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Selaginella uliginosa

Selaginella uliginosa (Labill.) Spring

Selaginella uliginosa

Cladus: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Subdivisio: Lycopodiophyta
Classis: Lycopodiopsida
Ordo: Selaginellales
Familia: Selaginellaceae
Genus: Selaginella
Species: Selaginella uliginosa

Selaginella uliginosa is a small perennial plant found in Australia. An ancient and primitive plant, usually under 10 centimetres tall, it is often seen in sunny moist areas. The specific epithet uliginosa is from Latin, referring to the plant's preference to grow in swampy locations.[1]


^ Les Robinson - Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney, ISBN 9780731812110 page 304

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