Fine Art

Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids II
Ordo: Sapindales

Familia: Meliaceae
Subfamilia: Cedreloideae
Genus: Xylocarpus
Species: X. granatum – X. moluccensis – X. rumphii
Source(s) of checklist:

Xylocarpus J.Koenig (1784)

Type species: Xylocarpus granatum J.Koenig


Granatum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 1: 110. 1891, nom. illeg. non Saint-Lager (1880).


König, J.G. 1784: Naturforscher (Halle) 20: 2.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 13233740. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset. Taxon: Xylocarpus. Accessed: 13233740 {{{3}}} {{{4}}}..

Xylocarpus is a genus of plants in the mahogany family (Meliaceae). It includes two[1] or three[2] species of mangroves, native to coastal mangrove forests of the Western and Central Indo-Pacific, from eastern Africa to Tonga.

Xylocarpus is the only mangrove genus in family Meliaceae.

Image Scientific name Distribution
Xylocarpus granatum.jpg Xylocarpus granatum J. Koenig Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique to India, Malaysia, Thailand,, Indonesia, the Philippines, northern Australia and Papua New Guinea
Xyloc moluc 191103-2935 skd.jpg Xylocarpus moluccensis (Lam.) M. Roem. Sundarbans of India and Bangladesh through Mainland Southeast Asia and Malesia to tropical Australia
Xylocarpus rumphii (Kostel.) Mabb. east Africa through tropical Asia to the Philippines, New Guinea, Australia and the Pacific.


"Xylocarpus", NPGS-GRIN database, NPGS
Raju, J. S. S. N. (2003). "Xylocarpus (Meliaceae): A less-known mangrove taxon of the Godavari estuary, India" (PDF). Current Science. Indian Academy of Sciences. 84 (7): 879–881.

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