Fine Art


Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: ParaHoxozoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Chelicerata
Classis: Arachnida
Subclassis: Acari
Superordo: Acariformes
Ordo: Oribatida
Subordo (6): Brachypylina - Enarthronota - Holosomata - Mixonomata - Palaeosomata - Parhyposomata


Oribatida Dugès, 1833

Niedbała, W. & Ermilov, S.G. 2015. New species and records of ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) from Cuba. Zootaxa 4052(1): 135–142. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4052.1.8 Preview (PDF). Reference page.
Norton, R.A.; Ermilov, S.G. 2014: Catalogue and historical overview of juvenile instars of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). Zootaxa 3833(1): 1–132. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3833.1.1 Reference page.
Schatz, H. et al. 2011. Suborder Oribatida van der Hammen, 1968. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (ed.) 2011: Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa 3148: 141–148. ISBN 978-1-86977-849-1 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-86977-850-7 (online edition) PDF.

Additional references

Akrami, M.A. 2015: An annotated checklist of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of Iran. Zootaxa 3963(4): 451–501. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3963.4.1. Preview (PDF) Reference page.
Arroyo, J., O'Connell, T. & Bolger, T. 2017. Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) recorded from Ireland: Catalogue, historical records, species habitats and geographical distribution, combinations, variations and synonyms. Zootaxa 432(1): 1–174. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.432.1.1. Reference page.
Balogh, J. 1972. The oribatid genera of the world. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. [not seen]
Colloff, M.J. & Halliday, R.B. 1998. Oribatid mites: a catalogue of the Australian genera and species. Melbourne: CSIRO Publications.
Ermilov, S.G. 2015. A list of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of Vietnam. ZooKeys 546: 61–85. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.546.6188 Full article. Reference page.
Ermilov, S.G. et al. 2012. Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of Ethiopia. Zootaxa 3208: 27–40. Preview (PDF).
Fischer, B.M.; Schatz, H. 2013: Biodiversity of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) along an altitudinal gradient in the Central Alps. Zootaxa 3626(4): 429–454. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3626.4.2 Reference page.
Franke, K. 2005. Oribatida Nr. 36. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 5 (2): 4–24. PDF.
Franke, K. 2006. Oribatida Nr. 37. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 6 (2): 4–21. PDF.
Franke, K. 2007. Oribatida Nr. 38. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 7 (2): 1–20. PDF.
Franke, K. 2008. Oribatida Nr. 39. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 8 (2): 1–24. PDF.
Fredes, N.A. 2018. Catalogue of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Argentina. Zootaxa 4406(1): 1–190. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4406.1.1 Reference page.
Hammer, M. 1966: Investigations on the oribatid fauna of New Zealand. Part I. Biologiske skrifter 15(2): 1–108. [Hammer PDF].Reference page.
Hammer, M. 1967. Investigations on the oribatid fauna of New Zealand. Part II. Biologiske skrifter 15(4): 1–64. PDF. Reference page.
Hammer, M. 1968. Investigations on the oribatid fauna of New Zealand with a comparison between the oribatid fauna of New Zealand and that of the Andes Mountains, South America. Part III. Biologiske Skrifter 16(2): 1–96. PDF. Reference page.
Kun, M.E., Martínez, P.A. & Gonzalez, A. 2010. Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Austrocedrus chilensis and Nothofagus forests of Northwestern Patagonia (Argentina). Zootaxa 2548: 22–42. Preview (PDF).
Lebedeva, N.V.; Poltavskaya, M.P. 2013: Oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of plain area of the Southern European Russia. Zootaxa 3709(2): 101–133. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3709.2.1 Reference page.
