio: Lycopodiophyta
Classis: Lycopodiopsida
Ordo: Selaginellales
Familia: Selaginellaceae
Genus: Selaginella
Species: Selaginella martensii

Selaginella martensii (variegated spikemoss, Martens's spike moss) is a lycophyte in the Selaginellaceae family. It is native to Mexico and Central America.


GBIF entry
UniProt entry
NCBI entry
Jakob Schneller, Hans Gerber, and Alex Zuppiger, "Speed and force of spore ejection in Selaginella martensii", Botanica Helvetica, Birkhäuser Basel, Volume 118, Number 1 / June, 2008. ISSN 0253-1453 (Print) 1420-9063 (Online).
JA Jernstedt, EG Cutter, EM Gifford EM, "Angle meristem origin and development in Selaginella martensii", Ann. Bot. 69, pages 351-63. 1992.

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