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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: ParaHoxozoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Classis: Insecta
Subclassis: Monocondylia
Ordo: Archaeognatha

Familia: †Dasyleptidae
Ichnogenus: Tonganoxichnus
Ichnospecies: T. buildexensis – T. ottawensis – T. robledoensis

[list of ichnospecies after Engel (2009: 41, table 1)]


†Tonganoxichnus Mángano, Buatois, Maples & Lanier, 1997


Braddy, S.J.; Briggs, D.E. 2002: New Lower Permian nonmarine arthropod trace fossils from New Mexico and South Africa. Journal of paleontology, 76(3): 546–557.
Engel, M.S. 2009: A new Lower Permian bristletail from the Wellington Formation in Kansas (Archaeognatha: Dasyleptidae). Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 112: 40–44.
Mángano, M.G.; Buatois, L.A.; Maples, C.G.; Lanier, W.P. 1997: Tonganoxichnus, a new insect trace from the Upper Carboniferous of eastern Kansas. Lethaia, 30: 113–125.



Tomoxia is a genus of beetles in the family Mordellidae, containing the following species:[1]

Tomoxia abrupta Ray, 1944
Tomoxia albonotata Maeklin, 1875
Tomoxia alboscutella Ermisch, 1955
Tomoxia albosuturalis Pic, 1924
Tomoxia anotata Ray, 1949
Tomoxia antipodes Ray, 1930
Tomoxia auratonotata Ray, 1936
Tomoxia binotata Ray, 1939
Tomoxia borealis (LeConte, 1862)
Tomoxia brevipennis Ray, 1939
Tomoxia bucephala (Costa, 1854)
Tomoxia carinata Smith, 1883
Tomoxia contracta Champion, 1891
Tomoxia diversimaculata Ray, 1930
Tomoxia exoleta Lea, 1917
Tomoxia fascifera (LeConte, 1878)
Tomoxia fiebrigi Ray, 1939
Tomoxia flavicans Waterhouse, 1878
Tomoxia formosana Chûjô, 1935
Tomoxia howensis Lea, 1917
Tomoxia inclusa LeConte, 1862
Tomoxia innotata Píc, 1924
Tomoxia intermedia Ray, 1930
Tomoxia interrupta Champion, 1891
Tomoxia inundata Wickham, 1914
Tomoxia latenotata Píc, 1924
Tomoxia laticeps Lea, 1895
Tomoxia laticollis Píc, 1936
Tomoxia latipalpis Ray, 1946
Tomoxia lineaticollis Píc, 1933
Tomoxia lineella LeConte, 1862
Tomoxia maculicollis Lea, 1902
Tomoxia melanura Lea, 1917
Tomoxia melasoma Lea, 1917
Tomoxia multilineata Pic, 1936
Tomoxia muriniceps Sharp, 1883
Tomoxia obliquialba Lea, 1925
Tomoxia paulonotata Pic, 1936
Tomoxia philippinensis Ray, 1930
Tomoxia picicolo Ermisch, 1949
Tomoxia psotai Ray, 1936
Tomoxia relicta Takakuwa, 1985
Tomoxia ryukyuana Takakuwa, 1985
Tomoxia serricornis Ray, 1939
Tomoxia serval (Say, 1835)
Tomoxia sexlineata Lea, 1895
Tomoxia similaris Nomura, 1967
Tomoxia spinifer Champion, 1891
Tomoxia suboblongifera Lea, 1931
Tomoxia subsuturalis Píc, 1936
Tomoxia undulata (Melsheimer, 1846)
Tomoxia xenicornis Ray, 1944


Mordellidae Species List at Joel Hallan’s Biology Catalog. Texas A&M University, archived from the original on 7 October 2014, retrieved 8 August 2015

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