Luxton, M. 1985. Cryptostigmata (Arachnida: Acari) – a concise review. Fauna of New Zealand (7). Online.
Luxton, M. 1995. A new genus of oribatid mite from Ascension Island (Acari: Oribatida). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 41(2): 131–136.
Mahunka, S. 1994. Two new galumnid species (Acari: Oribatida) from Thailand. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 40(4): 351–357.
Mahunka, S. 1995. New oribatids (Acari: Oribatida) from Thailand. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 41(2): 137–145.
Maraun, M., Heethoff, M., Schneider, K., Scheu, S., Weigmann, G., Cianciolo, J., Thomas, R. & Norton, R. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari): evidence for multiple radiations of parthenogenetic lineages. Experimental and applied acarology 33: 183–201. DOI: 10.1023/B:APPA.0000032956.60108.6d
Migliorini, M. 2009. Oribatid mite (Arachnida: Oribatida) coenoses from SW Sardinia. Pp. 8–37 in Cerretti, P., Mason, F., Minelli, A., Nardi, G. & Whitmore, D. (eds), Research on the terrestrial arthropods of Sardinia (Italy). Zootaxa 2318: 1–602. Abstract & excerpt PDF.
Murvanidze, M. & Mumladze, L. 2016. Annotated checklist of Georgian oribatid mites. Zootaxa 4089(1): 1–81. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4089.1.1 Reference page.
Niedbała, W. & Liu, D. 2018. Catalogue of ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) of the world. Zootaxa 4393(1): 1–238. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4393.1.1 Reference page.
Norton, R.A.; Behan-Pelletier, V.M. 2009: Chapter fifteen. Suborder Oribatida. Pp. 430-564 in: Krantz, G.W.; Walter, D.E. (eds) A manual of acarology. Third edition. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock Texas.
Oliveira, A.R., Argolo, P.S., de Moraes, G.J., Norton, R.A. & Schatz, H. 2017. A checklist of the oribatid mite species (Acari: Oribatida) of Brazil. Zootaxa 4245(1): 1–89. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4245.1.1. Reference page.
Ruiz, É.V., Rizzuto, S. & Martínez, P.A. 2018. New records of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Argentina. Zootaxa 4370(2): 194–200. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4370.2.8 Reference page.
Ruiz, É.V., Romano, G.M. & Morrone, J.J. 2016. Track analysis of Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of the Subantarctic subregion of South America. Zootaxa 4127(2): 383–392. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4127.2.10. Reference page.
Ryabinin, N.A., Liu, D., Gao, M-X. & Wu, D-H. 2018. Checklist of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of the Russian Far East and Northeast of China. Zootaxa 4472(2): 201–234. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4472.2.1 Paywall Reference page.
Schatz, H. 2018. Catalogue of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from South Tyrol (Prov. Bolzano, Italy). Zootaxa 4435(1): 1–89. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4435.1.1 Open access PDF Reference page.
Schatz, H., Behan-Pelletier, V.M., OConnor, B.M. & Norton, R.A. 2011. Suborder Oribatida van der Hammen, 1968. Pp 141–148 In Zhang, Z.-Q. (ed.) 2011. Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa 3148: 1–237. Open access. Reference page. . Full article (PDF) Reference page.
Schwalbe, T. 2001. Oribatologica Nr. 32. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 1 (2): 3–22. PDF.
Schwalbe, T.; Franke, K. 2002: Oribatologica Nr. 33. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 2(2): 5–19. PDF.
Schwalbe, T.; Franke, K. 2003: Oribatida Nr. 34. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 3(2): 3–24. PDF.
Schwalbe, T.; Franke, K. 2004: Oribatida Nr. 35. ACARI Bibliographia Acarologica 4(2): 1–22. PDF.
Subías Esteban, L.S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60(número extraordinario): 3–305. Abstract and PDF. Electronic update (PDF). Reference page.
Weigmann, G. 2001. The body segmentation of oribatid mites from a phylogenetic perspective. Pp. 43–49 in Halliday, R.B., Walter, D.E., Proctor, H.C., Norton, R.A. & Colloff, M.J. (eds.) Acarology: proceedings of the 10th International Congress. CSIRO publishing, Melbourne, Australia.


