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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Megaclassis: Osteichthyes
Superclassis/Classis: Actinopterygii
Classis/Subclassis: Actinopteri
Subclassis/Infraclassis: Neopterygii
Infraclassis: Teleostei
Megacohors: Osteoglossocephalai
Supercohors: Clupeocephala
Cohors: Otomorpha
Subcohors: Ostariophysi
Sectio: Otophysa
Ordo: Cypriniformes
Superfamilia: Cobitoidea

Familia: Catostomidae
Subfamiliae: Bubalichthyinae - Catostominae - Cycleptinae - Lagochilinae - Myxocyprininae

Genera: †Amyzon – Carpiodes – Catostomus – Cycleptus – Erimyzon – Hypentelium – Ictiobus – Minytrema – Moxostoma – Myxocyprinus – Thoburnia

Catostomidae Agassiz, 1855

Agassiz, L.; 1855: Art. XII. Synopsis of the ichthyological fauna of the Pacific slope of North America, chiefly from the collections made by the U. S. Expl. Exped. under the command of Captain C. Wilkes, with recent additions and comparisons with eastern types. American Journal of Science and Arts, (Series 2) 19 (55): 71–99. BHL
Chen, W.-J. & Mayden, R.L. 2012. Phylogeny of suckers (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Catostomidae): further evidence of relationships provided by the single-copy nuclear gene IRBP2. Zootaxa 3586: 195–210. Preview PDF Reference page.


Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2006. FishBase, version (02/2006). [1]

Catostomidae is the sucker family of the order Cypriniformes. There are 80 species in this family of freshwater fishes. Catostomidae are found in North America, east central China, and eastern Siberia. They are not usually fished recreationally; they are not highly prized in North America for their flesh although they are a fairly popular target with spear fisherman.

Description and biology

Their mouth is located on the underside of the head (subterminal), with thick, fleshy lips. Most species are less than 60 centimetres (2.0 ft) in length but the largest species can reach 100 centimetres (3.3 ft). They are distinguished from related fish by having a long pharyngeal bone in the throat, containing a single row of teeth.[1]

Catostomids are most often found in rivers but can be found in any freshwater environment. Their food ranges from detritus and bottom dwelling organisms (such as crustaceans and worms), to surface insects and small fishes.

Fossil record

Catostomidae have been uncovered and dated to the Middle Eocene in Colorado and Utah. An enormous gap (36.2 million years) in the fossil record occurs from the Late Eocene to Early Pleistocene[2]

As food

They can be taken by many fishing methods including angling and gigging. Often species such as Catostomus commersonii and Hypentelium nigricans are preferred for eating. They can be canned, smoked or fried, however often small incisions must be made in the flesh (termed "scoring") before frying to allow small internal bones to be palatable. [3]


