Fine Art


Active galactic nuclei, C. Seyfert., Seyfert galaxies


2 March 1943 discovery of 1884 Skip


19 March 1943 Birth of Mario J. Molina

6 June 1943 Birth of Richard Errett Smalley

8 June 1943, Death of George Edmund Ensor in Pretoria, South Africa,

28 June 1943 Birth of Klaus von Klitzing

18 August 1943 Death of Maurice Marie Alfred Couette

26 September 1943 Death of Hisashi Kimura in Kanazawa?, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan,

9 October 1943, Death of Pieter Zeeman in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1943 Birth of Donald Johanson

1943 Death of Nikola Tesla

1943 Birth of Michael Victor Penston

1943 Birth of John Madey

Nobel Prize

Physics to Otto Stern "for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton"

Chemistry to George de Hevesy "for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes"

Physiology or Medicine to Henrik Carl Peter Dam "for his discovery of vitamin K" and Edward Adelbert Doisy "for his discovery of the chemical nature of vitamin K"


1942 - 1943 - 1944

Hellenica World - Scientific Library