Subías Esteban, L.S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60(número extraordinario): 3–305. Abstract and PDF. Electronic update (PDF). Reference page.

Vernacular names
Deutsch: Hornmilben
English: Beetle Mites

Oribatida (formerly Cryptostigmata), also known as oribatid mites, moss mites or beetle mites,[1] are an order of mites, in the "chewing Acariformes" clade Sarcoptiformes. They range in size from 0.2 to 1.4 millimetres (0.008 to 0.055 in).[1] There are currently 12,000 species that have been identified, but researchers estimate that there may be anywhere from 60,000 to 120,000 total species.[2] Oribatid mites are by far the most prevalent of all arthropods in forest soils, and are essential for breaking down organic detritus and distributing fungi.[3]

Oribatid mites generally have low metabolic rates, slow development and low fecundity.[1] Species are iteroparous with adults living a relatively long time; for example, estimates of development time from egg to adult vary from several months to two years in temperate forest soils.[1] Oribatid mites have six active instars: prelarva, larva, three nymphal instars and the adult.[1] All these stages after the prelarva feed on a wide variety of material including living and dead plant and fungal material, lichens and carrion; some are predatory, but none is parasitic and feeding habits may differ between immatures and adults of the same species. Many species have a mineralized exoskeleton.[4][5]

The Oribatida are of economic importance as hosts of various tapeworm species, and by increasing the breakdown of organic material in the soil, in a similar manner to earthworms.[6]

Many species of oribatid mites require extremely specific habitats, resulting in large diversity within the order due to the many niches they evolve to. Some species are especially suited to dry conditions, or on bare lichen covered rocks, but that largest section of Oribatida prefers the moist forest floor and its accompanying litter. There are a small number of species who have evolved to live on aquatic plants, often spending the majority of their life submersed underwater.[7]

In contrast to the commonly held view that parthenogenetic lineages are short lived, four species-rich parthenogenetic clusters of the order Oribatida are very ancient and likely arose 400-300 million years ago.[8]

The order Oribatida is divided into the following taxa:[9]

Palaeosomata Grandjean, 1969

Acaronychoidea Grandjean, 1932 (6 genera)

Acaronychidae Grandjean, 1932

Palaeacaroidea Grandjean, 1932 (8 genera)

Palaeacaridae Grandjean, 1932

Parhyposomata Balogh & Mahunka, 1979

Parhypochthonioidea Grandjean, 1969 (3 genera)

Parhypochthoniidae Grandjean, 1969
Gehypochthoniidae Strenzke, 1963
Elliptochthoniidae Norton, 1975

Enarthronota Grandjean, 1947

Hypochthonoidea Berlese, 1910 (c. 8 genera)

Hypochthoniidae Berlese, 1910
Eniochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
Arborichthoniidae Balogh & Balogh, 1992

Brachychthonoidea Thor, 1934 (c. 11 genera)

Brachychthoniidae Thor, 1934

Cosmochthonioidea Grandjean, 1947 (c. 14 genera)

Cosmochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
Heterochthoniidae Grandjean, 1954
Haplochthoniidae Hammen, 1959
Pediculochelidae Lavoipierre, 1946
Sphaerochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947

Atopochthonioidea Grandjean, 1949 (3 genera)

Atopochthoniidae Grandjean, 1949
Pterochthoniidae Grandjean, 1950
Phyllochthoniidae Travé, 1967

Protoplophoroidea Ewing, 1917 (c. 7 genera)

Protoplophoridae Ewing, 1917

Mixonomata Grandjean, 1969

Dichosomata Balogh & Mahunka, 1979

Nehypochthonioidea Norton & Metz, 1980

Nehypochthoniidae Norton & Metz, 1980

Perlohmannioidea Grandjean, 1954

Perlohmaniidae Grandjean, 1954
Collohmanniidae Grandjean, 1958

Eulohmannioidea Grandjean, 1931

Eulohmanniidae Grandjean, 1931

Epilohmannioidea Oudemans, 1923

Epilohmanniidae Oudemans, 1923

Lohmannioidea Berlese, 1916

Lohmanniidae Berlese, 1916

Euptyctima Grandjean, 1967

Mesoplophoroidea Ewing, 1917

Mesoplophoridae Ewing, 1917

Euphthiracaroidea Jacot, 1930

Oribotritiidae Grandjean, 1954
Euphthiracaridae Jacot, 1930
Synichotritiidae Walker, 1965

Phthiracaroidea Perty, 1841

Phthiracaridae Perty, 1841
Steganacaridae Niedbała, 1986

Holosomata Grandjean, 1969

Crotonioidea Thorell, 1876

Thrypochthoniidae Willmann, 1931
Malaconothridae Berlese, 1916
Nothridae Berlese, 1896
Camisiidae Oudemans, 1900
Crotoniidae Thorell, 1876

Nanhermannioidea Sellnick, 1928

Nanhermanniidae Sellnick, 1928

Hermannioidea Sellnick, 1928

Hermanniidae Sellnick, 1928

Brachypylina Hull, 1918

Pycnonoticae Grandjean, 1954

Hermannielloidea Grandjean, 1934 (2 families)
Neoliodoidea Sellnick, 1928 (1 family)
Plateremaeoidea Trägårdh, 1926 (4 families)
Gymnodamaeoidea Grandjean, 1954 (2 families)
Damaeoidea Berlese, 1896 (1 family)
Polypterozetoidea Grandjean, 1959 (2 families)
Cepheoidea Berlese, 1896 (7 families)
Charassobatoidea Grandjean, 1958 (3 families)
Microzetoidea Grandjean, 1936 (1 family)
Zetorchestoidea Michael, 1898 (1 family)
Gustavioidea Oudemans, 1900 (8 families)
Eremaeoidea Oudemans, 1900 (4 families)
Amerobelboidea Grandjean, 1954 (10 families)
Eremelloidea Balogh, 1961 (7 families)
Oppioidea Sellnick, 1937 (12 families)
Trizetoidea Ewing, 1917 (6 families)
Otocepheoidea Balogh, 1961 (4 families)
Carabodoidea Koch, 1837 (3 families)
Tectocepheoidea Grandjean, 1954 (2 families)
Hydrozetoidea Grandjean, 1954 (1 family)
Ameronothroidea Willmann, 1931 (3 families)
Cymbaeremaeoidea Sellnick, 1928 (3 families)