Family Catostomidae

* Subfamily Catostominae
o Tribe Catostomini
+ Genus Catostomus
# Utah sucker, Catostomus ardens (Jordan & Gilbert, 1881).
# Yaqui Sucker, Catostomus bernardini (Girard, 1856).
# Cahita sucker, Catostomus cahita (Siebert & Minckley, 1986).
# Longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus catostomus (Forster, 1773).
# Jasper longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus lacustris (Bajkov, 1927).
# Desert sucker, Catostomus clarkii (Baird & Girard, 1854).
# Bridgelip sucker, Catostomus columbianus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1893).
# White sucker, Catostomus commersonii (Lacépède, 1803).
# Catostomus conchos (Meek, 1902).
# Bluehead sucker, Catostomus discobolus discobolus (Cope, 1871).
# Zuni bluehead sucker, Catostomus discobolus yarrowi (Cope, 1874).
# Owens sucker, Catostomus fumeiventris (Miller, 1973).
# Sonora sucker, Catostomus insignis (Baird & Girard, 1854).
# Flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis (Baird & Girard, 1853).
# Bavispe sucker, Catostomus leopoldi (Siebert & Minckley, 1986).
# Largescale sucker, Catostomus macrocheilus (Girard, 1856).
# Modoc sucker, Catostomus microps (Rutter, 1908).
# Nazas sucker, Catostomus nebuliferus (Garman, 1881).
# Goose lake sucker, Catostomus occidentalis lacusanserinus (Fowler, 1913).
# Sacramento sucker, Catostomus occidentalis occidentalis Ayres, 1854.
# Mountain sucker, Catostomus platyrhynchus (Cope, 1874).
# Rio Grande sucker, Catostomus plebeius Baird & Girard, 1854.
# Jenny creek sucker, Catostomus rimiculus Gilbert & Snyder, 1898.
# Santa Ana sucker, Catostomus santaanae (Snyder, 1908).
# Klamath Largescale Sucker, Catostomus snyderi Gilbert, 1898.
# Tahoe sucker, Catostomus tahoensis Gill & Jordan, 1878.
# Warner Sucker, Catostomus warnerensis Snyder, 1908.
# Opata sucker, Catostomus wigginsi Herre & Brock, 1936.
+ Genus Chasmistes
# Shortnose sucker, Chasmistes brevirostris Cope, 1879.
# Cui-ui, Chasmistes cujus Cope, 1883.
# Chasmistes fecundus (Cope & Yarrow, 1875).
# June sucker, Chasmistes liorus liorus Jordan, 1878.
# Chasmistes liorus mictus Miller & Smith, 1981.
# Snake River sucker, Chasmistes muriei Miller & Smith, 1981.
+ Genus Deltistes
# †Deltistes ellipticus
# Lost River Sucker, Deltistes luxatus (Cope, 1879).
# †Deltistes owyhee
Deltistes owyhee fossil skull
+ Genus Xyrauchen
# Razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott, 1860).
o Tribe Erimyzoninae
+ Genus Erimyzon
# Creek chubsucker, Erimyzon oblongus (Mitchill, 1814).
# Lake chubsucker, Erimyzon sucetta (Lacépède, 1803).
# Sharpfin chubsucker, Erimyzon tenuis (Agassiz, 1855).
+ Genus Minytrema
# Spotted sucker, Minytrema melanops (Rafinesque, 1820).
o Tribe Thoburniinae
+ Genus Hypentelium
# Alabama hog sucker, Hypentelium etowanum (Jordan, 1877).
# Northern hogsucker, Hypentelium nigricans (Lesueur, 1817).
# Roanoke hog sucker, Hypentelium roanokense Raney & Lachner, 1947.
+ Genus Thoburnia
# Blackfin Sucker, Thoburnia atripinnis (Bailey, 1959).
# Rustyside Sucker, Thoburnia hamiltoni (Raney & Lachner, 1946).
# Torrent sucker, Thoburnia rhothoeca (Thoburn, 1896).
o Tribe Moxostomatini
+ Genus Moxostoma
# Longlip jumprock, Moxostoma albidum (Girard, 1856).
# Silver redhorse, Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque, 1820).
# Bigeye Jumprock, Moxostoma ariommum Robins & Raney, 1956.
# Mexican redhorse, Moxostoma austrinum Bean, 1880.
# Smallmouth redhorse, Moxostoma breviceps (Cope, 1870).
# River redhorse, Moxostoma carinatum (Cope, 1870).
# Blacktip jumprock, Moxostoma cervinum (Cope, 1868).
# Notchlip redhorse, Moxostoma collapsum (Cope, 1870).
# Gray redhorse, Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard, 1854).
# Black redhorse, Moxostoma duquesni (Lesueur, 1817).
# Golden redhorse, Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque, 1818).
# Copper redhorse, Moxostoma hubbsi Legendre, 1952.
# Harelip sucker, Moxostoma lacerum (Jordan & Brayton, 1877).
# Greater jumprock, Moxostoma lachneri Robins & Raney, 1956.
# Shorthead redhorse, Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur, 1817).
# Mascota jumprock, Moxostoma mascotae Regan, 1907.
# V-lip redhorse, Moxostoma pappillosum (Cope, 1870).
# Pealip redhorse, Moxostoma pisolabrum Trautman & Martin, 1951.
# Blacktail redhorse, Moxostoma poecilurum (Jordan, 1877).
# Smallfin redhorse, Moxostoma robustum (Cope, 1870).
# Striped jumprock, Moxostoma rupiscartes Jordan & Jenkins, 1889.
# Greater redhorse, Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan, 1885.
* Subfamily Cycleptinae
o Genus Cycleptus
+ Blue sucker, Cycleptus elongatus (Lesueur, 1817).
+ southeastern blue sucker, Cycleptus meridionalis Burr & Mayden, 1999.
* Subfamily Ictiobinae
o Genus †Amyzon
Amyzon aggregatum fossil specimen
+ †Amyzon aggregatum (Wilson, 1977)
+ †Amyzon brevipinne (Cope, 1894)
+ †Amyzon commune (Cope, 1874)
+ †Amyzon mentale (Cope, 1872)
o Genus Carpiodes
+ River carpsucker, Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque, 1820).
+ Quillback, Carpiodes cyprinus (Lesueur, 1817).
+ Carpiodes dialuzona Van Hasselt, 1823.
+ Highfin carpsucker, Carpiodes velifer (Rafinesque, 1820).
o Genus Ictiobus
+ Smallmouth buffalo, Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque, 1818).
+ Bigmouth buffalo, Ictiobus cyprinellus (Valenciennes, 1844).
+ Fleshylip buffalo, Ictiobus labiosus (Meek, 1904).
+ Usumacinta buffalo, Ictiobus meridionalis (Burr & Mayden, 1999).
+ Black buffalo, Ictiobus Niger (Rafinesque, 1819).
* Subfamily Myxocyprininae
o Genus Myxocyprinus
+ Chinese sucker, Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Bleeker, 1865).


1. ^ Banister, Keith F. (1998). Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N.. ed. Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. p. 100. ISBN 0-12-547665-5.
2. ^ Paleobiology database.
3. ^

* Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2006). "Catostomidae" in FishBase. February 2006 version.
* Bruner, John Clay 1991. Comments on the Genus Amyzon (Family Catostomidae) Journal of Paleontology 654:678-686

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