Poronoticae Grandjean, 1954

Licneremaeoidea Grandjean, 1931 (6 families)
Phenopelopoidea Petrunkevitch, 1955 (1 family)
Unduloribatoidea Kunst, 1971 (3 families)
Limnozetoidea Thor, 1937 (2 families)
Achipterioidea Thor, 1929 (2 families)
Oribatelloidea Jacot, 1925 (3 families)
Ceratozetoidea Jacot, 1925 (5 families)
Zetomotrichoidea Grandjean, 1934 (1 family)
Oripodoidea Jacot, 1925 (19 families)
Galumnoidea Jacot, 1925 (3 families)

See also

iconArthropods portal

Archegozetes longisetosus
Conoppia palmicinctum


Marjorie A. Hoy (2008). "Soil mites". In John L. Capinera (ed.). Encyclopedia of Entomology, Volume 1 (2nd ed.). Springer. pp. 3463–3466. ISBN 978-1-4020-6242-1.
Schatz, Heinrich; Behan-Pelletier, Valerie (2008), Global diversity of oribatids (Oribatida: Acari: Arachnida), Developments in Hydrobiology, vol. 198, Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, pp. 323–328, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8259-7_35, ISBN 978-1-4020-8258-0, retrieved 2020-12-01
Subías, Luis S. (2004-12-31). "Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758-2002)". Graellsia. 60 (Extra): 3–305. doi:10.3989/graellsia.2004.v60.iextra.218. ISSN 1989-953X.
Walter, David Evans; Proctor, Heather C. (2013-10-08). Mites: Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour: Life at a Microscale. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-94-007-7164-2.
Norton, Roy A.; Behan-Pelletier, Valerie M. (June 1991). "Calcium carbonate and calcium oxalate as cuticular hardening agents in oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida)". Canadian Journal of Zoology. 69 (6): 1504–1511. doi:10.1139/z91-210.
Edward W. Baker & G. W. Wharton (1952). "Oribatei Dugès, 1833". An Introduction to Acarology. New York: Macmillan. pp. 387–438.
SCHATZ, HEINRICH (2020-05-27). "Catalogue of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Vorarlberg (Austria)". Zootaxa. 4783 (1): zootaxa.4783.1.1. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4783.1.1. ISSN 1175-5334. PMID 33056509. S2CID 219739139.
Pachl, Patrick; Uusitalo, Matti; Scheu, Stefan; Schaefer, Ina; Maraun, Mark (January 2021). "Repeated convergent evolution of parthenogenesis in Acariformes (Acari)". Ecology and Evolution. 11 (1): 321–337. doi:10.1002/ece3.7047. PMC 7790623. PMID 33437432.

Luis S. Subías (2007). "Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes: Oribatida) del mundo (Excepto fósiles)" [Systematic and biogeographic list, with synonymies, of the oribatid mites (Acariformes: Oribatida) of the world (excluding fossils)] (PDF) (in Spanish). Archived from the original (PDF) on July 6, 2012. Retrieved January 5, 2008.

Further reading
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Oribatida.

Krantz, G. W. (1978). A Manual of Acarology (2nd ed.). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. ISBN 978-0-88246-064-2.
Halliday, R. B.; D. E. Walter; H. C. Proctor; R. A. Norton; M. J. Colloff, eds. (2001). Acarology, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. pp. 1–960. ISBN 0-643-06658-6.
Walter, D. E. & H. C. Proctor (2001). Mites in Soil, An interactive key to mites and other soil microarthropods. ABRS Identification Series. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-06790-5.
Woolley, Tyler A. (1988). Acarology: Mites and Human Welfare. New York, NY: Wiley Interscience. ISBN 978-0-471-04168-9.
Niedbala, Wojciech (1992). Phthiracaroidea (Acari, Oribatida): Systematic Studies. Warsaw, Poland: PWN + Elsevier. ISBN 978-8-301-09740-0.


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